
Chapter 21: I'm in another world... again

Alrighty~! First of all, I'm really sorry for all those who were hoping for Kross's first crossover to be in Fairy Tail, 'cause it's not. But I'll be making one for his next crossover after the world of... wait, I'll just keep that to myself for now. 😆

But anyways, I'll make my very first disclaimer:


Oh, right. Because I really like this series and was also the one that got me into the "Isekai" faction, I won't be interfering with the plot too much, especially with the pairings, if it can even be considered as... you know~, a pair!😆😉😅


[*Ding!* Permission to integrate the 'Multiverse Bead' with the System, proceed?


"*Sigh* What kind of possible mess am I gonna get myself into this time? Well, alright I guess. I'm already in another world, so what could go wrong... Might as well accept this free ticket through the multiverse."

I said with a light chuckle, trying to humor myself and as I tried to reason out with this situation.

Honestly though, I may or may not have already thought of this possibility.

Yeah, of course I did. I just didn't think it would happen so soon.

Welp, here goes nothing. And I pray for everything that are named holy, please don't set up any flags, and pretty please for goddess Minerva's sake, don't jinx me~!

Taking a deep breath, I gave my confirmation.

"Yes. Proceed."

[Permission accepted.]

A bright light flashed briefly as the Bead shot towards me, but I was too unguarded and was late to react.


It sunk into my chest, but oddly enough, no pain was felt.

Heck, didn't even feel a tickle.

[*Ding!* The 'Multiverse Bead' have been successfully integrated.

10%... 25%... 48%... 68%... 85%... 98%... 99%... 100%.

*Ding!* The System have been automatically updated for the accommodation of the new functions.

*Ding!* 'Multiverse Travel' function is now available.

*Ding!* 'Quest' function is now available.

*Ding!* Skill: 'Allspeak' acquired.

*Ding!* Due to the influence of the 'Multiverse Bead', all stats have been permanently boosted by 500 points each.

*Ding!* Title: 'Multiverse Drifter' acquired.

*Ding!* The first world have already been determined, beginning transfer.]

I was still pretty shocked and still didn't recover fully and was only listening dumbly at what the System is announcing. And couldn't react immediately to what happened next.

"What the f*ck?! Oi! Wai-"

And once again, I was too late.

I was engulfed in a bright silvery light and was dragged away to parts unknown.

When I opened my eyes, I was floating in the middle of a white space.

[*Ding!* Time dilation between worlds have been computed.

*Ding!* Time duration to remain in the said world set to One Month.

*Ding!* Time ratio have been determined.

One month : One day.]

"Well, at least it's better this way. And here I was worrying for being gone for too long~. Now that all of my worries seemed to be unheeded, let's start this BS already."

[*Ding!* The first Quest have been generated.


Now in an(another) entirely new world and entirely new system with a set of entirely new key figures, try and help the 'MC' in starting his own adventures.

Quest difficulty: Normal

Quest rewards: +50 points to all status attributes and One Mystery Package]

[*Ding!* Would you like to start your new journey in helping another Protagonist?]

"Well, fine I guess. But still, the sceptism in me still remains. I still get this feeling that someone's doing this intentionally, and I might have an idea as to who..."

I said and silently looked in the far-off whiteness of the void.

After a while, I shook my head and retracted my gaze.

"Anyway, can you lessen the high-pitched dinging sound when new notification comes in?"

Yeah, right. 'Cause it's kinda getting into my head, especially when I'm deep in thought, kinda irritates me a little.

[*Ding* Request granted.]

It answered, but now much softer to my ears, well, my mind' s ear.


The moment that word came out of my mouth, my vision darkened once again. And before I know it, I'm already in another place, sitting cross-legged on a small square of four and a half tatami mats in front of a tea table for some reason.

Looking around, I noticed I was in some place where there were only clouds as far as my enhanced vision could reach, well aside from where I'm sitting, along with two other individuals having tea and were in the middle of their conversation but halted by my sudden appearance.

I noticed their gaze at me, and I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed for intruding without notice.

"Oh, uhm. I apologize for my sudden intrusion."

I said and bowed my head, a little deeper than I usually do.

"Ohoho! Not at all, my boy! Now, would you like to join us for some tea?"

"Oh, well it'll be rude of me not to accept, thank you."

"Ohoho! You are most welcome, now I'll excuse myself and address my matter with young Touya here."

"Ah, please. Don't mind me."

I said and was a little surprised at the welcome, especially for the invitation. And that name, it felt awfully familiar... But before my thoughts could even get too far, a cup of tea, much like what the two of them were drinking suddenly appeared in front of me on a small platter, without thinking too much about it, I took it up for a sip.

'Woah, now that's some tea. I'm sure Aia would be delighted if he tried this...'

Looking up again, I was finally able to asses the other two individuals closely.

The first one is a kind looking bespectacled old man with an aura around him, which is pretty similar to the one that goddess Minerva had, surrounding his body.

In my conclusion, this old dude is definitely a god.

