
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · 奇幻
69 Chs

CHAPTER FORTY SIX: Secrets revealed

Jillian's Pov

I woke up to see myself in a dimly lighted room. I sat up from the small bed looking around.

A small table and a wooden chair was at the corner of the room and a small old lamp beside the bed.

My hands were tied behind my back so tight that my wrists felt numb. I felt very miserable.

I stare at my legs too which was also tied very tightly and i blink back tears.

I know vividly well that this is the consequences of getting close to jack mayor but I'm not disheartened nor do i regret knowing that fine man.

If only the lord can rescue me out of here i will still go back to Jack.

The door open slowly and i saw a silhouette of a man walk in.

He switch on the light and everywhere in the room was bright at once.

I stare at the man's face and i gasped.

Miller! The man who nearly killed Maureen's unborn child.

He grinned at me showing his disgusting teeth. I finally understand why Han has said he hate him.

No one would surely like a man whose appearance is not too pleasant.

I glare at him for some minutes before looking away.

It will be pointless to speak to him. I'm not even eager to hear anything from the gutter mouth of his.

" So you are the lady huh? " I heard him say in a sing song voice.

He bent down to me and i held my breath.

He smiled before walking to the table at the end of the room.

" Let's see if Jack mayor love you enough to the extent of signing off his company to Mr Mike " i heard him say and i yelp.

What!!! Is that the plan?

Oh shit! What will Jack do?

" How do ... You ... Mean? " I asked slowly getting very uncomfortable already.

He look towards me with a smirk.

" You see Jack mayor might appear to be confident and dominant but just like his Father he will surely sign off his company because of the woman he love " Miller said smiling again.

My hear start beating fast.

It appears to me now that Maureen was right. Mayor, Jack's father signed off his properties for the sake of a woman. But that is very absurd, why would he do that without caring about his children.

If that is how the Mr Mike has achieve his wealth , is he trying to make Jack give up his company for me too ?

" But that does not makes sense. We all know Jack Mayor won't do that " i said loudly trying to calm myself.

If that is the case, i pray jack won't give up his life savings for me. I surely don't think i deserve that much.

Had i known that my love for Jack Mayor will put him into a tight corner like this i would have stay away from him.

I heard Miller laughs before he sat on the chair beside the table.

" He surely will, but honestly i think it will be hard though. Jack mayor is obviously not his dad but he will eventually give up his contract. I don't know how you charm both him and Zach Mike though " miller said motioning with his hand.

" Who sent you? " I asked in a low tone.

He gave me a " are you dumb " stare before replying.

" Mr Mike of course, he is very pissed off with Jack Mayor."

I shook my head in confusion.

" But why? He achieve what he wanted already. Can't he let the mayors go? "

" No he won't " Miller replied scratching his broken nose. " He tried couples of time to make mayors creation goes down but all his efforts hit the brick wall. First was his communication with Jack's personal assistant. That works for sometime until the sexy swimmer knows about it and stop the acts , second was you "

I stare at him blankly, my face frown in confusion.

" Me? How do you mean ? " I asked interestedly.

He sighed softly " Laura , Jack's nanny was approached by Mr Mike weeks ago. He promised the old lady that he would leave the mayors alone for good if she can poisoned you "

What!!! So Laura was only doing what she was told to keep the Mayors safe?

If that is so then why did she ran away?

Probably because she was scared and embarrassed to face the mayors, my inner voice tell me.

" But how would me being poisoned make mayors creation goes down ? " I asked the man who seated relaxed in front of me.

" The surgery of course " i gasped when i heard him. He continues " we all know the surgery to cure your skin will surely cost a fortune. Mr Mike already knows that mayors creation isn't doing well and if Jack mayor remove any funds from the business to cure you the company will fall but to our surprise and great shock jack mayor took part in the competition to pay the bills thus Mr Mike's plan failed again. "

I stare blankly ahead as the Revelation hit me hard. I have been the bait to catch the dominant and confident Jack Mayor.

I hang my head in sorrow as i pray that jack won't give up his company because of me.

" This is madness " i muttered silently.

Miller get on his feet smiling at my face.

" Of course it is "

I clenched my jaw going for stubborn.

" Jack will never give up his contract. Never! So you better inform Mr Mike to quit his useless plan " i said tightly.

But to my surprise Miller bark out laughing.

He stare down at my body lustfully and i cringe in disgust.

He shook his head slowly.

" I do not know how it works for women but as for a man i know "

I raised an eyebrow in question.

" What works for men ? " I asked him.

" No man would love to see his woman Being forced to bed by any man... Don't you think ? " He asked.

My mouth flopped open in great fear and shock.

What does he mean? Raped!!!

Oh goodness! I became very scared by now.

I'm very sure that if my body is taken by anyone jack mayor will never ever wants to get involved with me again.

The door open very slowly and the cologne hit my nostril.

Zach Mike!!!

Zach Mike step into the room smiling at me. He start unhooking his shirt's buttons.

Miller smile at him before stepping out.

I coiled up my body in great fear not understanding what is going on.

" You don't need to be scared, there is no where to go anyway " he said walking slowly towards me.

He reached for my blouse and ripped not too gently. The sounds that follows was the tinkling of the buttons as they scattered around his feet. I gasped.

My white lace bra revealed too much and i curled up to keep my body from his hungry gaze.

I heard him scoff slightly, he reached out to me again but this time he was very much determined.

He was about to pull my clothes off forcefully when the door open and a woman came in.

Relieve wash over me like never before as i stare blurry at the elderly woman.


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