
Izanami Yama shi Op

Arius villin was a gamer who played games a lot he had a gaming pc and his favourite game was brand thefts manual 5 he was also a YouTuber and he mainly published gaming videos on it he was very carefree and was active plus he wasn’t even so smart as well! He had no parents as he was born as an orphan but a rich lady took him from the orphanage and started taking care of him! She later died when Arius villin was only 15! Now Arius villin does a job which is YouTubing and also gaming competitions!

Amazing_Kabachi · 游戏
3 Chs


I was now on the look for another hole but I couldn't find one and then after that a weird thing appeared again and it said that I had to go on level 5 and then without break on level 6 I thought that it would be easy but it was really really really really really hard! I started hearing sounds of a ghoul but it was saying something like shinigami but I couldn't understand and the moment it saw me was the moment it tried to kill me but I suddenly killed him as that shinigami word business isn't mine! I then saw a person who said something weird. He said something like juden and ghouls started coming out of the ground like daisies! I suddenly went down to business to defeat the ghouls and I was really into it because I now had the ability to see my healthpower also called hp but then after I defeated the ghouls like a man I noticed that the person was gone and to be honest I don't even give a damn! I was now ready to go to level six with three by four of my hp and believe me level six is no joke! All the zombies started coming out and so did ghouls and other monsters but an idea came to my mortal mind and I got it because of the monsters who were coming out of the ground and then suddenly I punched the ground with my right punch and all of the zombies were either blown away or fell into the large pit and that site was just so pitiful! I wanted a monster to be my pet as I have also played monster myths and that game was not fun but still I wanted to I wan- boom! The boss monster has appeared and the boss was a Sagittarius but with his bow like Robin Hood he also had a sword like a knight and believe me he was also wearing an armour that half idiot and half animal was wearing an armour and I used to like knights but he was here to ruin the dream which I had no intention of success and I also didn't care but still a dream is a dream! I was ready to really really really really really impatiently kick its ass but mine got kicked first I was shot on my right hand shoulder and was also punched on the face! I was ready for round two but my health power was now five thousand out of ten thousand! I was losing and was also losing really really really really really badly and now it's payback time bloodlust skill has been unlocked now then are you ready to die or what? I then punched from the distance of a street to his face and it was a direct hit because of the force of the air which I call the Airforce! The monster's health was now half of what it was before and I was ready to land another blow but I saw the monster coming slowly towards me that I was ready to sleep! He felt so slow and I felt as fast as light but I had to give him a knuckle burger so I was ready to annihilate it so I just punched him and he was dead and he messed with someone worse than death! Yeah you heard that right shinigami you messed with someone worse than death now tell me where the hell are you! I will destroy everything and then after all that shouting I was about to faint when I saw the level clear message and fainted! After waking up I was ready for the next level. I am gonna train till I can no more! I then saw the leaderboard and was still first but the one on second was now on third and I was now on level 230! I am ready to defeat you shinigami was what I shouted in the waiting area but those who heard me started praying for their lives as they did not want the shinigami to take their soul I mean I wash my clothes with bleach so I should be that guys friend but no he just had to mess with the best I wanted someone like him to be my friend so I could be known as the legend the myth the only Arius Villin! Then suddenly people gathered around me and started asking questions about the shinigami and to fill all of their fears in their heart I said that I heard a ghoul say shinigami but the moment he saw me it acted bizarrely and he was too weak to do that he was really really really really really weak like he was so weak that you could take on a million of them at the same time! Then suddenly a noob said that it is hard to take on a ghoul and when everybody heard his words everyone started saying yup it sure is which meant that everyone was a noob in the waiting area! Did they send me noobs when I wanted professionals! I mean yeah I did watch movies and learned English from them after ten years even though I am a Japanese who went abroad in America for the release of pss5 and sbox two z but ended up in this game but still I have to complete this game so I can catch the person who is after my gaming pc and that could be the only reason of this throwing me in another dimension as Albert Einstein once said Game and success will await you no wait it isn't what Albert Einstein said it is what I used to think! I really really really really really really really hope that what I thought was the truth because mughead was thrown in greed because of the words which Satan said and those words were that All the loot in my casino will be yours if you win the next round and if you lose I will kill you and I am not mughead!