
Chapter 17: Jack and Showdown 2

Skzzzt! Skzzzt!

I dragged my horrendously tired body and Excalibur Rapidly at the dead of the night, the little shitty insects were shouting like crazy and the sounds of complete silence once in a while was making me crazy.

3 hours

3 bloody literal fucking hours.

That's how long it took me to hunt 27 fucking dumbasses in a wide forest of absolute fuckery.

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day has long since been ruined.

And then a clap could be heard a few meters away from me.

Plak! Plak! Plak!

"Bravo! Bravo! Young massacrer, young genocider, young mass murderer!"

I spit at my side, stopping just right in front of the bald motherfucker, I'm really sorry, I'm way too fucking tired to care about anything remotely decent.

He looked at me with glee and violence mixed up in his eyes.

"You bastard, how the heck can you just stay and watch me killing your comrades, bar the Exorcists but how about the other 22?!"

He smirked at me, slowly removing his coat, revealing his well buffed muscles that were probably a little bit bigger than what Chad Sairaog has.

"Oh?~ And you? You the perpetrator actually has the right to scold me? That's rich, brat"

"I do! Because now I have to exert more effort just to cut your head off instead of it being done all in all"

Crack! Crack!

He popped his knuckles and stretched his neck-

Oh, shit.

This guy is a bare hands melee fighter.

"I'll give you the first strike, show me what your time manipulation can pull off"

As if you fucktard! That's pretty much my life saver and I'm not going to fall for your tricks and use it willy nilly!

Instead, I said no more words and used Excalibur Speed to help me reach him faster, barbarically making a vertical downward slash that had nothing to it, just a slash so fast that I doubt most people will live to tell the tales.

And then I jinxed it.

He caught my blade with his bare arms, bare fucking arms.

A fucking holy sword.




Due to this, I momentarily lost my balance and he winded me by pulling my sword and followed up by a knee strike to the guts.


I flew about 10 meters back, stopping myself by planting the sword to the ground.

"H-How? Th-This..."

I'm now stuttering, I'm sorry people, I failed everyone, I stuttered.

"How? This is a holy swor-"

Hey, is that a fist coming for my face?

Oh, wow.


I was sent flying back facing the floor, but before I could even understand what my mother wanted for christmas this year, a follow up elbow and knee pincer to both my front and back head said hello.


My skull shattered.

Bam! Bagsh!

A chop slide to my neck and then breaking my arms before slamming me to the ground and mounting me.

Pow! Pow! Pow! Bam! Pow!

A flurry of attacks I don't even know where it came from, he smashed my face like a certain former police cyborg from the iron fist tournament of that 3D fighting game.

He used both hands clamped together before hammering my face to oblivion.

Bak! Bak! Bak!

The earth below me was shattering at the sheer force of his attacks.

You know what?

It's not bad to die like this.

Bak! Bam! Pow! Pow!


Bak! Bak! Bak!

And then finally, he finished. Standing up and lifting me up one handed by the collar, my face was unrecognizable. My arm was twisted weirdly, my legs were bent forward, my tongue barely intact, just by a bit of skin.

My nose was flattened so much that Voldemort might just call me son.

The right part of my head was caved in so much that I looked like a neanderthal man.

"Really? This is it? I, a Balam was excited of fighting something like this?"

I'm tired.

Memories flashed into my head, a familiar figure of a fat blob that can't walk, surrounded and being kicked around by a bunch of other guys.

Ah, I remember this, I called their moms more worthless than mine for no reason other than making my mom somewhat proud of me.

Though, that never happened, she just shook her head at me when I told her the real reason in the hospital.

'You and your father. Disgusting shits'

She murmured, thinking that I was asleep. Since then, I've hated anything with large breasts.

'Hey, Jackie boy, your mother seems a little angry more than usual, what did you actually do this time?'

'Hahaha! You should've bit their legs or something, son. Listen, simply because you're defective or retarded or fat and whatever doesn't mean you can't pay them back the hurt'


No, seriously, what am I supposed to power up with that? My masochistic tendencies?



A hand was jutting out of me, on the other side was my beating heart.

"This is a complete waste it time, what am I supposed to tell Lord Devil back home? Some gay kid killed everyone so I killed him instead?"


He dropped me down after squashing my heart.

But huh?

