
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · 奇幻
37 Chs

Chapter 23: Dominate

In class 2-A students can be seen talking to one another, paper planes can be seen flying between students, out of all the students, two stand out, one with deep blue hair and dark skin with the aura of a panther eyeing its prey, the other is a 6ft tall student with purple hair, he was quite still barely moving if it wasn't for his hand moving from his pocket to his mouth one could suspect that he was dead like the other student he gave off an aura but his was one of a sloth. "Bang" the door is slammed open quieting all the students who quickly stop what they're doing, the only ones that continue are the dark blue-haired and the purple-haired.

The teacher calmly walks in and puts his stuff on his table, "Settle down everyone, Murasakibara I've told you to not eat in my class again and Aomine stop staring at everyone like that" the teacher says to the students but Murasakibara seems to ignore him and keep eating, Aomine simply closes his eyes, the teacher sees that Murasakibara keeps eating and just gives up with a look of resignation appearing on his face, "Okay" he says under his breath "We have a couple of new students, treat them well and help down around school, come in" the teacher says to the class and says the end to the door, this gets the students to start talking about who the new students are. "Is it a girl?" a student says "Nah it obviously it's a boy" another student says, "I wonder if they're hot" some say

The door opens and Jack walks into the classroom smiling, his brother Dev also comes in with his head down, and finally his brother Arthur walks through with his face in a book. "Hello my name is Jackson, these are my brothers Devion and Arthur," Jackson says as he points to his brother behind him, the students tare at them until they erupt "OMY GOODNESS THEY'RE SO CUTE" the girls scream out, "how are they so fit especially devion and how did Arthur get so tall"the boys talk between themselves "how come his eyes are closed," someone says but is drowned out by everyone else the boys talk between themselves, "Settle down! you boys can take any empty seat you find," the teacher says to the three brothers. As the brothers walk to their seats Jackson glances at Murasakibara and Aomine and slightly opens his eyes revealing a clear blue iris but it's quickly closed back.

"BRTTTTTTTTTT" the bell rings signaling the student's lunch break, the teacher quickly gets out as student's leave the classroom to get to the canteen, other students quickly clamor to the three new students asking them questions, most of the guys rush to Devion asking him a question about his physique and hairstyle among the guys is Aomine who comes towards Devion and Asks "HEY YOU PLAY BASKETBALL!?" "I play some basketball but I'm not so-" Devion is quickly cut off by Aomine who excitingly

"Alright then let's play after school, oh yeah my name Aomine and I'm on the basketball team, let's play during practice make sure you bring your brother Arthur" Aomine walks away and the lazy giant Murasakibara stands and looks at the other giant Arthur.

Arthur sensing someone staring at him lowers his book and stares back at Murasakibara, as the two giants the girls go crazy at how hot it is, the guys get exciting anticipating a fight to begin, in all this Jackson is surprisingly being left alone like he doesn't exist, he smiles at how people act with his brother and how his brother's act "Time to dominate," Jackson says as he opens both his eyes revealing two beautiful clear blue irises the smile that he usually has turn into a frown, an aura appears around making him look like some emperor his shadow extends revealing a man with swords but all of it disappears as if it never exsited, Jackson closes his eyes and his usual smile returns.

"Squeak, Squeak, Squeak" the squeaking of sneakers against the gymnasium can be heard as players run back and forth. The three brothers come in and as expected they show no change of emotions, Jackson smile stays the same not wavering at all, Devion is the only one with a change of emotion with the smile he had before disappearing and Arthur's face is hidden by the iron man comic he was reading. "Hey what are you here for" someone calls out to the brother who stood still after entering the court, "Oh yeah, we're looking for the head coach," Jackson says to the basketball player "Oh uh coach Matsuoka should be over there" the basketball player points to a black-haired man talking to a brown-haired man as he looked at player play.

"Excuse me, Mr. Matsuoka, is it possible for me and my brother to join the team?" Jackson taps Matsuoka on the back to gain his attention and asks him the question, Matsuoka turns around confused about who was calling him, and sees Jackson and his brothers, "We're not accepting any more basketball players" Matsuoka says politely to the brother expecting them to leave but to his surprise, Jackson says

"Oh, we don't need to be players we just want to join the team, we want to help Tekio win more championships, so we were hoping to be trainers," Jackson says and Matsuoka starts frowning 'Trainer, this kid just said they wanted to be trainers, don't they know who Tekio is are they even good enough to be bench player," Matsuoka thinks in his mind. Matsuoka was about to say something but was interrupted by Aomine "HEY ARTHUR YOU MADE IT AND YOU BROUGHT YOUR BROTHER, LET'S START PLAYING!!" Aomine yells to Devion, Matsuoka was bout to tell Aomine he couldn't play during practice but was stopped by Sanada.

Aomine reaches the brother and starts walking with devion to play a game of basketball, the rest of GOM look to see who Aomine was excited to play and see a red-headed player with a wild hairstyle the all subconsciously think 'of course who else could play except another version of him' the all watch interested in the match, "he's as tall as Murasakibara" Kise points at Arthur while looking at Murasakibara who was just eating his snacks, "Let's a 2v2" Devion Suggests to Aomien who instantly disagrees, "Nah let's do a 1v1" Aomine says, "Alright fine" Devion says,

"first to ten wins" Devionsays and checks the ball "Get ready" Aomine says as he checks the ball back, Devion gets the ball and easily blast past Aomine reaching the basket quickly, as Jackson returns to the line to check the ball again he smiles at Aomine. "Did he just blow past him?" everyone says shocked at what had just happened.

The ball is checked and Aomine quickly gets on defense, closely guarding Devion, but Devion does a spin and blows past Aomine again reaching the basket and scoring, "AGAIN!" everyone screams as Devion had just beaten Aomine the same way, the ball is checked and Aomine's face gets serious as he tightly guards Devion but Devion forcefully makes space jumping back towards the hash lien and shooting the fading shot, a swish is heard as Devion scores again.

"He can shoot well" Midorima says to which everyone else nods "Dev end it" Jackson says as he starts heading towards the exit, everyone hears this and stare daggers at Jackson who just smiles as he starts leaving with Arthur, back on the court the ball is checked up again and while still being closely guarded Devion shoots the ball and scores, he quickly jogs back to his brothers and before they leave the gym a word is heard from Jackson "Trash"

(A/N: Devion just schooled Aomine, and Jackson called them trash too, that is dominance right there, I was planning on having Jackson and Aomien play the match but I felt it was too early for Jackson to show his skills, I hope you liked the character descriptions and expect our three characters to completely destroy Gom and I'll be returning to marvel real soon so get ready.

Have a great day/night Peace

ps: Devion was able to pull off those shots because when you have a copy skill and train with Koe Bryant you're definitely going o copy some skills

Comment and share and most importantly enjoy

Jackson_Barecreators' thoughts