
Chapter 40

Like it was stated before, Danuja was a girl with too much pride and newly, sparks of smugness and arrogance.

The worst part about those features was that they weren't exactly misplaced. Danuja was prideful because she liked who she was, she liked herself. Danuja was smug because she was Kana closest friend, maybe more than friend and she was arrogant because she knows things.

  And all those so called 'things' couldn't be know if she wasn't perseverant and just the slightest bit obsessed.

Well... maybe a little more than 'slightest bit'.


Danuja wasn't sure how long it passed but if she could take a guess after Dad slight movements she could see from the corner of her eye from time to time, a hour already passed.

That did not break Danuja concentration or hits for that matter. The ring below her was wet from her sweat that was dripping constantly through her body and at some point her the bandages n her chest shifted dangerously before she could  put them back.

Her hits were at a perfect distance of another, of at last three inches. Her knuckles hurt but that wasn't anything new or unusual, just the dull pain she become accustomed with. Her strikes were fast and not powerful overall.

Speed breaks things while power just pushes things and the only thing Danuja needed was to break this fucking log and be over with.

The sound of wood splitting made Danuja laugh in victory. She panted and sweat was going down her body in places where sweat shouldn't even be to begin with. But that didn't matter not did it falter the overflowing relief she felt when the wood broke.

Applauses made her look to the side, locking eyes with Mr. Touma proud look and prouder grin. Danuja laughed again before stumbling off the ring, Dad immediately at her side, helping her.

'' Good job, Danuja.''  Mr. Touma said and for the first time Danuja let that strange warmness spread though her body.

It wasn't that bad.


'' Do I want to know?''  Mr. Touma asked looking suspiciously at the object in front of him.

After Danuja finally regained her bearing and checked her bandages subtly, she begin telling the man what she needed. They have a deal after all.

While Mr. Touma searched for the items, Danuja wiped herself off, feeling like she took a sticky shower than anything else before stretching slightly.  Then he returned with a confused and slightly concerned look and that's where we begin.

'' Do you?'' Danuja asked smirking already dressed and ready to leave. She stuffed the objects in her large pockets already feeling a drop of adrenaline in her blood

'' I'm beginning to think that I shouldn't. ''  he said before without warning, he begin ruffling Danuja head. Dad huffed surprised while Danuja let out an unknow sound even for her.  '' See you tomorrow kid.''  he said, Danuja letting herself out, her dog stumbling by her side

'' Come on Dad.''  Danuja said running just a bit faster, the soreness not yet kicking in, breathing in the warm air of the night.

Dad barked before running forward of her making her catch up with him from time to time.


The streets were neither busy or empty and so, no one looked at the tall girl walking her dog on what looked like a warm Thursday night.

'' Shh.''  she shushed Dad gently, petting his neck before squatting down  '' Silence. Okay? I want silence.'' she insisted, putting a finger in front of her lips, before pushing slightly him forward making him take the corner before her

Danuja, trying to not look to suspicious and with a too loud heart all the way in her throat, stepped forward, the tall building of her school looming above her. She huffed a laugh before without hesitation launching herself above the gate where the security camera dead center was. Danuja landed heavily, staying in a squatted position before turning her head to Dad, who stuck his nose between the bars.

'' Warn me.''  she muttered seeing his ears flick at her before he padded towards a shadowed spot.  Smart dog  she thought fondly when he seat between the gate where she jumped and the school night guard.

Danuja, still laying low, looked with wide eyes around her before walking forward, crouching further while checking her pockets.

There was a small, very thin screwdriver with a star head, in her right pocket. It was a little rusted and the handle was crooked but Danuja already know what it could do. Beside it, where a few rubber, colored hair bands that where apparently owned by Mr. Touma son.

In her other pocket where a couple of screws. Truthfully Danuja would have liked more of them but Mr. Touma was already half ready to not even let her go out of the gym so she didn't dare push her luck.

Danuja breathed heavily, letting the air slowly out before moving forward.

At the beginning, when Danuja first become friends with Kana and the girl was scared of getting catch for getting sneaking on the rooftop, Danuja begin to make a list in her mind. A list of how many guards the school have or what where the teachers patrols, who was on patrol on the respective girl. How many times was the rooftop checked period. And how many cameras where and how they worked. 

It was actually kind of funny how many defected cameras where in the classrooms and kind of disgusting how many microphones worked just near the bathrooms.

Well it doesn't really matter now  Danuja thought staring at the cameras turning around and how the red light for the microphone wasn't working. She walked hurried to the next corner, checking the next cameras before glancing at the window where the night guard was suppose to be at.

She laughed silently at sight below her, Dad wagging his tail at the old guard keeping his attention on him. Danuja wasn't really sure if there were two or a single guard looking after the school at night but she  wasn't really worried about them.

After all she could run and jump faster than any of them and if she was careful enough, her figure wouldn't be caught on the cameras either.

Arriving at the teacher room, Danuja smirked before kneeling down, skillfully unscrewing the doorhandle.

I need to go to driving lessons so I will wrap this up real quick.

I wrote this while listening to 'Kami Kehoe - SLEEP WHEN IM DEAD' and it was an amazing.

Have a good meal today and be careful at the tricky weather!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts