

Rap rap rap...

The sound of a brass knocker echoed all throughout the manor.

Ivory Evans pulled her quilt tighter around her shoulders as she tiptoed through the pitch dark corridors of her sleeping home. She listened to the unique way it breathed, and to the way water flowed through the walls like blood through a man's body.

The only source of warmth being from the few candlesticks that stood on a single small table every few feet.

Rap rap rap...

A cold shiver shot up her spine, and goosebumps rose on her ghost-like skin as her bare feet met the coolness of the marble stairs.

Rap rap rap rap..!

Whoever was at the door was growing more and more impatient with every step she descend.

When Ivory reached the last step, she lifted a candle from one of the two tables that stood on either side of the stairs, and made her way across the foyer to the giant ebony door, and with some effort, pulled it open.

A cold gust of wind blew in from the night, causing Ivory to stagger backward two or three times before regaining her balance again.

A soft honey-like tune chimed like beautiful bells in her mind. It sang eight words before it began to fade fast, like a half-forgotten dream.

"The battle has ended...The war has ceased..."

Once the whisper had gone completely, Ivory had returned to her senses as quickly as snapping out of a deep trance. Her heart was hammering, and a smile broke across her lips.

"Mother!" Cried Ivory, as she abandoned her quilt by the front door; which was still ajar; and turned on her heels. Ivory darted back up the marble stairs and turned the corner on the left once she reached the top landing. Only coming to a halt after arriving in front of her mother's bedroom door.

Ivory banged against her mother's door about twelve times before her mother opened it so suddenly that Ivory had almost hit her in all her excitement.

"For heaven's sake, Ivy!" Her mother snapped.

"It's over mother! The war---the wind just---she said it---"

Ivory could hardly form an understandable sentence, but it seemed that her mother had understood perfectly what she was trying to say.

"The war has ended?" Asked her mother. The annoyed tone that had previously been a moment ago, was gone now.

Ivory nodded.

Something inside Ivory awoke, and suddenly she was practically dancing on the spot.

"Ivory...Do you know what this means?" Asked her mother, who was nearly breathless.

Again, Ivory nodded. "It means we can go home...right?"

"Right," said her mother. "Now, go get packed and changed. We leave immediately."

Ivory flung her arms around her mother, then sped off down the hall again.

She couldn't believe it; she was going home! The war was over, and everything could go back to the way it used to be. She could be with her father, and her sister again in the second world, and Eirian would finally be free from the seven kings of the heavens.

"It's going to rain," Sighed Ivory's mother as she stood silhouetted in the doorway, squinting up at the dark sky above. "Let's hope we can make it in time."

Ivory picked up her quilt from the floor and replaced it around her shoulders.

"The gate isn't far at all. We'll make it."

Her mother's expression suddenly was unfamiliar. Ivory was sure she's seen her wear it before, she just could understand what it meant.

"Well kiddo, let's go home."

The late November winds pricked Ivory's cheeks and made her lungs sting with every breath she took.

The two of them hiked deeper and deeper into the woods until they were so surrounded by giant naked oak trees, that not a single silver ray of the moon could break through the shadowy fortress.

"It shouldn't be far now" Said Ivory's mother. But as she did, a tiny droplet fell against Ivory's face, forcing her to pull the corners of her quilt higher up on her face.

After another minute or two of walking, another giant oak had come into view, though, this one was far more unique than the others. It was the only tree for miles that still had all of its leaves and color.

As the two of them drew nearer, a silvery-blue mark began to appear on its black trunk. It was the mark of Eirian. And it was the same mark that had all of the sudden appeared on the back of Ivory's wrist. It was the only warm spot on her body, and as she peered down upon it, she couldn't help but smile.

"Here, Ivy, give me your hand." Said her mother as she reached for her daughter.

"You remember how this works, right? Because if not, well..."

"I remember. I'm ready." Ivory said, gazing at the luminescent Mark etched into the tree's trunk.

"Right then. Through we go..." said her mother, and off they went.

The only thing Ivory had to guide her as she stepped through the gate, was her mother's hand. And the further the two of them walked, the more the darkness pressed in on her eyes, causing them to ache as they darted around blindly.

"We're almost there. I can see the end." Came her mother's voice from all sides.

Ivorys heart began to pound once again as she knew they were now so close to home.

A knocking sound echoed from everywhere. Suddenly, her mother came to a halt. Ivory began to rock back and forth on the balls of her feet, much too anxious to stand still.

Somewhere in front of her, light poured in and blinded her once more. But as her eyes began to focus, she began to recognize her surroundings.

They were no longer in the forest. No, now they were facing four large floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the grounds of headquarters. The place in which she grew up.

"Elizabeth" called a familiar voice from behind Ivory.

When Ivory turned to face him, he had already pulled her and her mother onto a bone-crushing embrace.

"Dad..." Breathed Ivory as she buried her face into the sleeve of his shirt. Breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne.

"It's been too long kiddo," Said her father, with a smile in his voice.