
Jim Phoenal

Jim Phoenal, who has recently became a adventurer. Everybody doesn't except him to change the world. The story is about a 15 year old boy and his journeys

Sparkz27 · 奇幻
29 Chs

Chapter 3

Jim looked at the old man, " Hello Mr. John, I am fine. I like to eat the regular ." "Okay, boy." Jim sit on the chair and look around the room. He see people, who usually came to the shop and some adventurer seen in the guild today. Mr. John came with a bowl of soup and give it to Jim. " How is your uncle doing?" Mr. John asked. " He said he will come next week." Jim replied.

Suddenly, two people in white armour entered the room. The room filled with sudden silence. Jim thought they were high ranked adventurer who like to wear expensive armour. But when he saw symbol on the armour, he know that they were not adventurer. Mr. John go to them and speak politely to them ," What do you need, Sir?"

They ordered some food and after finishing it, they money on the table and left the place. Mr. John collected the cash and go to the cashier place. He went where Jim place, " How was the food.boy!"

" Very delicious. Mr. John , how much." replied Jim. "20 Nars" Jim take 2 copper coin marked as 2 and give it to the old man and asked "Mr. John, who were they?" Mr. John replied, " they were the "order of knights"."

Jim remember the explanation of the order of knight by his uncle. The order of knights were regiment of knights under the command of the "Temple of Light" which governs the continent. They were respected by people everywhere. Every person tries to get in the order. But barely 5 person in hundreds get in the order with extraordinary talents. The order main objective is maintain order and peace throughout the land.

"Boy, I heard that you passed the adventurer exam."

" Mm, Yes" Jim replied.

"Congrats, boy." Mr. John looking at Jim, " What is your first quest?"

Jim explained about the quest to Mr. John. "Hm, that wierd that thing never come out of the forest. Anyway be careful, boy." He left the shop.

Jim walk through the street and reached his house. He open the door and went into the house. Jim think about tomorrow quest.

Terror bird is a bird beast, it has strong leg which help it to run fast but it cannot fly. Terror birds live in group and don't came out of the forest. Jim think usual as Mr. John said as it came out of the forest.


Loton town street



The two knights left Mr. John's shop. The first knight, " Finally we arrived here." "Ah! Yes" replied the second knight.

"We should find a inn to rest today. Can you locate the place. Gerg? "

"We should not use our power irresponsibly. That is rule of the order." Greg replied.

" Oh man, come on " Mike stopped. He know that Greg will not listen to him. He wish his first mission was with someone who is more sociable. Mike asked a passerby about the location of the inn. They reached the inn.

Greg and Mike entered the inn. Mike went to the counter. The innkeeper speak to him politely, "What can I do for you, sir?"

"We need two room for tonight, how much is it?" Mike replied.

"100 Nars, sir" Mike gave a silver coin marked with 1 to innkeeper. The innkeeper show the way to their room.

They entered their perspective room. Mike put his sword and armour on stand that was arranged on a corner of the room. He lied down on bed and thoughts came into his mind.



Next morning



Jim wake up from his bed. He slept early than usual so that he can get early. He done all his morning necessities and left the house. First, he went to Mr. John place to have a breakfast and he went place where his first quest was to take place.

Mike was wake up by the sound of someone. When open his eye he saw Greg in his full armour. Mike get up from his bed and say good morning to Greg. "Good Morning" replied Greg. Mike went to bathroom to take a shower and wear his full armour. They went out of the inn. They went to yesterday's restaurant to eat food. After eating the food went to the Eralin Forest which is located at the northeast of the town for their first mission.