
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · 漫画同人
100 Chs


Sif remained silent for several seconds, as she bit her rosy red lips, with her white teeth. Finally, with some courage, she said, "Yes."

He whispered, "You look so beautiful. You are just like 16-year-old schoolgirls, who have just graduated from high school, and want to experience the world." His compliment wasn't being greedy; as he focused on her rosy lips, he just wanted to bite them.

"Thank you, Ben," she said, as her tears finally ceased, and she finally accepted that Thor was not made of her, and she needed to move forward.

As she starts becoming sober, of course, as she is an Asgardian. Now her pain is completely poured out of her body, and she starts smiling. But before she can do something more, something unexpected happens to her.

Not being able to control himself anymore, Ben finally bit down on those rosy lips. Afterwards, he pushed his tongue inside her mouth. Sif was literally shocked, but then she accepted it and let him in.

After the kiss, "I think you have nearly wasted your thousand years of life, as even till now you are still a virgin. Your Sacred Forest has never been explored. It's time to explore it." Ben said as his hands started doing some mischief and went to Sif's most private places.

Sif was literally shocked after hearing it, but as she saw Ben staring into her eyes. "Ben, you can do whatever you want. I don't know what's happening to me, but my soul is screaming for you to follow your every command. I think we both share something unique."

Sif finally accepted it and was ready to become Ben's. As her 1000-year-old virginity was about to be lost. She had always thought that this virginity belonged to Thor, but now she was going to give it to Ben.

Ben, touched by her words, "Sif, I didn't expect any of this, but I feel it too. We share something unique." Then he carried her towards the bed.

He leaned towards her, and ready to kiss her, but instead of simply kissing her, he whispered, "Before we start, it may comfort you to know that whomever took my dragon to the Sacred Forest, they will forever be mine."

She gave him a little peck on the cheek, then nodded, and waited for Ben's lips. When Ben pressed his lips to hers, things became a little foggy; her brilliant mind clouded, and she became overwhelmed by being kissed.

Overwhelmed by how soft it was, how good it felt, how despite the fact that he didn't try sticking his tongue down her throat.

Gently caressing her face and speaking softly, he said, "You will be begging for me to ravage you, after your first time. And I promise, you will be mine forever." She started unbuttoning his shirt without saying anything in return.

This was Sif's first time with a man. The warrior woman gently rested her head on his shoulder as she enjoyed this sign of affection.

Ben felt Sif's soft lips, and soft body in general, pressed against his own. As he removed her red dress, which was covered with silver plates, he realized just how soft she truly was.

It was not the first time Ben had thought such a thing, nor would it likely be the last. This was the time to concentrate on conquering the latest kingdom, the perfect warrior woman who was Sif.

As the night continued, the connection between Sif and Ben deepened in a way that neither of them had expected.

As the night continued, the connection between Sif and Ben deepened in a way that neither of them had expected. In their shared vulnerability, they found a passionate and profound connection, and they allowed their emotions to guide them into a night of intense and unexpected intimacy.

In the aftermath of their unexpected and passionate connection, Sif found herself in a new role. She felt a deep bond with Ben, one that went beyond mere attraction or affection. It was as if they had been drawn together by fate.

Sif, her voice filled with warmth, said, "Ben, I have never felt such a connection with anyone before. You've become not just my lover, but my King. My King, as you can see, I love you. I want to belong to you forever. From now on, I can proudly say to anyone. I am Sif Tennyson, Queen of Ben Tennyson."

She was unaware she carried within her the result of their passionate night – a life that would bridge their worlds.

Sif was caressing the face of Ben, since she was going to live with this face till her death. This was the face of her King. As she could still remember her blissful moments.

And the best proof was both Sif and Ben were in each others' arms, totally nude, and the red blood on the bed sheet was making her constantly reminded that from now on she did not only belong to herself.

Now Ben had the right over every inch of her body. Her juicy oranges for Ben's milking. Her rosy lips for Ben's bites.

Her black hairs for Ben's playing. Her stomach, thighs, back for Ben's caressing. Her feet and hands for Ben's catching. Her sacred and nether places for Ben's pounding. She was now totally Ben's personal property to do as he pleased.

As they talked, Sif revealed her Asgardian heritage, explaining that she had the potential for a lifespan of thousands of years.

"I've lived only a small fraction of my life; I have so much more of it left to live. Now I want you to live the same long life as me. So I will find a potion from Odin-Allfather, so you may also live a long life."

Sif said as she was caressing his face, and looking into his eyes. She knew Odin loved her as his daughter, so she believed her wish would be granted.

Ben smiled and said, "As you wish, Sif." He didn't tell her he was also an immortal now; he wanted to reveal this to her, but since she wanted to do something for him, he accepted it.

As the morning sun bathed their room with gentle light, Ben and Sif faced a new day. Sif had made her decision to join Ben and fully devote herself to him, but it came with a requirement – she needed the permission of the Asgardian King.

