
James The bodyguard

Those 30 years, those blue eyes and that sexy and mysterious look were enough to keep the family business and to attract Hannah. And there would have been something between them ... if it wasn't for him, Mr James, the villa's bodyguard, capable to reverse Hannah 's plans.

EmaOqu · 现代言情
37 Chs

21~ It makes sense to me

I look around as if I am being watched, and then hurry to adjust my high-waisted skirt,

but so tight that sooner or later I'll throw up on the ground.

I open the door to Gordon's office, hoping that his son has already gone to his company.

I feel so anxious that I need to speak to the only person who supports me, even if he has more important and serious business to think about, rather than console me, which my parents haven't been able to do.

I dressed in such a way that I realized for the first time that I look good in the place of a snubbed and full of haughtiness woman, so elegant that I amazed myself when I watched my reflection in the

mirror, so much that I didn't even have the courage to chat with my reflection.

But, as thrilled as I am, my mother's words repeat in my head and the fact she doesn't Ike Edward hurts me a little bit.

"Can I disturb you?" - I ask, but I already know that my presence could only be unwelcome, even if the old man raises his head with a smile already painted on his face, as if he had recognized me by my voice or awaited my arrival.

"Not at all." - he denies, shaking his head slowly, and then resumes running his eyes on a large volume

of pages placed on his desk.

His gaze was enough for me to understand that my mother anticipated me.

"That woman is Gordon Ramsay himself!" - I say between my teeth, but my uncle raises his head again with

a confused expression as I decide to slowly approach and try to keep my balance on the high heels tapping the floor until I take a seat.

"What?" - he asks curiously, but I just click my tongue on the palate.

"My parents called, didn't they?" - I ask ironically, throwing my head back as soon as he nods

at my words.

Maybe even Gordon surrendered to the proposal he made me. I'm sure mu mother has already invited him to the dinner.

"I'm sorry, uncle. I didn't want to put you in this position. "- I lower my eyes to his hand grabbing the pen on the table, while I curse my mother for being so obsessed with knowing everything that

I combine and get to know every person around me.

Gordon shrugs and assumes a neutral expression that partly astonishes me to the point of frowning

my forehead, not understanding why he is so calm.

"If you really care about my son ..." -I straighten my back and then lean it against the back of the swivel chair,

but I don't let him finish that suddenly it comes out of my mouth:

"Yes!" - which makes him smile.

«... then we will find a solution.» - he concludes satisfied.

"Edward believes that my parents live in Greece." - I point out to make him understand that I could not

bring him to meet my parents, who shouldn't even be able to speak English.

"We will find someone to replace him." - I jerk my head up at the words of the man in front of me, who for the

first time it seems to me he said something nonsense.

"Replace him?" - I tilt my head in his direction, leaning my torso forward until the elbows rest on the

glossy desk wood.

"And we will make your mother believe that he is my son." - he raises his arms in mid-air, as if he

just found a reasonable solution to my problem.

I stare at him across the table with my lips pressed together and blinking several times at his


When I realize he's serious, I lower my eyebrows and put on a confused expression, starting to evaluate

his words carefully.

"She saw me in a photo with him." - I remember after a couple of seconds aloud, clicking my tongue at the

palate at the exact moment when Gordon's advice was beginning to excite me.

The man in front of me makes a sorry grimace, suddenly becoming perplexed, so he tries to open his mouth and console me, but I cut him off before he can do that:

"Uncle, I knew it was not a good idea." - I rest my forehead on the palm of my hand to call myself an idiot


"Edward will find out who I really am." - I continue to complain, even pushed by the silence

of Gordon, as I think of the humiliating moment when Edward will yell at me to pack up and come back

at Coumpton.

«Hannah.» - he tilts his head with an expression full of compassion, but whatever he is about to

say, I know that between me and Edward everything will end before he can even reciprocate what I feel for him.

I snort loudly, interrupting Gordon for the umpteenth time and getting up from the resigned chair.

"It won't last long." - I whisper to myself, as I raise one hand in the air to greet the man on the other

side of the desk.

"I will try to postpone your mother's dinner as much as possible." -the uncle breaks the silence as soon as I turn my shoulders to him.

I nod to his words without turning around, only to approach the door and leave much less enthusiastic than

as I was when I entered.

It would have been better not to go back to my parents' house this weekend.

It would have been better

stay locked up in my room.

As soon as I start to go down the stairs, so distracted that I risk falling several times, my cell vibrates

between my fingers, a sign of the arrival of a message on my cell phone.

I stop in the middle of the stairs annoyed, as if I expect to receive some bad news, since

lately I seem to be more unfortunate than Winnie the Pooh's donkey and I do nothing but

cause trouble, especially since I decided to pretend to be a model with Greek origins.

As soon as I notice that there are two messages, I leave the one sent by an unknown number

and open my eyes when I realize that the second message is from Edward.

I hurry to click on the message box and read the words typed by him, while my heart begins

to beat crazy:

*Hannah, I have sent my driver to your address. James will be with you too, to make sure journalists won't stop you at the entrance of the company. I am waiting for you.

PS. Do not argue. I know you care about your independence, but today is your first day at work and you have to

be perfect. *

My expression changes from electrified to annoyed when I read that arrogant man's name on the


Instagram: ema_8570