
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · 奇幻
37 Chs

Chap 16: Preparation

"Looks like you guys are finally awake," I said to Dev and Arthur "What happened?" Arthur asks which gets me to start laughing "HAhaha.... okay the simple answer is, Dev awakened his divinity and almost erased you off this world" I tell Arthur which makes Dev shocked "What is my divinity, Jack?!" Dev asks in excitement with Arthur paying attention, "Well your divinity is kinda weird before you got knocked out what exactly did you see?" I ask dev who calms down since I didn't tell him what his divinity was straight away.

"Before I got knocked out I saw me and you facing each other with your dragons and fireballs behind you it started to get blurry.... then when It cleared up I saw dragons and fireballs behind me just like you, does divinity have something to do with dragons and magic?" Dev asks with a puzzled face, "Your divinity is something far scarier than that.... it's the divinity of copying, you see before you got knocked out you summoned dragons, and I didn't even notice the dragons been summoned with me being the God of Dragons, so that meant two things you either became a God of Dragons just like me or you copied my divinity" I finish with a serious face when I finished everyone was shocked at just how strong Dev is including Dev, "So what you're saying is Dev can have our divinities, that is scary, I mean imagine me with my divinity of slaughter and your divinity of dragons" Arthur says which gets Dev to flinch, 'he's scared that am gonna abandon him huh, well that probably be true when I leave this world, but, for now, he's still my brother'.

"Well it is gonna take time for him to copy skills no less divinities, when you summoned my dragons, who didn't even use the full power and when you were using my style of fighting it just looked so sloppy" I tell them which just makes them get even more shocked, "Didn't you say that the dragons where enough to kill me quite easy at that, and now you say it's not the full power?!" Arthur asks with a puzzled and fearful face, "Yep that's what I said were you not paying attention, that doesn't even matter what matters now is finding out how Dev's divinity works and making some weapons for you guys" "Okay and how are you gonna do that?" Dev asks "Well to start am gonna need to chop your arms off" I say with a mad glint in my eyes as I bring out Tempest.

"Did you really have to chop off our arms?" Arthur asks with his now healed hand while holding the same hand in his hand, "Well I didn't exactly need to do it but it helps the weapon perform better" I make some bs about blacksmithing 'thank god they know nothing about it', "Anyway it also helped me identify what materials I should use to make the weapon so it can suit you better, so Arthur you need 500 souls, Dev you just need my blood, so pretty easy to make these weapons, 'sike, of course, these aren't all the materials, I need about 20 planet cores, Jormangander's scale, fire essence, the head of a dragon, and one black hole Core.

I doubt they can get these materials, and am not going to gather them one because I can just get the materials from the system, and I don't want to do it and Morgan sends me a quest and suppresses my power, so I'll tell them the easiest one and buy the rest from the system'. "How do I get 500 souls? Arthur asks confusingly "Hey I don't know maybe kill some humans, but you don't have to get the souls I could just use different materials and the weapons will still come out good, these materials just make the weapons more suited to you," I say as Arthur gets up "Okay I'll start looking for some humans," Arthur says as he starts walking down the mountain, "Alright since I just need your blood why don't we get started on my weapon," Dev says excitingly.

"Settle down, first we need to know the limits of your divinity, try copying my dragon divinity," I tell the giddy Dev "Okay copy your divinity copying.... how do I copy divinities", 'How do you copy divinities, probably isn't like cultivation, or maybe it is?' "Okay Dev let's not do divinities yet, we don't even know how you can copy abilities, so follow my movements and copy me," I tell Dev as start practicing Shaolin wushu, 'is the martial Art even made yet'. Dev continues following my moves and as we continue he starts doing it without looking at me

'Hey system did he copy the form'

{Yes Jackson, Devion has copied the skill Shaoling Kung Fu}

'ha so he can copy my abilities I guess just not too powerful ones, Okay so restrictions are he can only copy skills of someone weaker than him or if the skill is not too powerful, but I guess he could still end up copying the powerful skills if he has enough time'

"Alright Dev you can stop, I figured out how your powers work" "Really?" Asks a panting Dev 'looks like he gets exhausted copying the skill, but can't he just learn these skills, I guess the copied version is better depending on who it comes from'. "Yeah I found out how it works, so basically you need to be more powerful than the person you want to copy from, or the skill you're copying can't be too powerful, so you can copy my combat style but you won't be able to copy my divinity and as you can see you get exhausted after copying a skill probably because your body adapts to fit the skill perfectly.

"So I need to become stronger for my divinity to be powerful" Dev says "Yeah basically, so do you want me to make your weapon or wait for Arthur?" I ask Dev, "I'm just gonna wait"

[Arthur POV]

'Where am I meant to get so many souls' I think as I walk down the mountain to look for a settlement 'do I need to use human souls or just any soul, ahhhhh why didn't I ask this before I left, I imagine I need human souls since I am a god of misery and slaughter, but you also slaughter animals and animals can be miserable AHHHHHHHHHHH which one do I do, you know what the first type of living being that comes in front of me is the type I'll kill so which is it animal or Human' I think as I see a Human settlement, "Human it is"

"Halt!" A guard yells to me as I move toward the Gate, 'let's get this over with' I think as I put on my mask and chop of the guards head and before the other guard can react his head is falling onto the soft snow, "Let the slaughter begin" I say as I mover into the settle killing the first thing in front of me which was was a small little girl walking with who seems mother who releases an ear wrenching 'AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" "Mam please be quiet" I tell her as I chop her head off. I walk deeper and deeper blood staining the pure white snow, with bodies upon bodies lay down, the warriors tried to put up a fight but I was just too fast for them a quick pierce to the heart and no more fighting, I spared no one, men, women, children, the elderly all were left headless.

[Third Pov]

The slaughter of Eda took place with non-surviving, legend has it that Arthur was angry and killed the human's, others say it was a war between the rival village dea, but signs show that the people of dea were also killed, this event was so significant that it was marked as a day of praying so that you don't get slaughtered and is still practiced till this day.

(A/N: Hey hope you guys liked the chapter, Arthur is showing why he is known as the God of Slaughter and it really won't be gruesome if head-chopping isn't gruesome.

I've got a challenge for you all to find out why every time our two characters Arthur and Devion kill they put on a mask, what do the masks mean?

Have a great day Peace :)

ps: Link to the discord join me and help me make the story



Jackson_Barecreators' thoughts