
Jojo System in RWBY

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A Jojo fan somehow got transmigrated into another world more specifcally into the world of RWBY. Huntsman, Huntresses, Grimm, Faunus, White Fang, and terrorist organization all over the planet of Remnant and with him the Jojo Bizarre System... He will Ora Ora or Muda Muda his way throught whatever comes... even if the MC doesn't know the plot of the show as he never seen RWBY before. "Yare yare daze."

Jovami6729 · 漫画同人
25 Chs

Chapter 7: Courage (2)

~Third POV~

A loud screeching sound was heard in the distance as a young Ren was sleeping until the sound of Grimm awakens him alerted just as An is rushing into his room alerting him, "Lie, get up. We have to go. Now, right now, okay? Let's go!"

An grabbing his arm and pulling him up as Ren was confused and tired they both went towards the kitchen beyond Ren's bedroom…


That was when the outer door bursts inward as a heavily-breathing Li enters harmed as he was shown making him question why they're still at home, "An, what are you doing?! We need to hurry!"

In quick concern and hope of reassurance, An began to reply to him about the safehouse, "We can go to the safehouse!"

However, the reality was cruel as Li shook his head at this as he began to tell her as his face pales remembering what he saw in a grim tone, "No. I saw the beast. We need a Huntsman. And you two need to leave."

The creature sounds, loud and ominous, causing all three to look up at the ceiling and walls in alarm as it shakes scaring Ren. An gets down to her knees to make eye contact with Ren as she speaks to him, "It's OK, darling. Everything's OK."


That was when they heard a screeching sound from the distance now going further away from their home as they also heard another voice challenging the Grimm then 500 more voices were heard from the outside as one.

"Tch! Y'all can't do anything against [Harvest] seeing it's been whooping your sorry Grimm asses... Want proof? Absolute proof? I'll give you proof! Come out [Harvest]!"

"Hee hee!"

Li hearing this sees that one of the hunters is trying to fight at this as he hurries his wife holding Ren as he spoke to them seriously, "Hurry An! We have to hurry or else we would be next please think of Ren!"

An flinches at this but did as she was told as they hurry to see the outside An sees nothing, Ren only a few silhouettes that are purple but not a clear picture, but Li on the other hand is shocked seeing a lot of blurs or a mass of colored energy like a ghost. But he could faintly see some figure but not clear enough as his eyes were somewhere else.

He saw the Grimm Nuckelavee as his heart pounded in fear as the horse was rushing towards Soul as he had his 500 units of [Harvest] at the ready as he sees him suddenly vanish from sight as he saw the blurs holding him was gone…


That was when Li saw the figures were holding on to Soul as he finally noticed a frail girl in his hands as he looked worried but then saw his direction as he went towards him, "Yo! Your one of the hunters right what the hell is happening at the safe house!"

Returning to his senses again Li shakes his head as he concerns himself as he gave the news to Soul of what happened as he expresses a grim expression. Soul looks at Nora holding her as he sighs out a breath as he spoke to Li, "Tell me hunter can you take care of this girl for you if I handle the Nuckelavee? I can buy you time for you and your family to escape as I'll keep the Grimm distracted."

Li hearing this would refute but before he could he turns to his family expressing fear then Li looks at the ground as he clenches his fist as he was a family man and his duty of being a hunter to his home.


Shoving the girl Nora to him surprising the two Soul expressed a serious but determined face as he spoke to him honestly, "Worry about your family safety first. You can't have your son grow up without a father, now can you? And please I'll focus better with Nora out of the way to give everyone a chance to escape. Including you so don't waste your chance."

Before Li could do anything to reply he held onto the scared girl and looked at Ren with the same expression on his face as Soul words go through his head. Clenching his teeth and tears running off his face he began to agree with himself, "Tch. Very well Atlesian – No Soul Silver… My family and this girl will remember this name and be indebted to your sacrifice…"

With that Li took Nora as he made sure to keep his family safe rearming himself with his arrows as they began to leave seeing Soul Silver fighting the Nuckelavee returning to face a large amount of aura that is [Harvest] coming towards him…

~Soul POV~

Returning myself to the scene of the charging reject the little pony I used [Harvest] to have me move around the building like spiderman wall climbing except using my stand in place of it. Good thing I left Nora in their hands as I don't think I would be able to fight this good with my stand.

Moving around or I guess wall-crawling around with [Harvest] makes thinks very easy to avoid the ramming charge. Wait no it suddenly stopped, and the top part began to spasm up as… don't have a heart attack whirling its arms?

But it seems- my eyes widen at this as I see-



That was when the damn thing stretched its arms and stopped in its tracks even smiling at me as it was trying to touch me. Fucking bastard…

Calming my nerves at this I began to give commands of my orders to [Harvest] going to attack the great classic of my world when battling against bugs, "[Harvest] harvest the Grimm to pieces with rip and tear at once! Some of the units inhale strong Sake from the store and inject it into the Nuckelavee! 100 units stay by and defend me!"

"Hee hee!"

