it's a different thing of hearing of them and seeing them
though Hanma looking at the girl setting cross legged on the floor. Her long black skirt with little purple flowers and lighting embroiderer on it, with a short blouse, her entire waist exposed and hair black striked with silver. It was different hearing of a Sukeban than seeing one. Even silent, without speaking or even looking at him Hanma knows that this person, girl, leader was a hard opponent to cross. He couldn't really tell how her body looked, how strong she was psychically but her presence was similar with a hungry dog with a never ending stomach. Terrifying. That made him all the more curious.
When Hanma wake up the first thing he noticed was the soft ground he was on, it was an old couch that at some point was white, now going in yellow but still smells pleasantly, the second thing he noticed was that his head that he was sure was bleeding last time was patched up, the usual headache and dried blood on him gone. His whole body hurt but that wasn't anything unusual. The third thing he noticed was the girl, who since when was she here? on the ground looking intensely at her phone clearly waiting something.
Moving Hanma winced silently but the movement was enough for the girl to look at him. Silver eyes looking at him calculative.
'' Had a good rest?'' she ask
'' Not bad.'' Hanma says '' Who are you?'' he ask. The silver eyes girl turns towards him and for a moment Hanma catch a glimpse of silver on her leg. Maybe it was just his imagination.
'' That rude. Shouldn't you introduce yourself first?'' Hanma said while seating up. His wounds were patched up, what a weird girl.
'' Tsk. What you thing just because you are all patched up you can't have another set?'' she says arching one of her thin eyebrows. '' You are in my territory asshole. Talk, if you don't want to be beat up and thrown in a dice.'' she smirks widely and gets up. She was freakishly tall for a girl her age, reminding him of a biker guy with a long braid that he saw in passing. ''Around here, dogs are hungrier.''
'' Fight me.'' Hanma says trying to get up just to fall back on the couch on his ass. Growling he stares at the girl, at that leader and says defiantly '' Fight me, show me what you can do.'' Hanma says smiling crazily, his head throbbing and his side going numb from all the moving.
She laugh at him looking more amused than disturbed of his crazy smile and messed look.
'' How about this? '' she said taking a step closer to him '' You tell me your name, your gang affiliation if you have any and how did you come up in my territory of all places.'' she push him back when he tries to get up again '' When you can stand up by yourself then we can fight.''
'' Why not now?'' Hanma says looking at her curious his smile still there '' I'm all beat up, an easy kill.''
'' There's no joy of beating up someone that's already half dead. It's just messy. '' Hanma falls silent still staring at her, for her part the girl doesn't react one bit
'' Hanma Shuji. No gang just wondering around.'' Hanma licks his lips and looks her in the eyes '' I was bored. So I began to beat up two gangs fighting each other.'' he laughs '' It was a dream. I know that I closed my eyes somewhere after finishing with the last guy. Not sure how I ended up here.''
'' Huh. So you are crazy.'' the girl smiles '' The fight will be good then. Heal in three days!'' she says going to the door '' Or even shorter time. When you are ready tell Granny of it.'' She leaves before Hanma could demand a name. Two shadows jump from behind the couch after her.
granny?.. though Hanma looking at the flowery and white-yellow place
Outside Danuja sighs tired. This guy is a mess, a time bomb ready to explode ,but Danuja has her own morals ,if he doesn't heal up in the time limit then she can just do her thing and thrown him back in Shibuya.
Outside was darker already, Katsu and Tatsuo were seating with Granny Mizu on her porch, their partners on the streets doing their own thing. Granny Mizu is the first one that sees her
'' Dan-chan, you finished already?''
'' Yes, we will have two of our dog members to stay here for three days Granny. I'm sorry for bothering you like this.'' Danuja says bowing her head a little. Her gang members get up and copy her
'' Is that boy that hurt?'' Granny was a sweet old lady when she wanted, it was a good day for her today.
'' He is very stubborn as well. '' Danuja said smiling pleasantly '' In a couple of days he will leave.'' after talking with Granny a little more, helping her go up the couple of stairs in front of her house Danuja and her girls leave.
