
Journey Of Ben Tennyson

This Is The Story Of Ben Tennyson. He has become bored of his life in the Omnitrix Multiverse. And then he decided to travel to different Multiverse. But there is a surprise waiting for him, because there he is going to faced many situations. Will he able to overcome the situation, for k knowing it, please read it. This Is The My Story, which is little bit linked to Beginning of Multiverse Saga.

Sharky_Monster · 漫画同人
100 Chs

Ben 1000 Secret

"We are heroes; we will never accept defeat!" Ben shouted. Then, addressing the other Bens and Gwen, he said, "Whoever has Alien X, transform into it and follow me. The rest of Ben and Gwen, take some rest."

Ben 100 transformed into Alien X, stating, "Of course, we will never accept defeat." Ultimate Ben activated the Alien X power, seamlessly taking over without any need for a physical transformation.

"Hubby, take some rest," Gwen 900 advised Ben 900 as she transformed into Alien X.

"Young Ben, sorry, but you can't join the fight since you don't have Alien X," Ben 23 explained as he transformed into Alien X.

"It looks like we also can't participate in this," Ben 10000 remarked to Gwen 10, as neither of them had Alien X. Due to the Biomnitrix limitation, Ben 10000 couldn't transform into a single Alien.

"It's okay; we can take this time to recover from our injuries," Gwen 10 said. She has also Alien X, however, her Alien X was locked, and she needed her Universe's Ben Tennyson to unlock it. Unfortunately, her Universe's Ben had passed away due to an incident involving the Omnitrix and Anodite powers.

The incident occurred when Gwen found the Omnitrix and transformed into ten different aliens. Ben, fueled by a desire to prove himself as a superhero, activated the dormant Anodite powers within him by chance.

Gwen 10 and Ben 10 developed a complex love-hate relationship, constantly bickering and competing to demonstrate superiority.

Despite their feelings for each other, their egos often overshadowed their love, leading to displays of animosity. In an attempt to show Gwen 10 that he was stronger, Ben 10 tapped into a stronger form of Anodite powers, surpassing any activation witnessed before.

This power even surpassed that of their grandmother, Verdona, who belonged to the Anodite species. Initially, Ben 10 was elated, proudly showcasing his newfound abilities.

However, his joy was short-lived. Despite accessing the most potent powers in the universe, Ben 10 found himself unable to control them.

Before Gwen 10, Max Tennyson, and Verdona could intervene or offer assistance, Ben 10 was engulfed by the overwhelming energies. In an instant, he was blasted into the energies, disappearing and subsequently erased from the Gwen 10 Universe.

The unexpected turn left those present in shock and confusion, realizing the consequences of Ben 10's attempt to harness the immense Anodite powers.

And especially left a lasting mark on Gwen 10's life. Even though she never explicitly expressed or showed her care for Ben 10, her heart always belonged to him. The absence of Ben 10 created a void in her life, and she started living a sad existence. She concealed her pain behind a cheerful facade, but the longing for Ben 10 was a constant presence in her life.

As a routine part of her life, Gwen 10 would transform into Clockwork, travel back in time, and from a distance, observe Ben 10, hiding her true emotions. The loss of Ben 10 cast a shadow over Gwen 10's world, and she continued to carry the weight of that sorrow within her.

Meanwhile back on the battle, Ben, Gwen 900, and Ben 23 transformed into their powerful Alien X forms, joining forces with Ultimate Ben, who wielded the potent abilities of Alien X. Together, they faced the formidable Ben 1000 in his own Alien X form for the fourth round.

"Let's find out who's truly stronger," Ben declared, teleporting behind Ben 1000 and attempting an attack. However, Ben 1000 effortlessly caught him with just one hand.

Ultimate Ben joined the assault, shouting, "I'm in on this too!" But, much like Ben, he was easily captured by Ben 1000 with another hand.

"We're not missing this party," Gwen 900 and Ben 23 united in their attack, but before they could reach Ben 1000, he halted them mid-air using his Telekinesis.

Perplexed, Tennyson's family and the rest of the Bens questioned, "How is Ben 1000's Alien X form stronger than the others?" The situation seemed unbelievable.

"I'll explain," Suddenly, Professor Paradox materialized in front of the Tennyson family, poised to provide insight.

