
Chapter 11: Critical Hit!

"Here we are. Welcome to the Seialous Institute, young Kross."

Grandpa Sylv said as we stood in front of the magnificent looking gate that towered for over twenty meters.

Silver and gold ornate patterns interweave together, runes of some kind appears and disappears on the surface of the gate's frame from time to time, as well the eighteen meter tall obsidian black iron fences that surrounds the entirety of the Institute.

I stood there in awe, my mouth hanging open as I stared at the distance towards the humongous structure that radiates a calm, but majestic aura.

"Wow, this place is awesome~."

I blurted out.

I don't know if grandpa understood what I meant but he just gave me a light chuckle and smiled.

"It is "awesome", as you speak. We hold pride to this Institute, not only because of the achievements we have made but also because of its history."

He said with his hands clasped behind his back and looked towards the white palace-like structure.

"Hm? What do mean?"

"Well, you see young Kross, our empire was built by our ancestors after they left their own factions because of various reasons. They founded the empire from the ground, have done all they could just to make our people prosper and have the protections and sense of belonging they need. You see, at that time... War have been raging from all over Terra. Fighting for their own principles, either beliefs or just plain twisted reasons, mainly moved by greed. Every race fought for superiority, resources, people, and they seek for more.

This were the start of the hatred between the races. They fought until only one of them is left, their hatred never sated.

Our ancestors was not satisfied with these, so they all bonded together, planned and recruited more and more people, just to find a place and make it their own haven.

At first, only some agreed to their cause, but as time passed... As the war kept on going and their families' safety are becoming dire as the factions are all forcing them to fight whether they like it or not, people finally accepted as they grabbed on the last hope that our ancestors have given them.

This not only happened on one of the races, but all of them.

They moved, and flee from their own nations and factions... Traveled the lands and seas for several years until they found this continent.

Our ancestors were all overjoyed. They've started to build their own housings from wood, and became a big village.

Time passed as the population grew and the village became a city and into a kingdom.

Some disputes have appeared by that time as they have to choose a leader to lead them.

But how can they?

They all left their own nations because of exactly this kind of situation, so they have to find an alternative.

That's when one have suggested that instead of one person is at the top, why not several? Why not have a representative of every races?

That's how the council came to be.

Decisions are decided by not one, but all of them.

After some time passed, the kingdom have become so big that citizens have started to migrate to other parts of the continent, so the council have decided to make it into an empire.

They've created routes for the trade purposes, facilities and many more projects, but only the basic ones.

Times passed as generations after another fall as another one rises...

The council have already established the laws by then, and education have also been ensured, mostly by the parents.

But that is the problem... At that time, as the elders are mostly concerned of their strengths, they didn't bother about their knowledge, so the council have established this institute.

From the Institute, minds of the various geniuses emerged, and ideas for various ways on how we can improve our economy also surfaced.

That's the start of our empire's prosperity. Sure, even from the beginning our continent is already rich in resources but they have no idea on how to utilize them... And that, is where the people from the institute came in.

All bright minds at that time joined hands and began the researches; for food, medicine, agriculture, and various others until another couple of hundred years later that we have discovered the technology.

This idea have been thought by one of the dwarves when he was accidentally struck by lightning while experimenting on some of his tools.

That's the first discovery of electricity~.

It was slightly amusing on how things our discovered don't you think?"

He asked and laughed lightly.

"*Chuckle* Sure is~."

" Mhm. But let's stop our talks for now, you still have to register after all..."

He said as we walked passed the gates.

I just nodded and followed after him.

One thing that I noticed though, the guards seem to be really respectful to this old man...

'Heh~. Guess my gut was right when I thought he was not so simple, especially his status...'

I silently thought as we walked side by side, getting some curious glances from the guards and those who saw us.

'Hm~. There's something going on here~. Based from these people's respectful attitude towards grandpa Sylv as well as how they act in front of him, also... Not to mention these strange and curious looks I'm getting... Haist~. I really got myself a Plot f*cking Armor, huh? Is my life gonna be full of clichés? *Sigh* Dammit...'

"Granpa Sylv, just curious... What's your position in this institute?"

I asked and threw him a look.

Even though I already know what's what, I'm still asking, no one's gonna stop me anyway.

"Ooh. What made you ask that I wonder?"

"Uhm... Because of how these guys act?"

I replied and motioned my thumb towards the guards and the people watching us two.

He looked back and made a chuckle as an amused expressed appeared on his face.

"Haha. Fair point... Well, I'm the Dean that the council have assigned five years ago to this institute, and will still be for another five years..."

He said as he looked at me smilingly, awaiting my reaction.

"Heh~. So that's why. Man, what luck~. Guess I lucked out today to actually have the chance to get acquainted with the Dean himself, huh?"

I said as I smiled the same and met his gaze which, caught him by surprise.

Well, that's to be expected... If this is the usual trope where the MC meets with these kind of "big people", then he'd already be apologizing profusely by now by how casual he acts, but not me.