"Ben, I'll need to seek Odin The All father's permission to leave Asgard. It's a necessary step," Sif explained about her situation.

Ben nodded with understanding, "I respect that, Sif. I will wait for you."

The night turned into day, Thor was prepared to return back to Asgard, and have a conversation with the Asgardian King.

But unknown to them, in the hall of Asgard, Loki, the God of Mischief, overheard their conversations.

And when Sif, Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral revealed that Odin was still alive to Thor. Loki's eyes narrowed with anger. The news of Odin's survival had been hidden from Thor, but now it was revealed by the Warrior Three.

And when he heard Thor decided to return back to Earth, it ignited a fire within Loki – a blaze fueled by both his innate jealousy and an unwavering determination to thwart Thor's return to the throne.

"The time has come to take the drastic measures," Loki mused, his expression transforming from wavering to resolute determination.

Then Loki woke up the mighty Destroyer, an indomitable and merciless guardian forged with the power to annihilate any who dared cross its path. The summoned guardian materialized with an imposing presence, its metallic form gleaming ominously.

"Destroyer, Thor and his companions should not be allowed to leave New Mexico alive," Loki gives his commands, and then sends the Destroyer on the Earth.

Loki, driven by his complex emotions and unquenchable thirst for power, prepared to unleash the destructive force of the formidable Destroyer upon his brother and his allies.


Agent Phil Coulson was really tired, when he noticed the appearance of the same magical light appearing in New Jersey.

"First Iron Man, then Hulk, then Mysterious Hammer, and now coming something more. Don't know when it's going to end," He muttered, then he ordered his team, "Guys, follow me." And with his team he goes, where the Bifrost is open.

As the Bifrost once again tore through the sky, the Asgardian Destroyer appeared from it. Phil Coulson and his dedicated team of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D stood in awe near the colossal metallic entity.

"Sir, what is this? Is this Iron Man's new suit," One of the guards asked Phil Coulson.

"I don't know, Tony didn't tell me which suit he was making," Coulson said, then he turned towards the Destroyer, "Tony, is that you or your new suit? What's going on in this world?" he quipped, half-expecting a witty response from Tony Stark.

However, instead of giving any response, the Destroyer's mask started to open, "Now, we will find who is inside of it," Coulson said, he was ready to witness who is driving this suit.

But instead of revealing his face, the Destroyer fired a beam on them.

"Guys, run," He commanded, and escaped from the beam. His team was also saved, with their timely escape. But they were ready to face the next attack.

But this time, the Destroyer was not focused on them, and it soared towards find Thor and his companions, leaving them behind.

"What is this new problem?" Coulson muttered, before connecting the call to his boss Nick Fury.

"Sir, some new things have appeared in New Jersey, it was like the suit of Tony, but more dangerous than him," Coulson explained.

"What?" For the first time, Nick Fury has become shocked, after hearing this.


Meanwhile, Thor and his friends, even Ben, were joined for breakfast. Thor and his friends were telling their many adventures, which they have experienced, and their courage to fight for everything.

But Ben's focus was not on the conversation, his focus was on the Sif. Since both were seated beside each other, they were talking with each other.

While Ben with his hands, serve the food to Sif. And Sif is doing the same, she serves the food to Ben.

And at the same time, Ben touched and rubbed her legs, which caused her to blush. But, she also did not take a step back, she put her hand into his pants.

And started rubbing his Dragon. While with one hand she serves him food. With another hand, she started giving him a handjob.

Although not everything, but their lovey-dovey expression. Serving food to each other, even their shared kiss was seen by the Thor, Warrior Three, Jane, Darry and Erik. But no one interrupted them.

Ben's mood started awoken, and then he picked up the Sif from her seat, and settled her in his laps. She was shocked for a few seconds, but still she cooperated with him, and settled in his lap.

She feels his Dragon, even wearing the clothes. Ben hands, entered in her clothes, and started playing with her bosom. While his other hands, going to undressed her from downside, so he can fucked her.

But suddenly, everyone was interrupted, hearing the shout and screaming of the people.

Sif quickly adjusted back her meshed up clothes, and stood up from his lap. Thor and his friends also stood up from lunch, and even Jane and his team came out with them, to see what was happening.

When they came out, they were visited by the scene of a metallic giant releasing destructive rays from his place of face. And destroying everything which comes his way.

"What is this?" Jane asked in confusion.

"He is the Destroyer," Thor revealed the name of metallic colossus, but he was also confused, "Why did the brother send him here?"

"Thor, Loki has sent the Destroyer to kill you, you hide from here, we can take care of him," Fandral said, and with Hogun and Volstagg.

"Ben, hide yourself somewhere, leave this to me, I will not let him harm you and even your hair," Jane said, before she also confronted the formidable adversary.

If you find anything uninteresting, you can suggest it to me.


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