
Chapter 18

Danuja foot stuck nicely between the man ribs before he slammed his fist on her knee making her lose the feeling in said leg. 

'' So it's true that there can't be a civilized conversation with you.''  the man said before making a show of rolling up his sleeve, dark ink revealing itself on pale skin.

Yakuza? Danuja though before shacking herself, concentrating on the man in front of her. It was no lie that the bulging muscle was making her nausea raise up but there was no way she was moving from Dad front

'' My name is  Kuma and I shall let you see reason at the end.''  he said making Danuja frown in disgust

'' This fucker-'' she muttered before getting in her position. First, she should see the distance and then....wait no.

Why would she keep with the boxing rules from Mr. Touma?    she though while avoiding the quick punches at her face  There's no guarantee that this guy will do the same thing as me. 

Hastily while avoiding another couple of punches, Danuja tried to feel at her pockets. She couldn't avoid the next hit not Dad sudden intervention. She laughed at Kuma surprised face

'' What? Did you though that a dog would do nothing when their owner it's attacked?!''  she yelled, her face aching and for a moment she was sure that she already lost a few teeth.

Kuma yelled shortly in pain before thrashing his leg trying to shake Dad off, just to grunt harder when Dad begin to tug at his skin, flesh breaking under his fangs. After a couple of seconds Kuma laughed, grinning at her

'' I see where you got your character from.''  he said before trying to pry off Dad with his hands just to grab empty air. Dad already run back behind Danuja before Kuma even come closer.

At the same time Danuja took a fistful of dirt and small stones, throwing them in the man face. That moment she used her fists to attack Kuma face with a flurry of hits and her leg kicks hitting right through him. The blinding pain on the side of her face made her push herself on the man, Kuma, hitting his  sides restlessly before slamming her heel on his shin. A heavy hand in her hair, a stinging pain and Danuja was on the ground the beast of a man above her, hitting her face without any though of stopping.

Fuck  Danuja though thorough the pain    There was no way she would last long enough at this rate  she though before getting her arms out of his lock raising them in front of her, raising her guard

This, feels familiar  she though smiling despite herself , feeling iron in her mouth.  In spite of herself Danuja lifted her knees before she tugged them up with all her force, hitting Kuma spine

'' Get! The fuck! Off! '' she yelled, the man rolling off her holding his back in pain. Without losing the momentum Danuja lunged herself at him switching their position. She checked her bra, her pockets before realization hit her.

She had no screwdrivers or any short of weapon on her. Suddenly her first lesson with Mr. Touma made her move before she lose the moment.

'' Eyes, throat, genitals, under knee or elbow, solar plex and ears. Those is what you need to aim at if you find yourself in a ditch. Hit their plex or throat with your fist. Held your hand like you hold an egg and slam them on their ears. Hit there till they fall boy and you can see another day, maybe even out of that ditch.''  Mr. Touma joked at that time while showing her on a broken dummy where to hit

Holding her fist properly, Danuja begin hitting forward imagining the training pads the old man would held for  her. She hit despite hearing the chocked gasp of air and feeling Kuma fist hitting her ribs in despair. Her sides hurt, her face was numb and there were too many and too little sounds around her.

She hit the flesh in a trance and somewhere along the way, when Kuma fists weren't hitting anymore and Danuja finally stopped looking down at the man, she realized that there was a grin on her face and a burning feeling in her veins.

It was an incredible, powerful feeling, looking down at the beast of a man she was almost scared before that she brough down. At the meat lump that Kuma become, throat in a disturbing form, ragged breaths and eyes looking at nothing.

Danuja stumbled backward standing still for a moment waiting for the man chest to lift up and down and after confirming it she turned around, almost falling because of her knee,  towards Dad.

'' Hey Dad.'' she begin gently, a stark contrast of her appearance a few seconds ago, holding a hand forward and clicking her tongue gently, while letting herself fall on her knees

HIs tail wagged gently on the ground before he padded slowly at her sniffing her face slightly, wet nose making her huff amused before he begin trying to seat in her lap.

'' Shhh.'' Danuja begin lifting herself up, Dad sticking to her legs walking with her  '' Come now, let's go home.''  she said leaving behind Kuma and whatever he wanted from her

Without Dad it would have been much harder to return home, Danuja discovered when her she almost fall forward in front of her house, right when Dad  walked in the living room, curling himself on the couch.  His ears where folded back but despite that he was strangely calm from seeing his owner get a beating, then give the beating.

He was not relaxed by any means but Danuja was pleasant that there was no trembling or terrible whines.

Back on Danuja, she shoved her pants off, inspecting her knee. It was red, a little swollen and numb. Numb enough to not even walk back on her room by herself.  She tried to poke at her face, feeling a cut on her forehead, close to her eyebrow, where most of the blood come from. Her nose was broken, or damaged enough to spurt blood as well.

Dragging her tongue over her teeth she was relieved when none were missing or moving awkwardly.

'' Thanks for giving me doubts I suppose.'' she said letting herself down on the couch, Dad head on her lap  '' The changes of Ryota doing this shit again are slim. Though, the change of Kuma being buddy with those three ain't.''

Suddenly, Dad bite her hand gently before getting off the couch, trying to drag her up.

'' Ok ok I'm up. I know, I need a shower and ice of this knee before I lose it.''  Danuja said letting herself dragged by Dad towards the bathroom  '' Stop nagging me would you.'' she said huffing getting her first glance at herself in the mirror

'' Oh fuck.'' she said blinking startled 

I listened to 'Best Boxing Music Mix | Workout & Training Motivation Music | HipHop | #13' , you guys try it out it was amazing.

I drunk a Pepsi today and it's already 4 P.M here and I really should eat something but I thing of forget.

Have a nice meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts