
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · 奇幻
37 Chs

Chap 30 Frontlines II

"There's a base setup on the outskirts of Genoa where the other men should be waiting for our arrival" Alexander talks as dirt flies into his mouth, "So am I the one leading the takeover?" Steve asks "No you won't be leading the mission, but you will be one of the people fighting" Alexander Replies. "Stop!, we're here," Alexander says.

The trio hop out of the car as make their way down a dirt road, they reach a base with 3 tents and multiple soldiers sitting down smoking and talking, "Stop if you don't want your head blown off" one of the soldiers looks at steve, Peggy and suddenly multiples guns pointing towards them, "WOAH boys settle down, this is Steve Rodgers also known as Captain America and Peggy carter" Alexander rushes out from the back to diffuse the situation. "Wanna tell me what the biggest joke in the whole military is doing on my base?" A man with a stained white tank top asks Alexander, "Yes about that Axel, Mr. Rodgers is here to help with the mission" Alexander smiles as the whole base erupts in laughter, "Does he even how to shoot a gun?" someone asks from the back which gets everyone laughing even harder, "Alright look it doesn't matter how much military experience he has, he's still assisting with the takeover and that's an order from the top" Alexander firmly says.

Axel stares intently at Steve, who stares back with his eyes showing no signs of backing down, I don't want any issues with the mission, drop your stuff up and come for the debrief" Axel says and heads in a tent. "You heard the man let's get down to business," Steve says walking into a random tent to set down his bags.

"Alright so the plan is we head in from the south and north side, the west and east have already been blocked by with mines, Bravo" Axel points at a group of soldiers, "You'll be going from the north, get as many of them as you can without alerting anyone, I and Alpha will he heading from the south we'll all meet at the governor house, remember no civilian should be harmed, we're liberating the city not conquering it. Mrs. Carter will be on standby as a medic in case there are any civilian injuries" Everyone in the room nods at the plan,

"Now for the man in blue..... You'll be with me, I don't want you making any mistakes, everyone clear we're moving out tomorrow night" Axel says as he begins to exit the tent "wait" Steve says halting axel and his entourage, "What about the war dogs aren't we meant to be going with them?" Steve asks. "If they're not here by tomorrow then they're not here anymore question?" Axel asks mean-mugging Steve, after a long silence Axel exits followed by the rest of the soldiers.

"Are you sure you're gonna alright Steve?" Peggy looks at Steve who just smiles at her "I'll be perfectly fine", "I don't mean to interrupt but unless you want to sleeping in the enemy lines you'll need to head to sleep" Alexander interrupts Steve's and Peggy's conversation.

"Alright, Boys I believe we all understand the plan and are ready for what's to come" Axel hypes his men who show their readiness with a "HURRAH". In the dead of night 20 elite soldier and one superhuman rush out into Genoa to liberate the town, Bravo team quietly walks in with silenced shot going through the air as guard after guard fall, They quickly take over the security gate and start advancing, the same happens with Alpha team who quickly take out their opposition. Two various types of takedowns occur at the south with Axel brutally stabbing the guards in the neck with his combat knife and Steve quickly incapacitating them.

"Either you kill them or they kill you, don't incapacitate them," Axel says as he quickly stabs the incapacitated man that steve took down, Steve just moves forward ignoring Axel's words. The two teams quickly arrive at the governor's house where it is heavily guarded with swarms of men, "Alright Bravo breach through the front while I and Alpha sneak in through the back and capture the governor" Axel lays out the plan, "Alright blue don't mess this up for us" Axel warns Steve as Alpha team quickly rush to the back.

Axel stabs the first guard insight with Steve snapping the other's neck, they don't use any of their guns in order not to alert the other guard in front when all of a sudden a loud bang is heard from the front as Bravo team breaches "Damn they're too early" Axel spits out as the guards rush in a panic to capture the intruders from the front, "They're gonna be over runner we have to help them" Steve says as he take out his assault rifle and starts heading towards the guard "I told you not to mess this up blue" Axel says as he and Alpha team rush after him.

A huge standstill occurs as bravo team tries to hold off the guards as Stev takes out his shield and starts bashing heads in, he deflects the bluets with his shield and quickly defeats the other soldiers, everyone can only look in awe at this superhuman feat, "I guess this is why they call him Captain America" someone utters as the rest of the guards are taken out, Axel quickly grabs Steve by the neck pulling him to ground "I SWEAR IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN I WILL PUT A BULLET IN YOUR HEAD" Axel yells at Steve pointing his hun in his face as steve dorns a look of confusion, "But good Job" Axel calms down lifting Steve up with a smile, "I guess the Governor's probably gone" Steve says as the team head to the governor's office.

"Yeah, he probably bolted in the fight" Axel opens the door to the room revealing a tied up and gaged fat man "Yo cap Didn't think you'd make it past those guys" an unforgettable voice sound out in a room as blazing crimson hair shine and metallic black hair shine in the blue light as the WarDogs appear, "How'd you get here?" Axel points his gun at the duo.

Did you enjoy the chapter, what'd you think was wrong with it and also make some suggestions, and don't forget to share and have a great day.

Happy to start writing again, ya'll think I've gotten better?

Jackson_Barecreators' thoughts