
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · 奇幻
37 Chs

Chap 27: The Beginning

In the interrogation room, a sweaty Johnson can be seen internally freaking out as one of the most dangerous men on the planet looks onto him with a grin, "So what'd you know about us" Devion grins at Johnson as he slouches back into his chair, Johnson looks at a camera in the room and signals to it before looking at Devion and saying "WARDOGS is a mercenary group ran by Devion aka the Beast, Arthur aka the slaughterer, the group first appeared a year into the great war when they helped the french in repelling Germany on the western front, for their actions they were officially hired by the french earning the 2,000 dollars a day".

As Jonson spoke Devion simply nodded, his eyes closed seeming to close the gates to the red-headed beast, "Unfortunately, problems occurred when they have withheld payment for finishing a job in Russia, and they switched sides joining the Hungarians and on October 25th, 1916 the WARDOGS attacked the British navy killing at 6 million sailors and sinking hundreds of ships, survivors of the massacre describe seeing a red-headed man walking calmly along with a pale lanky man beside him, suddenly the read headed man disappeared and a thud resounded throughout the ship, a sailor's head had been chopped clean off, the sailors quickly got ready and attacked but no matter how many time the shot, stabbed, punched nothing happened to the two men, they just kept walking killing each person, the halls of the ships were painted crimson red by the blood of righteous sailors. Tell me sir are you sickened by your actions" Johnson asks Devion with his voice breaking as he talked.

Devion opens his eyes seeing a red-eyed Johnson looking at him furiously, "Keep telling the story" Devion says not caring about the murderous stares he got from Johnson, Johnson looked like he was ready to rip through devion but he gritted his teeth and continued with the story.

"From there on the two men gained the title of the beast and the slaughterer, the titles that were given to the Nordic gods Arnþórr and Devripon" this get's Devion to slightly cur his lips, "They continued terrorizing the western front until Winston Churchill met with them and was able to get them to return to the allies side, with the beast and Salugtherer on the allies side the reigned terror on Germany and its allies, most soldiers fighting believed them to be the actual Gods Arnþórr and Devripon, they completed insane mission like taking down outposts containing hundred of soldiers with ease.

As much bad as the WARDOGS had committed during that time they had in the great war they were punished for their crimes, They were captured at a British port where they silently surrendered, their infamous weapons Requiem the dagger that sliced through thousand of throats were siezed by US forces and a replica was made to be put in a museum, Midnight the tonfas that smashed in the head of war vetrans was taken byt the japanese because and kept and has been branded as Requeir the craftmanship of Shido Tanaka the legendary balcksmith

Test have been done on the weapons, but no results about how they were crafted or what they were made off have been found." Johnson paused wiping his tears that had fallen as he told the story, "Lagen has it that there was a third member of the WARDOGS nicknamed the mastermind, the one that had laid out the plans and strategies for the team, but no record of such person has been found." Johnson finished the story his look returning to that of a solemn one, Devion opens his eyes surprising Johnson as there were tears in his eyes, "oh midnight what have not crazy fanatics done to you?" Devion sorrowfully said Johnson could only stare in shock at the absurdness of the man in front of him.

"You're Insane" Johnson points at the teary-eyed Devion, Devion just smiles at Johnson as he keeps reminiscing about the time he dad with his weapon, "Alright enough of the side talk," Devion says wiping the tears in his eyes as he gets serious, Johnsons notices this and the emotions of shock and hatred he showed before were seemingly removed "I want 80 million dollars and immunity to all my crimes along with Requiem being returned to me," Devion says to Johnson who quickly writes down his requests while nodding. "We trust that you'll keep your word and not betray us," Johnsons says to which Devion just replies "hey as long as you don't betray me I'll be your enemy".

"Thank you mister Devion, your service is greatly appreciated," Johnson says bitterly, as Johnson is heading towards the exit he stops and turn around and ask Devion "How'd you guys do it?" Devion smiles at the question and says "Magic"

About 500 miles from where Devion aka the beast his partner and brother Arthur aka the slaughterer is being held in a prison specifically designed for him, the prison is kept brightly lit compared to most other prisons, Arthur is kept on watch 24/7 with sniper and riflemen watching over him, although it seems that Arthur is been guarded and secured most of the guards working don't think so.

"You looking at the cell again rookie" A grey-haired old man walks into a control room filled with monitors with a young blonde man looking at all of them, "I feel like he's playing with us sir," The blonde man says still keeping his eyes on the monitor, "Well that's how everyone feels when they get here but you'll get used to it, plus he seems to know that if he tries to escape he dies," The grey-haired man says as he brews himself a cup of coffee, "why don't they just kill him," The blonde man says, "Well the government kept him and his brother as a wild card, the used them to scare away the other countries and now that a great war is upon us I wouldn't be surprised if they're planning on using him in the war".

"That'll create too many casualties," the blonde man says with a bit of sorrow in his voice "well John war always has casualtie-" The grey-haired man places his hand on John's shoulder but he suddenly stops talking and a loud *THUMP* is heard behind John, John turns around and the blood in his face instantly dries as he looks to find the grey-haired old man's head sliced off completely form his body, remembering his training John quickly reaches for the panic button underneath his des but before he can his head is also sliced off, a raspy and strained voice says "Yeah John in war there are casualties but most important there is misery and fear" A man with slick black hair step out of the shadow revealing Arthur the Slaughterer.

(A/N: Now let be known I suck at coming up with nicknames and monickers so if you got better ones let me know and I hope you like how I made Arthur and Devion's life in WWI if there's anything that can be improved let me know and what'd you think dear old Jackson has been doing this whole time.

Have a great night Peace.