
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · 奇幻
69 Chs

CHAPTER SIXTY ONE: Astounded, it was revealed

Jack's pov

I exhaled deeply when Jill dash into my room. I know she must be feeling bad about what just happened. I felt like strangling Janes but no! I won't.

Why? Because I'm not a murderer.

I turn to Maureen and sat beside her , she as well is taken aback by the drama of Janes.

" Are you okay? " I ask myself gently and she nodded. " The baby? " I asked.

" A boy, it's a boy " She said smiling. I glanced up to face han.

" You heard that? It's a boy " i said smiling brightly.

" I think you should visit the hospital often then since it's protuding already. How about the public? Weren't you uneasy by them? " I asked watching her pretty face.

" I'm Maureen mayor, i refused to get bother by them "

I smile at her. I know she won't be bother one bit. My crazy fiesty sister, i turn to han for a moment and i stood up.

" I will be in my room " i said when i notice they both were staring at each other. They needed privacy... I Know.

I walked into my room to see Jill staring ahead. I am pretty exhausted by today's activity. Firstly the board meeting then a lead of my father's murderer later I worked hard to fill in on Donald post as well then finally coming home to the annoying Janes. I'm pretty glad she left for good but I'm sure she will be back Just like she had promised.

I walk to Jill and kiss her lightly on the lips. She smiles at me in response without saying a word. I walk into the bathroom to take a bath. I came out and dressed up in my usual dress code .

I turn to jill and i notice her staring blankly into space, i furrowed my eyebrows in concerned.

" Are you okay? " I asked gently, reaching for her but for the first time she wave my hand away in fear.

I stare at her oddly, what is wrong with jill? Is she so bother about Janes and her outburst? .

She stood up suddenly picking her car key.

" I need to go home " She said making out to the door but i held her wrist, searching her face with my eyes i notice the fears in it.

" Are you scared of me? " I asked in surprise. I noticed her shaky breathe and i frown deeply. " Jill are you okay? " I ask again in concern.

The stare she gave me makes me feel like a monster but i didn't let go of her hand.

" I won't let you go unless you tell me what the matter was. " I told her in a strong voice. I saw her look away guiltly before breathing out to calm herself.

" I'm scared jack " She told me in a pitiful voice.

I frown in confusion. I hope she isn't acting this way because of Janes threat.

" Why are you scared? " I asked calmly.

" Of you. I don't know what to do about this Jack " She answered almost in tears.

I dropped her hand all of a sudden to understand her words. She is scared of me? Why? She doesn't know what to do about what?

" What is going on? Explain to ... Me " i said slowly to hear her.

She gulped nervously before gazing at me.

" Mr Mike told me once about my mother "

Mother! What?

I gave her a narrow look.

" What does he says about her? " I asked in horror.

" He said my mother help a lot in Claw foot club's success. I didn't know what he meant by those words... My mum left when i was nine without a word, i won't even recognize her if she appear again. When you inform Maureen and I about the lead you got on your father's murderer I can't help but be scared. I know if my mother turns out to be involved in your father's Death you won't love to continue in this relationship with me. I know your temper well enough so i think i should stay off for now. Please, let me go "

I flopped into the bed , dazed by Jill's words. I buried my face in the hollow of my palm thinking hard.

Oh goodness! What is going on ? I yell loudly within me in frustration.

Is that so ? Could it be Jill's mother? No way!

I clearly won't be able to get that out of my head if she turns out to be a daughter to a murderer. I stood up from the bed and walk pass her without saying any word.

I walk into the living room where i saw Maureen and han smiling at each other.

Oh really? I think they are getting close but i was too occupied to speak to them.

" Jack " i heard Jill called behind me. I stop and turn to her with a set jaw.

" You are going nowhere. You got that? " I said in a tone that command authority.

" Where are you going Jack? " I heard Maureen asked me.

" To claw lake mansion " i announced walking out. I could hear Jill and Maureen gasp in shock.

I open the car and settled in, han ran out of the house and open the car door, lowering himself besides me he said.

" Let's go "

I pulled out of my garage and out towards claw lake mansion.

" Jill told me mike informed her that her mother is involved in the growth of claw foot club. She think her mother is the murderer "

Han gave me his full concentration.

" You are kidding " he said.

" Going to Claw Lake mansion means I'm joking? " I asked.

" No, I mean Jilly's mother getting herself involved in the mess. I heard she left when Jilly was so young "

" Yes, but then we can't be sure. I need to have a conversation with Mike "

" You want to ask him about it ? " Han asked, surprised.

" Yes, if he isn't the murderer then he has to tell me who it is "

I pull into claw lake mansion. I hated to admit that the graceful building scream of wealth.

The maids stare at me in awe and i got the message that they knew me.

I walked passed them through the hall where the butler ran out to meet me.

" Is Mike in ? " I asked in a hard voice and he flinched slightly , in surprise that i have address mike in a rude way. I knew everyone called him Mr Mike but who cares about him.

The last ounce of respect i felt for him evaporated to the wind when he was declared as the rightful owner of my dad's properties in Court four years ago.

The butler lead me to the large living room and i smirk. I see he is living extravagantly thanks to my dad's wealth he stole.

" Wow, isn't that Jack Mayor? " I heard him exclaimed from behind me.

I rolled my eyes to face him.

" Drop the act, who killed my father ? " I asked catching him off guard. His surprise expression was quickly laced with a smile.

" Is that why you drive all the way here? I thought you believe it's me "

I smirked at his words, i clenched my jaw. I am running out of patience.

" Answer " i said in a cold voice.

He stare at me for a long time then his expression suddenly harden, he shifted his gaze from me to han and my heart dropped into my stomach.

Oh no! What does that gaze mean?

" His mother killed Mayor with a dangerous odourless poison "

" What! Han? " I exclaimed , astounded. But my startled expression failed to surpass the one on han's face.

Saying he is beyond shock still will be an understatement.