And the other one is a teenager that looks to be in his fifteen or sixteen years of age, a little tall, but I think we're of the same height, if not he's a little taller than me. But meh, I'm currently only twelve, so there's still time for me to grow taller. And on a side note, he also have the same aura, albeit weaker and almost seem... dormant maybe? Well, it's not my place to poke my nose into. It is his matter, not mine.

But, after assessing their features and the situation that I found myself in, and the fact that the feeling of familiarization of that name gave me earlier and the way their conversation goes, I was finally able to connect the dots and was hit with a sudden realization.

'Oh, it's from that anime, huh.'

I thought in amusement as I took another sip from my tea.

Man, this tea is just too good. That coming from a coffee lover is proof enough.

'Speaking of which, I miss coffee...'

Looking at them again as they continue on their own talk, I can say than I'm a hundred percent certain that I'm right in my assumptions.

They look too similar with their anime counterparts, but looking more alive, like what normal people look, and nothing like a 2D character.

I don't know if that's how the way this world, or even this universe works, or it is that my perseption of realism have been altered, but meh, they look like normal people to me, and that's all that matters.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I finally caught up to their conversation and decided to keep quiet and just listen for the time being.

"I can certainly restore you to life, but I cannot simply place you back where you came from. There are rules about this kind of thing, you understand? Once again, allow me to profusely apologize for this situation.. Now, to the point."

Old man god stated and paused, waiting for Touya's confirmation.

"Go on."

"It is possible to grant you a life in a different world. A chance to begin anew, so to speak. Of course, I will understand if you don't like the idea, but—"

"Sounds good to me."

"... It does?"

"If that's the way it has to be, then that's all there is to it. Honestly, I'm just glad to have another chance, so that's fine by me."

"You trully are an amazing young man... You definitely could have made something of yourself if you were still alive down there... Please forgive my carelessness."

Wow, poor old god really looked downtrodden. I kinda pity him for a moment there, though I don't know really know if it's alright to feel that way in this situation, especially towards a god.

"At least allow me to make it up to you somehow. I am allowed to grant you some small favors like that... Does anything come to mind?"

"Hm... well, you've kind of put me on the spot here."

Touya said as he looked a little conflicted. Well, I can relate to him somehow.

'Cause I know that he really wants to be with his family again, which God already stated would be impossible.

Even for me. Well, goddess Minerva did say that it would be better to not think about this matter too much, else it will only bring me some sense of regrets for not meeting them, much less even remember them.

After giving it some thought, Touya finally spoke up.

"The world you're sending me to... what kind of place is it?"

"Ah, in comparison to your world it is not quite as developed as of yet. Hm... your world was the one with the Middle Ages, correct? I suppose it is close to that level, on a societal standpoint. Well, half of it at least! It varies a bit by location."

Hearing that, Touya once again sunk to his thoughts, after thinking for a while, his expression somehow brightened, but he looks a little uncertain.

"Uhm, there is one thing."

"Oh? There is? State it and I will see what can be done."

Now it's the old man's expression that brightened.

Well, good for them, at least the slight gloominess that's looming around earlier have been lifted.

"This, can you make it so I can still use it while I'm over there?"

Touya said as he took out his smartphone from his breast pocket.

Okay, now I'm a little envious of him.

"That is all? Well, I do suppose it is possible... I would have to impose some restrictions on its usage, however, if that is acceptable."

Okay, even with those restrictions, I'm pretty sure that I'm really envious of him right now, not by just a little.

"What kind?"

"You will not be able to directly communicate with anyone through it. In simpler terms, I should say that you cannot use it to interact with your old world. No texting, no posting on websites, and no outgoing calls. However, you will still be able to observe, browse, and use search functions and whatnot. What else... Oh, I will give you my telephone number as well."

"Sounds good to me."

He said with a satisfied smile.

'Man, he even got unlimited internet access...'

"I will link the battery to your magic so as to keep it charged at all times. You will not have to worry about it running out of power."

When God said that, Touya almost spit out his tea which made me chuckle a little along with old man god watched on in amusement.

Well, I don't blame him, even I was a little excited when I first tried magic, alright, I admit, too excited.

"Sorry, did you just say magic? Are you telling me that the people in my new world can cast spells and stuff?"

He asked in excitement, completely forgetting his little embarrassment.

"Well, yes. And fear not, you should be able to use it freely in due time."

"Thank you for all of this, really."

Touta said with a light bow.

"Ohoho. Not at all, my boy. But before I sent you on your way, let's address our other friend's matter for now."

Old man God said and turned to me, and Touya nodded in acknowledgement and gazed at me sideways, giving a curious look.

Welp, at least he's not irritated at me, most of the guys in the institute does after all.

"Well then, young friend. How may I address you? Oh, and do forgive this old me for not tending to you earlier."

"Oh, not at all. I was the one who suddenly I intruded in the first place, so it's fine. And you can call me Kross."

"Ohoho! I'm grateful for your patience and understanding, young Kross. Now, your situation intrigues me a little. As I have stated earlier to young Touya here, this place is is where the gods reside and no humans or any mortal could ever step foot in this realm aside from gods."