'' ... and that's about it.'' Danuja finish explaining. They were walking back home, no cab now.
'' I still thing we should just thrown him back where he come from.'' Tatsuo said at her right
'' Maybe, but this guy is strong and crazy. That's also means that he is know. If the rumor spreads that we finished with this one the fight in our territory will dim.'' Katsu said throwing her arm around Tatsuo shoulders getting Tatsuo a little behind. Katsu says teasingly at her '' Danuja-sama is awesome ne?'' Katsu burst out laughing while Tatsuo hits her shoulder until finally she climbs on Katsu back and covers her mouth.
In front of them Danuja breaths and enjoy the laughter of her friends, smiling as well. She lets them go in the front then takes Tatsuo from Katsu back and spins her around. All three of them laugh happily in the upcoming night.
The walk home was pleasant, filled with laughter, people going on the streets, teenagers going back home, adults from work, walking their dogs, elderly walking at their own peace.
At Danuja house, the backyard was full of dogs playing or napping. Zeus, a Tibetan Mastiff, and from what Danuja remembers once her father biggest pride and joy, was napping as well but gets up when he caught the girls scent.
In the house was a mess though. Papers flying or on the floor, Nariko and Nakano where working on the sewing machine doing something with a dark purple material ,while Sachiko was drawing something, Kiyoko and Tsubaki where patching up Takumi, a dark haired girl with eyebrows piercing, and Kyoufu, brown haired, usual silent girl with caramel eyes. They were sporting cuts on their faces and bruises, Takumi skirt was in Junko lap sewing it back. The others were looking through multiple papers or at their phones.
Despise all the girls were still having a cheerful energy. When they saw Danuja enter all of them get up and bowed ''Welcome!''
''....the fuck?'' the girls begin to giggle while some looked like they were holding themselves '' Ok'' Danuja puts her hands on her hips looking confused '' You all sick or something? You never did this before.'' Takumi the one that laughter the harder said
'' It's a sign of respect.'' Danuja still looks confused ''There was this wannabe delinquents today that were stealing money from highschoolers. Apparently every time they heard we patrol they hide and come up later. Catch them today though .'' Takumi says smiling widely pointing at her still bloody face and Kyoufu messed ribs
''While we were fighting their leader come as well and everyone was like, crawling back on their feet and bowing at him. It was so creepy.'' Takumi says still smiling
'' But then we though, what if we salute Danuja like this in front of others.'' Kyoufu finished
'' Then-'' Sachiko interrupts '' We though we need an upgrade. So myself, Nariko and Nakano are doing jackets. Trench jackets. With pockets.''
'' It's gonna be so badass.'' Tsubaki says as well
'' Cool'' Ayuna says from the pile of papers
'' Amazing..'' Tatsuo sighs beside Danuja.
For her part Danuja was getting so confused. Junko hand on her shoulder wakes her up from her daze '' Don't you dare oppose.'' she says smiling. Danuja nods, her friends cheering and going back to work. Extenuated Danuja sits on the closest thing and at some point says
'' Did you lot thing of a name at last?'' Danuja ask. The pointed silence was enough of an answer, making Danuja smile shaking her head.
Next day they send Kai and Purrin, an Akita Inu and a Greyhound respectively, both of them Kyoufu's to Granny Mizu house.
It took Hanma one day to get up on his feet and another to get out of the house. With two dogs one of them that he never saw in his live guiding him Hanma arrived in a garbage dump that at a closer inspection was an abandoned parking lot with lots of trash on the side. Above a pile of metal garbage the same girl from last time, the leader was staring down at him. His blood begin pumping and his crazy smile on.
Hanma didn't talk but began to run towards her.
let's have some fun Hanma though when she blocked his kick effortlessly. Her skin already red.
Hanma attacked endlessly barely getting a hit at Danuja ribs when a kick at his neck throw him away. Hanma neck was sporting three red signs made from the chains under Danuja skirt. Hanma laugh and they run towards each other, Danuja getting the first kick at his face hearing a short crack. His nose was poring blood on the ground. Hitting her ankle Danuja loses her balance Hanma throwing himself at her hitting her face. When her face was all bloody, her nose and mouth bleeding he stopped to look. He lowers himself at her ear and says
'' You can't fool me, Leader.'' a knee to the ribs makes him chokes, Danuja catching his neck in a grip. Her chains pressing at his neck. Trashing Hanma tries to escape, when it doesn't work he tries to grip her with his hand, he catch her skirt and rips it. Surprised Danuja lets him go remaining with just a pair of short, her smooth long legs on displays. Hanma was trying to regain his breathing but Danuja didn't let him.
She hits him repeatably in the face and with her elbow his nose. Hanma lifts his feet and throws her away, getting on his feet. Finally in front of each other he looks at the ripped skirt in his hand. He throw it away
'' Nice legs. Poor choice.'' he says nodding, almost falling, towards the cloth
'' It's a school uniform '' she spits blood before she chokes in it '' What did you expect?''
'' Hey Leader, I'm so impressed now.'' Hanma laughs crazily '' I know you were strong, I could feel it in my bones hah! but to see it.'' Danuja doesn't let him blabber longer jumping at him. Hanma catch's her leg and throw her on a pile of metal, blood splattering around. Danuja rolls before Hanma can step on her, the metal that she was sitting before bend now.
'' To feel it!''
Danuja kick him under his knees making him fall, hitting his ribs this time until Hanma screamed, him catching her leg before it could hit again. His bloody face, smile bruised body and little cuts on his head bleeding strongly. He was still smiling.
'' Know you were one crazy bastard.'' Danuja smiles her mouth full of blood as well.
'' I'm so excited...'' Hanma says griping her leg tighter, one of her chains falling down. She spits in his eyes and steps on him.
At some point Danuja doesn't know where the hits come from. Hit. Get hit. Block. Hit. Blood falling down. Spit. Hit. Made a joke with the bastard.
In the end the fight ended when a crack echoed in the parking lot. Hanma leg was bend the wrong way and he couldn't get up. Danuja above him smiled pleasant and sits down, her legs trembling.
'' Danuja.'' she says looking at the bloody pile that Hanma become. He looks at her with his still working eye and even like this he still smiles. The fucking bastard.
Before the adrenaline goes down, Danuja gathers her ripped skirt and puts it own, the waistline was still holding and just one leg was exposed. He gathers Hanma off the ground on her shoulder with the easy of owning so many dogs and caring them around. With heavy steps but straight feet Danuja goes towards the border with Shibuya.
'' The hell you doing?'' Hanma says chocking on his blood, staying upside down was making him dizzy
'' Making a statement.'' Danuja says patting his leg. She walks on the streets with her hands ripped, bloody on her steps and her head high. If she stops now she loses her balance and falls. '' You are know as a bloody monster.'' she continues after some time
'' How old are you?'' he says, Danuja can hear the blood leaving a trail behind.
'' Twelve.''
'' That's insane.'' he says, even chocking with almost every breath Danuja can still hear the excitement in his voice.
'' Can you fight again? '' Hanma gurgles '' It was funny'' he tries laughing but chokes again. Danuja doesn't answer just maintains her pace. She enters Shibuya but doesn't stop. People were getting out of her way, running, mothers covering their children eyes, boys looking after her, elderly palling.
Before she throws him on the bench she says
'' How did I look like? When we were fighting?'' Danuja ask
'' Starved.'' She dump him on the bench and turns around, home in her mind. She spare a glance at the short, blonde haired kid with a lollipop that was starring at her. Star eyed.
She doesn't look back.
Home she is meet with Kiyoko and Tsubaki hands patching her up, her partners cuddles and the calm and cherry atmosphere that her gang created.
That was the moment when the gang world recognized the Second Generation of Sukeban. With their long skirts and short blouses, their dyed hair and hidden chains and their shadowed partners. With fierce attitude and protectiveness and later on, their teamwork.