Jorgun woke up, he was hugging his new personal Ax.
He strolled through the ghost town, basking in the glory of his triumph, although it was pretty easy since the only real fighting force was a guard.
Doing some stretches, Jorgun began training with his Ax, for he knew that numbers could still kill him, but what he was most worried about is ranged weaponry, he would have to get close or flee far enough for it to not matter.
So Jorgun spent 3 days training with his Ax, getting his food from the overpopulation of horned rabbits and water from the local well
'Hmm, let's see my progress, Scroll show me my skill progress'
[Uncommon - Passive - Ax Mastery - Proficient 67% => 75%]
[Common - Active - Overhead Strike - Proficient 6% => 21%]
[Uncommon - Active - Shout - Beginner 5% => 46%]
"It seems combat gets me more progress than training," Jorgun said.
Jorgun was walking through the forest, searching for some bunnies for dinner, he noticed some people were marching through the forest, he approached them, but when he saw that one of them was plated, he forgot about killing them.
Jorgun kept getting close, the other party also noticed him, they eyed him warily.
Jorgun observed some peculiar things about this group of people, they were 3 men and 2 women, which by itself is weird, what was even weirder was that the two women wore robes, one red and the other white, the red one had an iron staff in hand, tipped with a red gem, the white one had a wooden staff with a white crystal on top.
Jorgun greed raged inside of him, such precious gemstones he only heard in tales, but one look at the men, he forgot of any intention of robbing them, One of the men wore a dark cloak, his eyes scanning him like a viper.
The other men were an archer and a two-meter tall armored giant, he exuded a ferocious aura, like those of many veteran warriors.
They eventually crossed paths, Jorgun looked at them with sharp glint, ready to flee or fight to the death, he knew that he will not win, his instincts told him so, Instincts that helped him countless times before.
"Hello, traveler, We adventures of Oluim city, are looking for a village that we lost communication with, would you know any incidents or monster infestation that would cause a loss of connection." The archer greeted him, but he could tell they were also ready for a confrontation if he made a wrong move.
"Sorry I'm from another village, although I've seen some smoke rising near the location of the village, I didn't dare get closer." Jorgun sneakily made his hand over his Ax, his heart pumping faster and faster.
The red women whispered to the archer, that made him smile, he looked at me, Jorgun knew at that moment, he had to flee.
The giant hoisted a shield over his hand and began charging, the dark-cloaked man was right behind him with a dagger tipped with a blue liquid, the archer nocked an arrow on a longbow, the two women started to chant in an unknown language.
'Great, an archer, and some crazy women.' Jorgun didn't want them to know of his skill set, he retreated for the forest, dodging between trees to confuse the archer, the giant was slow, but the rogue behind him was getting closer.
Not even 5 seconds later, his instincts were screaming to him, he looked back only to see an arrow heading straight to his face, with quick reflexes, he avoided getting an arrow in his face, but it still hit the shoulder, making his left arm unusable for the rest of the battle.
Continuing to run, the rogue kept chasing, fortunately for him, he was getting closer to some rocky hills, but the distance was still huge, he looked back, only to duck, the rogue was about to stab his dagger into his back, making a decision, Jorgun turned around and making a wide swing with his only arm left, the rogue dodged, although he didn't expect Jorgun making an overhead swing even though the reach of the Ax wasn't close enough.
The rogue eyes widened, with an inhuman speed he put his arms above his head and ducked at the same time, the strike had a lot of force behind it, but the cloak the rogue wore seemed to dissipate a major part of it, the Ax only inflicted a bone-deep injury.
The rogue quickly backed away, Jorgun looked behind him to see that his group are promptly catching up. Jorgun made a quick escape to the rocky hills, using his every muscle to escape the expert party of adventures.
When Jorgun reached the rock formation, he hid between the rocks, running while looking for ambushing spots, but to his dismay, the adventuring party was even warier, they did not even enter the rock formation, but instead waited for the red women to finish her chanting.
Jorgun's instincts started warning him about weird chanting, he swiftly ran as far away as possible from the group, he only got far away before 10 fireballs the sizes of a horse bombarded the rock formation, Jorgun got hit with the residual heat, his back presumably injured from the burns, but he still escaped in one piece, he ran towards the mountains, not even looking back at the sorcery those women used, he was scared of such mysterious power.
Only after 30 minutes of running did Jorgun eventually reach the mountains, he did not stop, only going deeper and deeper into the mountains, luckily, he didn't encounter any monsters, and he found a cave for him to rest in.
Jorgun breathed heavily, he pulled out the arrow sticking out of his shoulder, he wrapped the wound with some rags.
Jorgun laid on his stomach, his back still hurt from the heat, exhaustion brought him to unconsciousness.
In the adventurer guild of Oluim city, A new quest was issued out.
A man was spotted near the remains of a village, 32 people killed, the children were not spared, and the women raped then killed.
The suspect was injured in the shoulder, possible burns on the body, Adventurer Team Forter failed to kill him.
Adventurer Team Ranked C or above
Adventurer Ranked B or above
12 gold, +6 gold if captured alive.