
Chapter 19

The bruises were not looking any better the next day.

Not like things like bruises, cuts and body aches ever stopped her before.

After checking Dad condition and making sure to eat beside him, Danuja began her trek to school, her knee no longer bothering her. She didn't step inside the school yard properly that rumors about her were already flowing.

It wasn't a new thing for her.

There were always rumors about her. About her living situation and her shabby clothes. About her weirdness, like her strange teeth and her constantly raw knuckle's.

All and all Danuja was used to rumors. So used that she stopped listening to them in the first place.

Still wincing Danuja took her seat before sighing. The first hour was needed for attendance, then till lunch break everything was free game.


Danuja was in her usual spot, hiding on the rooftop when the door was opened slowly. There was always that small creak when the door opened.

The familiar sound or rather lack therefore of footsteps, made Danuja snape her eyes open. There was a single person that walks without sound.

Shishijima Kana. The girl she was avoiding.

Glancing down, Danuja saw the silver haired girl looking around cautiously, her hand clenching a bag at her chest. Her gentle features were marred by a frown and small pout.

Maybe she is suppose to meet someone here? Danuja though leaning back on the concrete closing her eyes  Not my business

" Danuja....-san? " a small voice said made Danuja frown before looking down

Gold clashed with amethyst.

" Yes?" she said making the girl jump before her face brightened smiling at Danuja. A little more than surprised Danuja cleared her throat trying to make her voice more pleasant, normal, without luck.

" Ah- could you come down for a second ?" Kana asked not losing her smile, if possible brightening even further

Wordlessly Danuja nodded and while hoping that her knee won't embarrass her now, she jumped. Feeling weirdly proud of her landing Danuja let out a small smirk before looking at Kana, tilting her head. There was a red hue spreading on Kana checks that traveled on her ears, nose, slowly on her neck and -!

Bad thoughts  Danuja scolded herself frowning without realizating  the squirming girl  Dangerous thoughts

'' I brought some medicine for you.''  Kana said revealing the inside of the bag, holding it towards her with trembling hands

Danuja blinked startled and after a moment of hesitation Kana straightened herself, seating on the cold concrete, putting the spot in front of her with an earnest expression. For a brief moment Danuja brain stopped. There was something awfully wrong with the image in front of her.

One of the most beautiful person she ever meet was on her knees, in front of her, looking eagerly to take a seat beside said beautiful person. Above all there was a improvised first aid kit in her hands and Danuja face was full of bruises and neglected cuts.

'' Your-your injuries could get infected.''  Kana said much more subdue, her bright smile lowering slightly before returning in a full blown when Danuja took a seat in front of her, crossing her legs

Danuja did not say a word while Kana cleaned her face and disinfected her injuries. She was too focused on the silver haired beauty in front of her.

Shishijima Kana was beautiful from afar but from close, even Danuja could recognize that she was gorgeous for the lack of a better word. 

Gorgeous as she was dangerous.

Soft hands tilting her head from side to side, her warm breath washing over her face when she was looking just a little too close, a concentrate but soft look in her amethyst eyes and a sweet, rich and kind of syrupy scent of vanilla.

'' There you go.''  Kana said letting go of her face, not before putting a small band aid under her eyebrow where a nasty cut was still giving her problems  '' You need to clean your wounds properly if you don't want any problems or at last cover them up.'' she said softly, before with careful hands begin to gather everything back in the bag

'' Why did you do this? ''  Danuja said startling her, her eras going red again

'' You-um.  You were very kind to me that time.''  Kana said, a stary lock of hair falling on her face  '' I wanted to um, repay my debt.'' she said nodding to herself before shrinking down at Danuja look

'' You already washed this old thing.''  Danuja said before cursing herself. Was it that hard to say a simple thank you? 

'' But I wanted to.''  Kana said holding her skirt in a tight fist  '' I wanted to help you like this. And-and! If you would let me can I help you. I-I'm great at nursing I mean!-''  her voice cracked embarrassed  ''- great at cleaning injuries and bandages. Things like those. So, if you would let me, can I take care of you?'' 

Kana face was beet red and her hands were trembling on her skirt. Her eyes were a little teary too while she looked up at Danuja with big, eager amethyst eyes.

Dumbfounded, Danuja nodded slowly trying to see if this was real or not. What were the changes of the only person you actively avoid, to get close to you on their own accord? The next moment were looking rushed in Danuja mind but they were actually very slow on the outsider eyes.

Kana gathered her things carefully while looking pleasant, an ever present red hue on her face before she tried to get up just to almost stumble forward. She regained her balance quickly, without Danuja help before waving goodbye and almost skipping out of the rooftop.

Still startled, Danuja blinked at the empty spot, her own legs numb before an even startling though occurred to her

I should have give her my jacket to seat on next time 

And while she looked up at the rundown ceiling of Mr. Touma gym, said man looking confused at her fallen form, he said

'' What's with you today?''

'' I think I like dangerous things.''  she said absently and so, so hopeless

I wrote this while listening to Maniac by Stray Kids, who are some exceptional people btw.

Also I eat or at last tried to, a boiled egg this morning at 7 A.M and now it's around 4 P.M. and I wait for my sister to make apple pie. Her apple pies are amazing.

Have a great meal today and if you can't, cause there are times where food just isn't good, then stay hydrated!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts