
Dog magic?

While i was doing my routinly escape from the hell i call the crib i found Golva the dog or wolf thing? Still don't know what it is but when i saw him something interesting happened. When he runned the ground shaked by the turmoil of what i guess is his magic being used on the stone riddled ground. sometimes shooting them towards 'Father'. Is he some kind of adrenaline junky? Well after some time i started seeing a kind of blue fog combined with Golva's breath.

Shortly after he covered the ground in sharp spikes protruding from the ground, i guess that was magic... 'How the hell does a dog learn magic' was the first thought that came forward and thus my expectations of my own selv plummeded.

'Why can't i learn magic a DOG knows it a DOG why cruel world'. While i was having a mental breakdown over the dog it approaced me and licked me... Dogs are adorable still the best animal being loyal and not selfish like cats. Dogs are the best animals in my opppin... ohh it walked away...

Well anyways how the dog did that i can ask father im around 6 months that's when most infants learn to speak, probably. Either way worth a try. I can't belive ill have to use a child voice.

"daddy" i ask my father while im filled with the hatred of being 6 months old.

"ohh what is it Light, you want something". He says in a condesending voice.

"how does Daddy make fire" i ask while my lingering regret and hatred consume me. 'im going to beat him up when im older'.

"sure my little boi" he says while showing me what i guess whould be a paper explaining how it works.

To be honest my Father is not that smart. He is teaching me how to make fire... FIRE! HE IS TEACHING A 6 MONTH OLD CHILD VERY DANGEREOUS AND MOST LIKELY LETHAL FIRE MAGIC!!! Well atleast i understood it and can now use flare except i can't, because each time i try to use magic i can't. How do i even use mana its seems simple i can even see an interact with it but i can't use it. I wonder when i should be able to form it into the special shape my father used.

After this thought train i wandered about to see things outside, it looks kinda the same as earth but some stuff is different. Different plantlife, bugs and animal. Ive still not found any thing other than the dog thing Golva, who is dashing towards me. He jumps? When i look where Golva jumped i see a animal with spikes protruding from its head and looking the most like a hyena.

'Did golva just kill that' i think while looking at golva eating the carcass of the hyena

"Gross" why did he eat it its blood is not even red

im back, for now

random_mtcreators' thoughts