
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · 奇幻
69 Chs

CHAPTER FIFTY TWO: How to make mike pay

Jack's Pov

I get out hastily from the car to help Jill. To say I'm scared and greatly worried for her health will be an understatement. I laid her down in a sitting position at the backseat and quickly drove back home. The rain has started unexpectedly, pouring down aggressively like never before.

I picked up my cellphone and called Joan, briefing him about what has happened. As usual the man promise to be at my house even before i arrive with the necessary tools.

I glanced at Jill through the visor briefly and i panicked. Rage after rage engulfed me and i gripped the wheel tightly.

This is Mike's last straw i vow. Normally i have took his words seriously when he said he will kill Jill but now that the words has come to reality i couldn't believe it.

I drove speedily not minding the potholes and what they could do to my luxury car.

I pulled into my house and with haste i put one of my hand at the back of Jill's knees and the other behind her neck. I lifted her easily for she weigh not much and dash inside.

To my excitement but also surprise i saw Joan with two nurses and Don, Jillian's father.

No time for discussion. I race to my room and laid down the white looking jill on my bed not minding the blood or anything.

Joan walk in fastly with the two nurses who held up a big bag.

" Step out for sometime jack, you're trembling " I heard Joan said to me. I walk out hesitantly , my heart pounding in fear. Jill seems to be dead and all i could think of was her white face.

I step out from my room and quickly went to my car to retrieve my cellphone. The rain is still pouring very heavily and to my great relief Logan pull into my house.

The four men step out from the car drenched in the rain.

" Is she alive? " Logan asked urgently when he saw me.

" Barely " i croaked in a low tone. He nodded slowly.

" We will see you later boss, be careful " he said to me. He knows I'm shaken by what has happened tonight.

I saw him get into his car with his two men and drove off. To say I'm grateful to them will be an understatement.

I turn to Han who has a deep cut on his shoulder.

" You are hurt " i Said urgently but he shrugged. I know he is an ex soldier but a deep cut as this , I'm sure will hurt as hell.

I encourage him to walk inside with me, our body dripping wet.

Maureen yelp loudly when she saw Han. She didn't say anything as she pull him into the room with the first aid kit. I know he needed to visit the hospital but first aid is the only option Right now unless Joan has the time to check on him when he's done with Jill.

" You should change " I heard a voice before me says. I drifted back to reality and i saw Don staring at me with pitiful expression.

That was when i realized I'm in a sad, pitiful state. My hair were disheveled and wet. My clothes was wet as well and given the white colored it was stained all over with mud from the potholes street.

I clenched my jaw tightly against the cold. Mike should be prepare for my wrath. I'm sure words would have reach him by now.

" I will get change once Joan came out of my room with the nurses " i replied the man. I wonder why he came here.

" Thank you a lot Jack " He said surprising me. Honestly I haven't expected him to thank me. All thanks to my involvement with his only daughter, she is nearly dead today.

I look away from him, sighing.

" I'm sorry sir if i have caused you and Jill some difficulties but i promise you from now on i will do better " i told him politely and he smiled in acceptance.

" Thank you a lot " he said once again " i came here because i didn't hear from you at all. Mr Mike visited me today saying my daughter choose the wrong side. I was very scared so i came racing down here. "

" I'm sorry " i mutters in a low tone. Actually it isn't in my behavior to apologize for anything ever but this man right here deserve an apology. The least i could do for causing him to worry was to apologize.

" Can i stay here for the night? I want to be there when Jill woke up " He asked me faintly, thinking i would refused because I'm jack mayor who never love to get mingle with people , i nodded surprising him.

" You can stay for the night. Let me show you the guest room " i said leading the way. I show him a comfy, large room and he thank me.

I walk back into the living room where i saw han cleaned up and wearing my clothes.

I cocked up an eyebrow.

" Where did you get those? " I ask simply.

" Your sister provide them , I'm sorry i ... "

I cut him off " Thank you for helping me out tonight "

" I didn't, Jilly is my boss. I had to save her anytime she is in danger "

I nodded thoughtfully.

" Yes, you are right. I will have one of my employee brought you and Jill clothes from my company. Looks like you will be staying here for a while "

" What are you planning jack mayor? "

I smirk " nothing, just to pay back "

Han open his mouth to answer me but then Joan and the two nurses start descending the stairs.

My heart start pounding nervously, i walk up to him , prepared to hear any sad news.

He smile happily and I heave a sigh of relief.

" She survive and right now she is still unconscious. I would have preferred to leave one of the nurses here but then i know how Jack mayor never let a stranger into his home so i would give you some instructions regarding Jill's health.

I nodded smiling, the thought of Jill alive and well makes me want to jump around but i held myself.

I am Jack Mayor after all. Joan told me and han all we need to know and how to care for her.

He left later on ,with me promising to pay the bills later. I walk slowly into my room to check on Jill. Everyone else with me.

She look so much tired as she lay down sleeping.

Her beautiful, White wrist is covered with bruises and a faint line shows the mark of rope that has been tied around it , same as her leg.

I set my jaw tightly thinking hard on how possibly could i make mike pay for what he has Done.