"Or maybe I should just blame it on the kid and...oh wait, he left one alive didn't he? That Shidou guy, maybe I should just point it all on him"

He turned around, walking lazily to get his discarded cool coat.

"Seriously, it's all because of that gay kid, meddling around but doesn't have enough power to back it up, sneaky little gay shit was probably raised by a shitty father"

As soon as he touched the coat, I feel my little bit of kindness disappear exclusively for this guy.

[Quest: Kill Him]

[Kill Him]

[Rewards: Killed Him]

[Penalty: Kill Him Again]

Huh, that's it.

I'm not holding back anymore.

A golden ripple appeared beside me and I placed Excalibur Rapidly inside it, groggily standing up as my legs healed faster than usual.

Krrke! Crkkdg!

And with my broken, weird looking arms, I pointed at the bald man.


Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!


12 Gates of Babylon appeared, shining, and coloring the surroundings with a splendid gold.

Each sword was a holy sword, 6 from a few days back, 5 from 3 hours ago and Excalibur Rapidly.


The Balam– as he claimed to be– dropped his coat

And then holy swords rained on him.

Pank! Pank! Pank! Pank!

He crossed his arms as earth formed a armor or crust around his arms.

So that's how he held it bare handed, his entire body is coated with earth, he ran to side dodging the gatling holy swords, occasionally blocking them but speed equals blah blah blah and so he got damaged.

Pank! Pank! Pank! Pank!

Naturally, he would be able to get of the barrage safely.

If I was giving him mercy.

There are a lot of things I placed inside my gates, one of them was a bola bought in a hunting gear shop.

Or more like, a few 10 or 20 of them? Enough to wrap around a 6 ft man twice over.

I willed the gates near him and shot the bolas aiming for his feet, then, a few upwards with holy swords. Making him dance to my rhythm, the holy swords dictate his direction and the bolas is for his speed.

But again, no mercy.

I made 2 gates appear on top of him, and they stretched for about 5 meters before a grey gigantic thing fell out of it.

If Gilgamesh ever saw me placing a 5 meter boulder inside the gates, he'd cry and call me mongrel to death.

And boulders fell.

Not 2, 10 boulders, shooting at gun speed, from high on the sky.

Gravity + Speed + Weight + Height = You'd need Dr. Stone.


And then a chain combo. Bola caught his feet, momentarily distracting him as the boulders fell, the shockwave removed his crust of earth and my holy swords finished the job.

Schuwick! Schuwick! Feng!


But I'm not stopping there.

50 gates appeared, surrounding him.

Anything holy popped out.

Crosses, Holy Swords, Pope blessed shoes, a cross necklace, mini statue of Jesus, statues of Mother Mary, blessed priest garbs, holy water in vases, a saint's spit in a pot, a pastor's holy candles, church pillars with crosses, church tinted glasses with designs of crosses, blessed drum sticks, holy shrouds rolled into balls, gigantic crosses used for different christian festivals, a nun's underwear and lastly.

A pastor's briefs.


I shot them all at him.




[Quest: Save the Juliet!]

[Aid the mistress, and then kill everyone you can that's related to the event, including her✓??? Mission Failed???]

[Rewards: ---]

[System Error, ------- Hm, howdy Jack!]

[I suggest you don't try tricking the system again, whatever is tasked of you, please do so AS IT STATES]

[Although, you've splendidly did the route I guessed you would pick, I still have to give you a little punishment for trying to trick the system]

[Previous Rewards: 5. Great Massacre route, canon timeline, reputation to Notorious, relationship with the Church, Devils, Angels (removed) to Hostile, relationship with Fallen Angels, Youkai, Criminal Underworld, Khaos Brigade to Respected, 200,000SP, SSR Weapon (removed).]

[Reduced Rewards: 5. Great Massacre route, canon timeline, reputation to Notorious, relationship with the Church, Devils to Hostile, relationship with Fallen Angels, Youkai, Criminal Underworld, Khaos Brigade to Respected, 200,000SP, SSR Item.]

[That's all~ enjoy your Irina Shidou then, oh Mr. Father-Lover]



"I'm really tired, is this how Gilgamesh felt when he fought my ancestor Enkidu the 1st trap?"

Such profound words are coming out of my mouth.

"I need to get home, please heal me quickly Gaia, I can't actually feel anything"

I plopped my head to the side, my gaze landed on a very important organ of mine.

"Oh, lookie~ It's my heart★"


My brain is fried.