
Jackson Bare's overpowered adventure through Marvel and the Omniverse

(DROPPED) WARNING THIS STORY IS WRITTEN BY A VERY NEW AUTHOR SO THERE WILL BE A LOT OF LOOPHOLES AND THINGS THAT DON"T MAKE SENSE, IT WILL GET BETTER BUT IF YOU CAN"T WAIT FOR THAT THEN I ADVISE YOU TO SKIP! This is just a wish a story I made for fun it's going to have a very overpowered mc so if you don't enjoy that I will not recommend this for you if you do have some advice for places and people I have the mc meet please comment. I am also a beginner writer so this story might not be the best one plus there might not be a lot of training arch or whatever, I will try to build up other characters though. Anyway, this story is about a young man who gets a couple of wishes and ends up fighting alongside the Avengers and being brothers with Loki and Thor hope you enjoy it. Oh and obviously everything except Jackson, Arthur, and Devion and system belongs to their right full owner Marvel, Jackson, Arthur, and Devion, and the system are mine. Don't want any copyright infringements

Jackson_Bare · 奇幻
37 Chs

Chap 15: Awaken

(A/N: Let me first apologize for not uploading this chapter Tuesday, I said I was going to upload it and I didn't and even with that I didn't upload yesterday because I was busy studying. Even with that, it was wrong of me for promising that and not delivering so I apologize

[Sigrún POV]

" Brunnhilde don't you think Prince Jackson is cool I mean not only is he able to battle Odin and injure him he also saved you when that woman escaped from Helheim" I ask my fellow Valykire Brunnhilde who doesn't respond as she's too much in thought 'I wonder what she's thinking about this time. "Hey Brunnhilde, Hey!!" I push her which breaks her out of her stupor, "Huh, what do want this time Sigrún?" she asks me, "Have you been hearing what I said I was telling you how cool Prince Jackson is" I tell her, she just nods her head which means she isn't even paying attention to me, "Hey Brunnhilde are you even paying attention".

"Yes, yes am paying attention, I know Prince Jackson is so cool", 'She finally says the truth'. "But I don't think Prince Jackson is the strongest among them, he wasn't even the one that fought the intruder, it was Arthur that defeated her, you should have been there to see it, she was able to beat and kill most Valkyries that fought against her, but he was able to put her on the defensive, his fight made everyone miserable seeing how easy he was able to battle against her while we couldn't even injure her, it was scary just how strong he was" 'is Arthur really that strong', "well even if Arthur is stronger than Jackson that doesn't mean he's better than him, Jackson's is the one that trains most of the soldiers and helps citizens even if he doesn't need to". "Whatever you say, I still think Arthur is better".

[Devion Pov]

'Me and the boys just teleported down to Midgard, and now we're on our way to awakened my divinity, it'll probably have something to do with combat seeing just how good I am at it, even if I just mimicked Jackson'. "I think the best way to awaken your divinity is for you to have your emotions heightened," Jackson said, "So how do we heighten my emotions?" I ask. Jackson starts smiling "Well we have the God of Misery and you need to get your emotions heightened" as Jackson Arthur laughing "Get ready to get your ass handed to you Devion", "HAHAHHA what makes you think you can do that huh?" I laughingly ask Arthur who starts getting pissed. "Alright boys just get ready, Dev you're gonna have to use your full strength, and the same goes to you Arthur"

Arthur put on his mask and releases his power, getting out his dagger he says "Get ready", 'what intense power, he really deserves to be called a God, but that doesn't mean am giving up' I think as I put on my mask releasing my power causing Jackson to smirk. We launch out selves at each other, Arthur swings his daggers at me as I block them with my hands, I throw a punch at his face but he quickly dodges out of the way, I don't give him time to recover as I run and launch a barrage of punches at him leaving with the only the ability to dodge, I back off to quickly recover 'Those punches should give me enough time to recover'.

Arthur launches himself at me again with more intensity 'how is he more powerful', I block his swings causing my forearms to bleed, I get a chance to counter when Arthurs swings which I take punching him in the face launching him 10 meters, with a burst of energy I start punching at him and dodging his counter attacks like some sort of dance, even though I feel my muscles tearing I still keep on with, 'why isn't he going down'.

"ARGGGGGGHHHH" Arthur yells as he kicks my chest which sends me flying, he charges towards me with more ferocity as I block his attacks causing me more pain, I try to move my body but it just dosen't move,'why won't I move" "come ON MOVE!!!!!" I yell as I start another attack on Arthur, I keep on using him when I a fireball suddenly hits Arthur sending him Hurling, 'Huh did Jackson do something, I look behind me but see Jackson looking just as confused as me, but that's not the end of my problems as Arthur blasts off from the pile of rubble he was under releasing an ungodly amount of pressure as his charges recklessly slashing at me, I dodge most but still get hit with some which cuts of slabs off my skin, we keep on fighting when I see suddenly see Jackson and me facing one another with Dragons and fireballs behind him, then my vision becomes blurry and when it clears up I have dragons and fireballs behind me too, 'what is happening but I don't get to much time to think as I feel pain and everything fades to black.

[Jackson POV]

'What just happened', The fight between Arthur and Dev was just insane, the battle was so destructive that if I didn't reinforce the mountain with magic, it probably would have collapsed, but I didn't do the same for the other mountains which are now nothing more than piles of rocks stacked up against one another, 'I guess Arthur became stronger since I was enjoying the fight, note if you want to fight Arthur make sure you are far stronger than him, and you are the only one around when you fight, But Dev was the most shocking, he kept on getting stronger too and at some point, he started fighting in the same style that I used although it was pretty rough, it was still the same.'

'The most surprising was that he summoned dragons, no Asgardian or anyone in the MCU should be able to summon dragons yet he did the said dragons started charging Fireballs which would have probably destroyed our surroundings along with the dazed Arthur if the magic power I felt was correct, so I did the most logical thing and just knocked both Dev and Arthur out which dispersed the Dragons.'

'Hey system does Dev's divinity have something to do with mimicry or copying"

{Yes Jackson, Devion's divinity of copying allows him to copy whatever skill or technique he wants including divinities, depending on what he is copying will determine how long it takes for him to fully copy it and how long eh can use it}

'So if he becomes powerful enough he can just use whatever skill he wants, I thought I was OP but he is just on another level, wait if he can copy anything does that mean he can copy the system'

{Devion is not able to copy the system, and if Jackson wants to he can just place a restriction on him with just how powerful Jackson is}

'Yeah I keep on forgetting that am the most powerful being in the Omniverse, I really am Op HAHAHHA AM the most powerful'

{EHM Jackson I think you mean second most powerful being}

"OH COME ON LET ME HAVE MY FUN MORGAN" I yell out to the sky with a frown on my face

(A/N: Again I apologize for not uploading, It was wrong of me to say I was going to do it and then not do so I apologize)

Have a great day and again I apologize. Peace :)

Jackson_Barecreators' thoughts