They followed as 400 of the units left and the other 100 with me began to move me away as I see the Nuckelavee stare at the 400 units of them as they all began to attack. Like ants going towards the enemy and beginning to viscously attack with all of their might.

Like piranhas fighting over a piece of meat turning it to scrapes kind of situation but that Grimm isn't going down –




Just like that the situation turned bad for worse as this damn thing just called for back up I see a lot more are coming! Can Grimm even call for backup or is it just that this one can call them like the Founding Titan!

I call total bullshit on this! I call hax as these Grimm are supposed to be dumb according to the world… right forgot the fictional world and fictional bullshit. Try to remember that these things aren't as dumb as they seem.



Just narrowly avoiding a god damn feather shot from piercing me but thanks to [Harvest] allowed me to avoid the attack with its Speed: B. Thank goodness that an A rank is near or is the speed of light.

Even if it's Speed: B it's still very fast to get avoided being hit thank god for inconsistencies with Stand bullshit powers. Never thought the one thing I argued about not having the correct powers would one day save my ass.

Thank DIO Hirohiko Akira.

Narrowly avoiding another feather strike from the bird I need to take cover soon but I also have to view how the fight is going. Glancing at the Nuckelavee as it bangs away from the [Harvest] units away from its body as it grunts as the imp portion of the body gets more pissed.


That was when my situation even got more pissed off.

When enraged, the spikes on its spine lengthened, as did its horns, its pupils became vertical slits, and its mouth opened completely. Ok, it's starting to look more nightmarish by the second great.



And to make matters worse from the scene the [Harvest] units are getting destroyed in the process. Fucking hell it's completely stomping them like insects. Now, this is starting to get worse if the situation doesn't change soon…

It's time to unleash the greatest technique passed down to the Joestar line in generations…

Running away like a sissy.

With some misses aimed after my life, I think no know I bit off more than I can chew here thinking I had this under control. I was so far off the mark on that one that it's funny looking at my mistakes and very lucky to be alive as I'm pushing my luck as it is.

I know running away I could give some time for myself to escape from this mess. But when is there another chance to get another powerful stand like [Justice] along with its abilities? Then again though…


"Found it!"

Looking to see more crow-like Grimm is coming and seeing that my [Harvest] came back in time and finished injecting the alcohol sake from the store I look at my odds as the Nuckelavee is destroying my [Harvest] units and –


Tapping my head I began to feel the damage that my Stand [Harvest] have been doing as I see blood beginning to drip from my forehead I see the issue, "Fuck. Now my [Harvest] must have lost more than enough units for me to start to feel damage again. Damn it!"

Damn it and I was so close!



I only have one life and I'm not going to fuck it up thinking I'm so special because I have a system. This is real life and I'm willing to put myself through this?

Yeah… I think the idiot train left the building.

Seeing that Nuckelavee was getting stronger and me getting soon to be surrounded by all fronts… I guess I have to cut my losses here even if I wanted to get the chance to get a powerful Stand, I'll have to make do for what I have now.

Regret filling my heart knowing I can't get [Justice] not like this not at the risk of my own life like this. I'm too weak to do anything about it but at the very least though I distracted a lot of the Grimm for Nora and that guy family to leave to safety.

At least I can have the reassurance that my appearance made a difference for them to live. Now I just have to live long enough to see it with a serious tone of my voice at my command, "Tch. As much as I hate to do this, I need to be alive to regret anything. [Harvest] immediate retreat! Fast pace away from Kuroyuri!"

"Hee hee!"

With that, they began to drag me away from the fight as I couldn't risk having the chance to die from a surrounding tactic even though some of the units injected the strong alcohol of Sake within them as I grab out some Fire Dust crystals that the units found.


Such a waste of valuable items. Glancing over to the hoard of Grimm now approaching me from behind I gave out my command as I got ready to chuck the damn Fire Dust and ready my revolver, "Sigh… there goes my chance to get a powerful stand. Oh well, there are better options next time. Units with the strong Sake soak our tracks!"

"Hee hee!"


They began to squirt the strong alcohol sake on the ground as I ready the Fire Dust as I ready my revolver…





Note to be very careful of the recoil damage of the revolver I almost broke my hand!

But it did give the desired effect of seeing the fire dust ignited as the trail of strong alcohol Sake burst open with fire now sprouting from the area of where the Sake was. The Grimm are going towards it getting burned from the fire as some stop.

The further I leave from the area the less I see the damn birds following me with the [Harvest] units continuing to transport me away from the area. Sigh… yare yare daze.

Life is truly unfair for the courageous ones.


A/N: The MC finally realized what he should've done in the first place and chose not to fight but run knowing the odds that the Nuckelavee was too strong for him to defeat. If he stayed any longer then he will have died to the Grimm attack. Not a way to go out. But luckily he lives to fight for another day as they say.

A/N Extra: If you guys were wondering how Grimm can harm the MC he has his stand units destroyed to get the amounted damage lessened but is now coming back to deal actual damage to him. Also thank you for the idea of having Huntsmen be able to see their silhouettes or blurs if mastered and people without aura awakened can't see Stands.