While Ben 1000 with his sheer physical power, he slammed Ben and Ultimate Ben into each other, then repeated the brutal maneuver with Gwen 900 and Ben 23. He sent Ben and Ultimate Ben crashing into Gwen 900 and Ben 23. The sheer display of power indicated that Ben 1000 was significantly more formidable than the rest left everyone astounded.

Ben 1000 relentlessly pummeled Ben, Ultimate Ben, Ben 23, and Gwen 900.

Professor Paradox materialized a screen, revealing the events that led to Ben 1000's newfound strength. Everyone focused on the display.

Where Ben 1000 crossed over to the Bad Ben Universe, while Bad Ben was engaged in his routine of tormenting Bellwood's people with his girlfriend, Julie Yamamoto. Though not physically harmful, Bad Ben's sadistic personality revealed in tormenting others.

Upon spotting Ben 1000, Bad Ben, with a maniacal laugh, questioned, "Which Ben are you? If you're bad, we're partners; if you're good, it'll be more fun." Bad Ben transformed into NRG.

"I don't like to waste time," Ben 1000 responded, transforming into Alien X. He easily captured Bad Ben with telekinesis and repeatedly slammed him into the ground, causing NRG to revert back into Bad Ben.

"Goodbye," Ben 1000 said, casually taking the Omnitrix from Bad Ben, leaving him in tears. The people of Bellwood, realizing Bad Ben no longer had the Omnitrix, sought revenge, unleashing their pent-up emotions on him and running after him.

However, amidst the chaos, Eon materialized in front of Bad Ben, saving both him and Julie Yamamoto from the people's rage.

Professor Paradox continued showing the unfolding events of Ben 1000. After taking control of Bad Ben Omnitrix, Ben 1000 transformed into Upgrade and merged both Omnitrix into one.

"Now, I am stronger than before. I will come for Celestialsapiens," Ben 1000 laughed. Transforming into Alien X, he headed to the Forge of Creation, engaging in a fierce battle with Celestialsapiens. Despite his enhanced strength, the sheer numbers of Celestialsapiens overwhelmed and defeated him. So he again chose the same steps.

Opening a portal, Ben 1000 is transported to Albedo's planet, where Albedo has acquired the Omnitrix. Deep in thought about how to conquer the Galvan Planet, Albedo was surprised to find Ben 1000 standing before him.

"Which Ben are you? And why are you here?" Albedo questioned with a puzzled look.

"I need your watch," Ben 1000 declared. Before even Albedo could activate his Omnitrix, Ben 1000, utilizing his Anodite's powers, restrained both of Albedo's hands.

"You're useless. You don't deserve this Omnitrix," Ben 1000 mocked, seizing control of Albedo's Omnitrix. Opening a portal, he departed, leaving behind a despairing Albedo with tears in his eyes.

"But I won't stop here. I'll create my own Omnitrix," Albedo vowed, determined to forge his path forward and again he will stand back.

Again with the same routine, Ben 1000, utilizing Upgrade alien, merged Albedo's Omnitrix with his own. "Now, let's see who's stronger," he declared, folding his hands into fists.

Returning to the Forge of Creation, he once again faced the Celestialsapiens in his Alien X form. Despite his increased strength, he was able to beat the 50 Celestialsapiens alone, but the overwhelming number of Celestialsapiens proved insurmountable.

Following the same pattern, he traveled to the Zombie Universe. There, he witnesses Benzarro and Charmcaster Dracula torturing the humans.

Ben 1000, fueled by his anger and disdain for Zombies, Undeads, Dracula, and Demons, wasted no time. With an energy vortex and time waves, he obliterated the entire universe, including the Zombietrix, without a second thought.

"This plague being wasted my time," Ben 1000 commented as he opened a portal to another universe.

The destruction left the Tennyson family in shock. "He was so cruel, breaking the command not to kill unless it was the last option," Ben 900 remarked.

"Yeah, except for Annihilarrgh, this is the first time I've seen someone destroy a universe," Ben 10000 added.

Gwen 10, offering a different perspective, said, "It's okay, guys. This universe was filled only with Vampires, Undeads, Zombies, and Demons." Having lost her Ben, she had grown accustomed to different Ben' actions, even those considered evil.

"No, Gwen, that's incorrect. There were normal people too," Young Ben corrected Gwen 10's perspective.

