
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · 奇幻
69 Chs

CHAPTER SIXTY FIVE : Hell and paradise

Jack's Pov

I was in the dinning room when i heard Jill racing from the upper floor, i got confused so i ran out only to see her driving away without any explanation.

Han who was beside me the whole time quickly advise us to follow her.

I abandoned my schedule to follow this young lady called Jill and so we finally arrived in her House.

I stare at the woman and frown. She look so much like Jill, oh lord! Her mother?

No way! Not the one who ran off years ago... Right?

Jill breaks into my thoughts.

" Jack here is my mother. Mother he is ... " She began to introduce but the older woman who wore a shabby clothes cut her off. I don't know but probably because I owned a departmental store where clothes and other accessories stuffs were sold , merely glancing at the woman before me i could tell she is at the wealthy stage.

The reason i frown when i saw her was only because she tried her best but failed to appear distress or poor.

Why does she disguise herself? Another misery? Oh common, I'm tired of secrets.

" I know, i know he's Jack Mayor. I will be a big fool if i failed to recognize the sexiest man ever... Right Jack? " The woman asked me and i cocked up my eyebrows.

My cellphone rang out at that moment preventing me from replying. I excused myself, walking outside to pick the call from Sally.

I stare hard at my cellphone's screen for a while.

" Why is she calling me ? " I asked myself aloud

However i picked it but didn't say anything at first.

" Jack? " She called very gently.

" Yes? " I answered uninterested. What trick is she going to play now?

" I needs you here , can you pay me a visit ? " She begged in a low, pathetic voice that i rolled my eyes at her request.

" You must be nut Sally, do not gave me another call from now on you murderer. " i replied and disconnected immediately.

Stupid her! Did she think i would fell for her bullshit? I should visit her? Unbelievable. As if.

I turned to see the woman, Jill's mum behind me. I think she is ready to go. No one escorted her so we both are the only ones outside Don's house.

" Jack Mayor? " She called in a strong voice sending me a hard warning look.

I straightened my shoulder to hear from her, not that i didn't know her words will do me no good but i just wanted to give her a listening ears.

" Yes? " I answer with an expressionless face.

" Stay away from my daughter " She warned and i rolled my eyes.

" Come off it, you can't just appear from nowhere and then start giving me orders. You don't know me, even if you know Jack Mayor. The swimmer and a business tycoon you still do not know the real me. I'm not leaving Jill alone ... Alright ? So save your breath for another disguise " I informed her in a cold voice. I made to walk back into the house but her voice stopped me immediately.

" What if she died? Don't you think about that? Someone came to me days ago. A woman, she told me to inform my daughter to stay away from you or else she's going to kill her and i swear to you that she mean it. I haven't been a good mother but still... I won't ... " I cut in.

" How do you mean a woman? Who is she? " I asked getting interested and nervous.

" A woman, i do not know her. I think it's all related to the family conflicts. It's all known to the world, dragging my daughter into it is quite unfair... Don't you think? If you love her so much as your expression is letting on then i think you should distance yourself from her, maybe till the issues between mayors and mikes is been solved... Right? "

I exhaled deeply, she is right. Very right, Jill was nearly killed days ago.

I watched as she walk away from my sight, leaving me standing with many thoughts on my mind.

I turn to my car and sat in sighing.

What is going on? If there is a woman i ever loved it's jill. Why? Because we have been through hell and paradise just within the little time we have spent together.

I reason it will be very unfair, truly to dragged her into the family conflict.

I turned on the engine and drove off to my company with a heavy heart.

Things shouldn't have been this way, i hate it but i need to keep her safe.

I entered my office and seated behind the desk with a piled of files awaiting me.

I groan when the thought of Donald came to my mind.

I haven't heard from him, he should surely have known better. I started immediately to work, for many hours i did all i had to. Filling up for my many days of absence as well. I attended a meeting and had lunch alone, no calls from anyone but i received a message from my sister telling me she is doing okay.

I was rounding up for that day when Sally walk right into my office. Huh? What is she doing here? I asked myself.

I look at her over, she was putting a tight jean and a tank top.

Wait a second, is she here to seduce me or what?

I was tired from the day's work and all i desire right there and then was to be at home on my bed with Jill beside me.

" What do you think you are doing Sally? " I asked her cautiously as i watch her getting slowly undress.

Oh my goodness. I swore when the top fell off revealing her bra.

I stood still, watching her in awe and ... Shit! The bra fell off.

Okay i have seen enough.

" What's going on? " I asked staring at her breasts with pink nipples. She has a nice body ... Alright but common, i can't.

I got jill already and ... My thoughts was interupted when she came near me, offering herself to me but I push her away gently.

" You must be crazy to think this is going to work. " I said distastefully, now staring at her body makes me irritated.

At once the door open and Jill walk in. What! I froze in shock. I didn't call her nor do we agreed to meet in my office.

I saw the horror expression on her face and i gulped. Damn it! She surely would get the wrong impression.

My gaze went to Sally and i saw her lips curved into a sly smile.

She called her here to witness... Oh my goodness.

I managed to saw the tears on Jill's face before she slam the door and walk away.

I gritted my teeth, sure she did get the wrong impression. I didn't follow her, to beg. No.

I told her once, when we first had our first pillow conversation that i only apologize when I'm wrong.

Okay, let's make this a test for Jillian Don. Did she trust me or not.

And as for Sally, i gave her a glare that , only if look could kill Sally would have died a millions time over.

I saw her cringed in fear under my intense gaze.

I walked passed her, shoving her slightly with my shoulder and i walk down to my car. Then I saw Jill waiting for me.

I stood for a moment, the sky gradually getting dark with my staffs still around. Everyone who passed by stopped to stare at us, Jillian Don, the famous super model and i the professional swimmer and a business tycoon.

Without thinking of her actions or the consequence that it might bring, Jill walk to me , her lips parted inviting me for a kiss.

I'm Jack mayor. A guy who's always in control, i can't just let that innocent invitation goes to waste so i took the lead, savouring the moment, the attention and the flashlights from the cameras of the reporters that appeared out of nowhere.

Jill just passed the test, i don't think i can leave her now. Our relationship has been great, so far so good. Regardless of the problems we faces and conquer together. It's like been to hell and paradise together.

But i have the feelings that the battle is still far from coming to an end and I'm not disheartened. With this woman in my arms , I'm ready to scale through any difficulties.