Who am I? I'm a loner and an introvert, but that doesn't mean that I'm anti-social to the point that I don't even know how to talk to people, and this improved even more with my unique skill, keeping my head cool all the time, though I'm really thankful that it does not prevent me from expressing my emotions, just like what usually happens with MCs that got the Gamer system.

"Hm~. That's different from the reactions I usually get, but I like that... *Chuckle* It doesn't really feel good when people gets over-respectful because of your status... So thank you, young Kross"

He said with the same smile on his face, but brighter.

"Hehe... Don't worry about it, grandpa Sylv."

"Haha~! If you say so, but I'm still grateful... Oh! Now that you already call me grandpa in the first place, then I'll treat you as one of my grandchildren then, how does that sound?"

He asked and looked at me expectantly.

"Haha~. Sure, I would like that very much. Thank you, grandpa Sylv."

"Haha~! No worries, little Kross. Now come, we're here."

He said and motioned towards me when we arrived in front of a building.

We walked inside and saw that there are still some other people, mostly those of my age around the hall even though it's already late in the afternoon.

As we walked, all of them bowed towards grandpa Sylv's direction and made way for us to pass.

Grandpa just smiled at them and walked ahead towards the desk as I followed behind.

Again, those stares are killing me~!

"Good afternoon, Dean Sylverious."

The receptionist lady stood up and greeted.

"Mm. No need to further entertain this old man, carry on."

Grandpa said as he smiled.

"No, how could I not? And besides, you are not that old as you say, Dean Sylverious."

"Hai, hai. If you say so. Now please help register this young man. Oh! And no need to ask for his tuition, I'll be the one who's answering cost~."

"Ah, is that okay? I don't really lack money you know?"

"Haha, it's fine. As my grandson, it's the least I can do."

He said as he smiled brightly to the astonishment of the receptionist lady and the others who have heard us.

'Haist... I already smell trouble coming... Great...'

"If you say so. Thanks, grandpa Sylv."

"Haha~! You are most welcome!"

He said and I smiled.

The receptionist lady snap just in time and stuttered as she brought out a familiar looking crystal slate, but this one is bigger than the one on the gate's, and with more accessories attached to it.

"R-Right... Please place your hand here and state your name."

She said and placed it in front of me.

I did what she and placed my hand on it.


Just like what happened earlier in the gate, it shone for a moment before dimming.

I removed my hand as the lady and grandpa Sylv looked at it curiously before turning into astonishment and then delight.

"Haha~! Looks like we've got another prodigy this year!"

Grandpa Sylv bursted out as he laughed.

The room began clamoring with murmurs here and there as the people are beginning their gossip.

'Haist... Can this day get any better...'

I inwardly sighed and thought sarcastically.

I looked at the slate and it was just like the one in the gate, but there a space there that I'm guessing is for a photo of me.

[Name: Kross]

[Age: 12]

[[Root] bearer type: Dragon]

[Stage: Fourth Seal - Partial Transformation]

"Hm, hm~. What a genius... So young yet you are already at the fourth seal, partial transformation~."

'Oh please... You're just making this situation worse... Hais, this grandpa I got...'

Grandpa Sylv have his hand on his chin as he nodded his head in approval.

"Ohoho. And to think that you even have a Dragon type [Root] and by the looks of it, it is a really powerful one too, this year will definitely be interesting!"

He said loudly to which I could only face-palm.

The crowd's getting rowdier as the murmurs are getting more and more louder.

"Oh, right. Kross, please remove your hood. We'll gonna need your photo for your card."

'Oh boy...'

Grandpa Sylv said to which I can only follow.

I sighed and reached for my hood with all eyes trained on me.

I just really want to run away from right now, but this is necessary, I guess. I'll be exposing myself everyday at the Institute anyway, so where's the harm, right?

I removed my hood, to which, unsurprisingly, well you know already what happened.

The girls' eyes shine with passion as the guys' eyes shone with killing intent, so intense that if they could kill just by their gazes then I'm sure that I have already died by a couple of times by now, over and over.

"Well. I did not see that coming... Wait, actually... I did. Haha~! As expected of my lineage!"

Granpa Sylv said loudly and gave me a wink.

'Haist, this old man...'

I thought and smiled appreciatingly.

"P-Please hold on a second and stay-stay still..."

The lady receptionist said while her face as red as a ripe tomato.

'Man~. I think I can already see steam coming out of her head...'

She raised the crystal slate and pointed it towards me.

I noticed that on the back of it, there's something that resembles a camera, similar those attached on smartphones, so I smiled.


'Eh? Where did that come from?'


(Please read, might be important. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️)

[Author's rants: Alright you guys~! This time, I really really really really held back!

I have too much in mind that I wanted to add my own comments in some sentences but I held back!

Now be a good reader as this Author wants to have a rating!

So please leave your reviews~!

And it will be deeply appreciated!


Oh. And lastly, I was only able to post this chapter instead of the usual day, which is Thursday, is because I have the time and am still figuring out how to finish my modules~.

And another thing(sorry), don't worry about how the [Root] system works 'cause I'll be explaining that on the later chapters.

Other than that, hope you enjoyed~😁😁😁]

Please comment the errors made, thank you.

DareMeNotcreators' thoughts