Old man God said which made Touya come to a realization and looked at me, his curiosity even increased by a fold.

"Would you please elaborate how were you able to get here? If you don't mind?"

"Mm, not at all. Well, I was on my way on stocking up on some couple of vials of [Earth Essence] when I found this small round bead that I somehow integrated with. It only gave me a little warning and some infos which I got to know it as the 'Multiverse Bead' and before I knew it, I was already here."

"Ohoho! I see, I see! So that is what happened. The 'Multiverse Bead' does have those capabilities. And now that I peered into your aura, it is also somehow connected with the 'Origin'. Can I ask you how this came to be, if I'm not imposing too much?"

"Not at all. I did certainly came into contact with the 'Origin', but not the 'Origin' himself, it was his granddaughter that I was able to meet."

"Oh! Mine-chan! I'm surprised you were able to meet with her. So, how is she doing with her job?"

Well now, this is a little surprising. Didn't expect that they were acquainted, and by the looks of his reaction, it seems that they were also close.

"Mm, she's fine. She also did mention that she quite enjoy her job."

"Mm! That's good, that's good. Maybe I should also join that old fella in his vacation after a few years. Mm. Now, back to your situation, young Kross. I would like to confirm that this is your first travel?"

"Yes, it is."

"Ohoho! That is perfect! Why don't you and young Touya here travel together? Is it alright for the both you?"

"Well, I'm alright with it. I'm glad that I'll have a companion to travel with at least."

Touya stated with a smile.

"Sure, I'm fine with that too."

I agreed readily. Besides, it's not like I have any better ideas, and it also aligns with my quest. And for all I know, all the most important happenings will happen around him, so it's better. Maybe I could even find someone strong to fight with, or when he grew stronger. Oh! There's also that Ende guy! Maybe I can ask him for a spar when I meet him!

"Good, good! Now, as this will be your first travel and also for agreeing on my little request, I'll also grant you a small gift. What you like, young Kross?"

"Oh? Well..."

Alright, now this is what I have not considered and definitely did not expect, but meh, it's a gift, and I'll be a fool not to accept it.

Now what would I- Oh! That's it!

"If it's not too much, I would also like a smartphone. I don't really have anything that I actually want, and... I kinda miss using one."

I answered and gave him my reason sheepishly.

This answer caught both Touya and old man god in surprise.

"Wait, you 'kinda miss using one'? But from what I could get, aren't you also from a fantasy world?"

Touya asked in surprise, and God also nodded in curiousity.

Well, as far as I know, gods like him could just read my mind if they wanted to, even with my [Gamer's Mentality], but he didn't. It's kind of him, at least he respects other's privacy.

"Mm. Just like you, I'm also a reincarnator from a modern Earth, but currently I'm living in a world called Terra, for more than two years now."

My answer caught Touya in another surprise.

"Ohoho! Now this is really surprising. Mhm! Now for your request, young Kross. I'll be glad to grant you that."

He said that and I felt my hoodie's right pocket grew a little in weight.

I dug my hand inside it and found the feeling of the cold rectangular object which made me smile.

I looked towards god and slightly bowed my head.

"Thank you."

"No problem, no problem at all. But, as you may have already heard earlier, those restrictions on young Touya's smartphone also applied to yours, I hope it is fine with you too."

"Yes, it is."

"Mm! Now then, let's get you both back on your feet. But before that, one last thing."

Old man god said as he brought his palm upon Touya, which he briefly got covered in golden light before fading, and thus god continued.

"It would be quite tragic indeed were you to die again immediately after being revived, but that would be unlikely as young Kross is there with you. But still, I have given all of your basic abilities a small boost. Your body will be stronger, your mind sharper, and so on. Either way, it should beconsiderably harder for you to die this time around. Well, unless some silly old God drops lightning on your head!"

The kindly old coot smiled wryly. And I found myself chuckling a little with Touya having a grateful but at the same time, a wry smile on his face.

"I will be unable to do much for you two directly once you are down in the world below, especially for you, young Touya. So just consider that as a little present from me."

Old man god said.

"Thanks again."

Touya said as he bowed his head slightly towards god, which I did the same.

"Fumu~. I may not be able to directly interfere with the lower realms too much, but I can always offer you two some advice should you require it." God pointed at our smartphones as he spoke.

Well, I may not need to call him much, but his advices should still be helpful, and would certainly be godly.

"Well then, until next time."

God saw us off with a saintly smile. I felt the space around the two of us instantly shifted, and my mind once again began to sink into darkness which surely also did with Touya.

With an amused thought in my mind,

'Somehow, this old man god and grandpa Sylv have similar personalities~.'

I let my mind succumb into darkness.


[Author's rants: Alright! First try in doing this, and I was a little surprised on how it came out!

It was easier than I thought, but it still pose a little challenge especially when you try to insert your own monologues and finding the appropriate timings.

But all in all, I still did enjoy myself! And I hope you guys also did too! 😆😆😜😆😆]