On the battlefield, despite Ben 1000's overpowering strength, Ben, Gwen 900, Ben 23, and Ultimate Ben persisted in their fight, each transformed into Alien X. However, the outcome remained consistent—they were continuously beaten by Ben 1000.

"Professor Paradox, keep showing us what Ben 1000 did after destroying the Zombie Universe," Max Tennyson requested, and everyone concurred.

"Of course," Professor Paradox nodded, then he resumed the display, showcasing the events of Ben 1000 after leaving the Zombie Universe.

Ben 1000 transported himself to the Nega Universe, where Nega Ben and Elena Valadis were touring Bellwood. Nega Ben displayed disdain and a nonchalant attitude toward others, even when confronted by Ben 1000, he has a nonchalant attitude.

"I need your Omnitrix," Ben 1000 declared, capturing Nega Ben and taking his Negatrix before opening a portal to transport himself.

Elena, shocked, shook Nega Ben. "Ben, are you awake? He has taken over your Negatrix," she exclaimed.

"Whatever, I don't care. As long as you're with me," Nega Ben responded, giving Elena a kiss before they continued their tour of Bellwood.

Ben 1000 repeated the process, merging the Negatrix with his own. Once more, he traveled to the Celestialsapiens' home, the Forge of Creation, even stronger than before. Now able to easily defeat 80 Celestialsapiens, but he still found himself overwhelmed by their sheer numbers. Defeated, he transported himself to another universe.

In the Mad Universe, Ben 1000 found himself facing Mad Ben, who was once again ruling with an iron fist, forcing people to dig for rare rocks and subjecting them to torture.

"Keep working, or Boss Mad Ben will get even madder!" shouted Mad Pakmar, beating Mad Rook with a stick.

Noticing Ben 1000 appeared in front of him, Mad Ben questioned, "Which Ben are you? It doesn't matter; you're under my command now."

Unfazed, Ben 1000, in Alien X form, commanded, "I don't want to get in the middle of your childish actions. Give me your watch, or I'll leave you alone."

Mad Ben, angered by the comment, transformed into Alien X as well. "You think my actions are childish? I'll show you true madness!" he shouted, attacking Ben 1000.

"You're just an idiot," Ben retorted, catching Mad Ben with one hand and relentlessly slamming him into the ground until he reverted back to Mad Ben from Alien X.

In awe, Mad Ben asked, "How can you be so much stronger?" His slaves and men went into hiding, witnessing the unexpected turn of events.

"You can't even imagine how much stronger I was," Ben commented as he extracted the Power Watch from Mad Ben, opening a portal and leaving the powerless Mad Ben behind.

Enraged, Mad Ben shouted, "How can you take over my Power Watch? I will take revenge!" Despite his threats, Mad Ben remained helpless and powerless.

Mad Rook and the other slaves, now freed, celebrated. "Hooray, we are free!" they shouted, abandoning the digging equipment and fleeing from the mountain.

Taking charge, Mad Rook and some of the liberated slaves apprehended Mad Ben, along with Mad Pakmar, the guards, and Dr. Psychobos.

"What are you doing?" Mad Ben protested as he was captured. "How dare you! I swear I'll take revenge on all of you, especially Ben 1000, who took my Power Watch. You haven't seen my real madness!" Despite his protests, he was sent to prison.

Meanwhile, Ben 1000 repeated his actions, merging the Power Watch with his Omnitrix, heading to the Forge of Creation, and engaging in battle with Celestialsapiens. Though he could now defeat 100 Celestialsapiens, he was once again forced back by their sheer numbers.

Undeterred, Ben 1000 didn't lose hope and opened a new portal. This time, he entered the Prime Universe.

Observing a wedding ceremony in progress and Gwen about to get married, he chose not to disturb the event. However, upon noticing Ben 10000, Ben 23, Ultimate Ben, Young Ben, Ben, Gwen 900, and Gwen 10 coming into the wedding with their Omnitrixes, he became elated.

His goal was clear: acquire the seven additional Omnitrixes to become even stronger. With these, he believed he could defeat all of the Celestialsapiens, and revive back his Gwen.

Finally I removed the many extra word, and I have removed atleast 1k words from this chapter.

If anyone still find, some place needs to be removed or describe, please suggest me, I always believe in the suggestion.

Thanks all of you for your love and support.


Sharky_Monstercreators' thoughts