
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · 奇幻
37 Chs

Chap10: Becoming a GOD

(A/N: Am going to start using to '...' for when thinking, "..." will be used when he says things aloud or talk to someone)


'No way you're kidding me!?'

{{Jackson has subconsciously awakened his divinity for Blades, Jackson has earned the title God of Blades}

' I just got two divinities at once, is this because of my luck, that's the only explanation for it, system what happens if now fuse the Asgardian God to myself.'

{If Jackson fuse the Asgardian bloodline to himself he would fully max out his divinity meaning that in a fight with bladed weapons or blacksmithing no one would be able to beat Jackson despite their strenght}

'So I can become even more OP fantastic, by the way why is Eitri not freaking out about the fact that I became a God'

{The system has hidden Jackson's aura so as to not cause confusion but if Jackson fuses the Asgardian Bloodline to himself he wouldn't be able to hide his divine aura from other divine beings, since Jackson aura is sealed it is the same as not having his divinity}

' Oh that's why that happened, well I need to think about this smartly if am not going o release my aura yet until we have to battle someone so I can activate and get a more impressive reaction'

Eitri placed his hand on me bringing me back to reality" Those are great names fit for these legendary weapons" he says ever so grumpy voice" Thank you for me look at you blacksmithing, and making these blades for me" I say with a genuine smile on my face, " Yeah, Yeah just leave already" Eitri says with a hint of pride in his voice, with a smile on my face I ask Heimdall to back to Asgard leaving Eitri without the knowledge of him just forging the blades of the God of Blades'.

I get to Asgard and see Heimdall kneeling welcoming me into Agard with a smile plastered on his face, I leave him and walk to the throne room to let my Odin know of my return. I enter the Thorne Room and see my Odin, and Frigga sitting there with smiles on their faces. " Welcome back Jackson, hope your journey was pleasant," Frigga says lovingly, "Yes mother my trip was pleasant, I have gotten my blades" I show her say blades which cause Odin to walk up and inspect them he picks them up and tries to channel magic into them but it seems that am the only able to use the blades, "Let go and try out your blades Jackson," Odin says with a grin on his face as walk out of the room to the battle arena, Frigga shakes her head as I head out of the room with Odin. We arrive at the arena, Odin gets into a stance with Gungnir I also get ready with Tempest and Eldr charged up which causes some parts of the arena to become scorched surprisingly I don't feel the heat which either means am resistant to the flames or the flame avoid.

Frigga sets up a barrier just in case things get too hectic with that Odin rushes towards me swinging Gungnir ferociously, I quickly dodge out way launching a fireball at him which he blocks with no problem although I do cause him to get serious with him repositioning himself and launching himself at me this time with greater force, I barely block it but I fail and Odin stabs me and rips of basically half of my body, my medic skill quickly activates and heals me which surprises Odin, but he had no time to be surprised as I was pissed, the man had basically tried to kill me which I do not take kindly to.

I stab Tempest and Eldr into the ground summoning a Frie tornado which sweeps up Odin dealing significant damage to Odin, I hear a ding but I have not time for that as am still enraged so I decide to end it. 'system activate all bloodlines now unseal my divinities' I say in a fit of rage it was time to teach Odin a lesson of how to parent

{ Affirmative, unsealing and activating bloodlines and divinities, prepare for blacklash}

As soon as I hear those words I fall to my knees in pain"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH" I scream as the pain is so much but I still want to teach Odin a lesson so I grab my swords and rush Odin ready to swing at him, he barely dodges which pisses me off so much but there is nothing I can as the pain seems to be too unbearable, well I guess since I wasn't using full-strength I didn't lose this fight.

Odin POV

Jackson had just gotten his weapons made and I wanted to see just how much the weapons would improve his power so I invite him to battle, we start off battling and he shows just why he is my heir, dodging my strikes and also forcing me to dodge his, I know that I won't be able to win this fight if I don't get serious I launch myself at him and rip his body apart that was probably too much but Frigga could always heal him but it seems that won't be necessary as he starts healing by himself. Jackson completely heals shocking me that he was able to do that he stabs his blades into the ground summoning a gigantic fire tornado shocking me even more because this proves that Jackson is a God of Magic the tornado injures which is even more surprising but that doesn't matter as I hear" ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" Jackson scream in pain as I see a shadow dragon above him, with a forge and blades behind him.

I am appalled at the number of divinities Jackson has and just how strong they are, he rushes me swinging his sword I scarcely dodge the attack, the that is not what I should be worried about as the attack breaks through the barrier that Frigga placed and a couple more that I placed. If the attack hadn't been blocked half of Asgard would probably be gone before I can marvel at just how strong my son is I need to first take care of him as he has just fainted, Frigga rushes towards him after seeing him faint but I walk knowing that my son wouldn't die like, on my way toward him I think about a way to make sure that Jackson doesn't end up like his sister, but that comes later right now I need to care for my boy.

We have reached a major plot point in the story next we will start making Jackson's myth then the start of Canon.

This chapter took me a while to make as I didn't really know how to create fight scenes so spare me in the comment with that make sure you COMMENT and SHARE

Jackson_Barecreators' thoughts