
Chapter 24

''- now we should return to page 256 and keep your attention at the next sentence.''  the teacher voice droned on and for the first time since Danuja discovered English and the general joy of speaking a second language, she turned her head away peeking at Kana figure.

The silver haired girl was seating with a straight back and eyes concentrated on the teacher. She was noting from time to time the teacher advice, biting her lips when she didn't know something.

And if Danuja though of those exact same lips wrapping around the small candies in her bag before forming in a bright grin with rosy cheeks, the it was her only, private thought. 


Danuja arrived on the rooftop before Kana feeling slightly relieved but frustrated at the same time. After she spend hours thinking of anything but how to explain to Kana that she will take absence for two days, Danuja come to a simple conclusion.

Bluntness got me so far  she though before taking out her tapped rope beginning her sets till Kana arrived.

The creak of the door alerted Danuja of Kana arrival after a few minutes.

'' I'm sorry.'' Kana begin making Danuja blink confused, tilting her head  '' The teacher called me after class and I didn't think it will take that long.'' she said playing with her sleeve before finally looking at Danuja

In response Danuja huffed, wiping the sweat off her forehead before taking a seat on the ground, nodding towards the covered ground for Kana. 

'' That's okay.''  she begin gently, copying the tone she used around Dad when he was scared. Kana relaxed before smiling brightly at her, gingerly taking a seat on the worn out jacket.  '' Thank you.'' she said just a little bit amused when Danuja give her the usual bag of cheap colored candies.

After a few minutes filled with Kana soft chatter, between taking bites of candy, Danuja said trying to not sound too nervous.

'' I won't be at school next Monday or the day after. I need to be somewhere and it really can't be missed.''  at her words Kana expression faltered before she almost shoved the last candy in her mouth staying silent for a few seconds.

'' Danuja-san. You are going to fight again isn't it?''  Kana said with a sad look making Danuja bite her tongue

'' That's right. ''  Danuja said taking a deep breath before adding, while hoping that this will clear Kana expression  '' I'm sorry for making you sad by fighting, but I'm not sorry for doing something I like.''

'' Silly Danuja.''  Kana grumbled in return  '' You better come back on Wednesday so I can clean your wounds.''  she muttered, squeaking in surprise when Danuja sinked her fingers in the girl smooth hair, scratching her head gently

'' Don't worry about that.''  Danuja said carefully  '' And even if I'm not back to classes, you will still find me here on Wednesday.''  she said enjoying the slightly dazed look on Kana face, accompanied by a soft, bright smile.


Two days later, on a Sunday night, Danuja arrived at Mr. Touma gym with a bag over her shoulder. Her hand wrappings and identification papers were there per Mr. Touma words. She shifted a little awkwardly in place to check her binder before greeting the man

'' How are you feeling?''  he asked making sign for her to enter the car

'' Pretty good. I eat a bowl of pasta like three hours ago like you said.''  Danuja said putting her seatbelt on  '' So are you going to tell me where are we going? Or at last what do you need my identification papers for.''

'' That's just for security to make sure you are who you are. Age doesn't matter there. If you are crazy, reckless enough to fight there than you are old enough. ''  he said entering towards the factories district before stopping in a underground parking, stacked with cars

'' Holy shit.'' Danuja said looking at the sight. It was the first time she saw that many and expensive cars in the same place 

Mr. Touma chuckled beside her before taking her to a cabin where a simple dressed man begin to verify their papers.

'' It will take some time so let's talk about this place.'' Mr. Touma finally said  '' Nothing leaks in and out of this place boyo. This place isn't like official boxing rings that you would see. There is an whole hierarchy in this place that it's respected by every single person that steps foot here. There is the First Ring, the one you would fight today.''  he said raising a finger up

'' It's where beginners or one timers come and go. You can only wrap your hands and feet, no gloves or mouthguard, just the crouch protection and the occasional chest shield. I didn't venture more than the First Ring in my youth so any other advantaged information it's a little sloppy.''  the man smiled sheepishly before getting up and taking their papers back. A few moments later, the two of them were in a lift going down

'' Underground at it's finest.''  he said winking at her before taking a hold of her shoulder when the doors opened and the sound made itself know

'' So many people.''  she said looking at the people, at the difference between them

'' All sort of people show up to see the fights and all short of people show up to fight.''' he said pointing at a big screen where a fight from the Second Ring was up 

'' He doesn't have legs!''  she said incredulously, gaping when said man just brough down his opponent

'' All sort of people kid. Rich, poor,  druggies, whole family's even, students, employs, ex or old champions. Anything that you could thing of, it's here.''  he said making Danuja look up at the screen before taking a look around her once more

In short time they arrived in a more secluded place where a hall with many doors, with names were.

'' What's this place called? You never told me.''  Danuja said after she wrapped her bandages, rope in hand for warm up

'' It doesn't really have a name, too much caution and all that. But it's described as a blood-sport, of pitting two individuals on each other with a minimum of rules in a ring for others entertainment. A place where bitting one flash off makes people scream in joy.''  he narrated while guiding her towards the ring, the cheers of people ringing in her ears

'' This is the Mad dog pit.'' 

Been listening to 'BewhY (비와이) - 가라사대 (GOTTASADAE)' while writting this.

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts