
It's my dream (English version)

I'am, Zahrana Bilqis, a beautiful name given to me by my parents which means "beautiful flower." Mom and Dad love me very much. Even though Papa has two more children from his previous marriage. My life is happy to have two stepsisters, we love each other. Ever since I was little, they always looked after me when I played, or when Mother was away at work. Until I grew up, we still respect each other. It was never proven by words, that stepbrothers were evil or julid in my family. Lately, I often see Mother alone in the room, when Papa is not at home or is out of town. Yesterday when I walked into Mother's room, she was wiping away her tears, it looked like she had been crying. When asked, the answer was not feeling well. I've known for a long time that Papa's ex-wife always interferes with Mother's life. It was as if he couldn't accept seeing Brother and Sister love Mother more. He did everything he could to make Papa and my two stepsisters hate Mother. Now I'm an adult, a student at a well-known state faculty in my city. I won't let anyone hurt you. Even if it's my dad. Hey, reader, keep on following the story until it's finished! Don't forget to like, comment and rate, thank you. Don't forget to stop by in my other stories too. 1.The wound in my heart 2. Choise lover

Novita_Adha · 现代言情
35 Chs

Meet chatty grandma part 2.

Lately, Aunt Rosa, Papa's ex-wife, likes to find out. Maybe that's what made you think again. Since marrying Mother, Brother Rey and Sis Mona, my half-sisters, prefer to live with us compared to their own mother.

Inadvertently, I saw in the slightly open drawer, there was a photo. My confused soul struggled, then I took the photo and saw whose face was in the photo. Turns out it was Mom and Dad's wedding photo. Why are you holding that photo?

The sound of gurgling water can still be heard from the bathroom next to my room. You should shower with warm water. I slapped myself on the forehead, because I forgot to remind him. Not long after, the sound of the bedroom door being opened, kreekk... Mother came out wearing a kimono-style towel.

"Zahra go to the room first, Bund! I want to get my wallet," I said.

"Oh-yes," she said.

I put my cellphone and wallet into my favorite nude pink bag. A birthday present from my mother a year ago. Even though I have a lot of bags in my closet, I prefer to use the bag that Mother gave me. It's simple and the color is my favorite.

Don't forget to spray the perfume given by Papa, when he came home from out of town a few months ago. Because I know, Papa likes to buy perfume gifts for Mother.

The reason is so that if you miss Papa, all you have to do is spray the perfume into these rooms, so it's as if Papa is beside him. Because it's their favorite perfume. It is indeed a favorite that is difficult to forget.

After getting dressed, I went back into my mother's room. She was wearing a hijab, I saw the dresser drawer was open again, but the photo was gone. Maybe you already

save it. But my curiosity is hard to contain so I dared to ask

"Mom ... miss you, Papa?" investigate me. Mother turned to me.

"Ihh... you know so much, eh!" she said.

"Anyway, use a fever event anyways!" my joke.

"Sin-loo, if you make fun of his mother!"

"Aihh, not kidding, just asking my dear mother," I said while kissing her cheek. Mother's face immediately reddened.

After cleaning up, we went downstairs and immediately asked Mr. Dirman to take him to the supermarket.

"Pak Dirman ... take us to the supermarket in the city center, okay!" Mother ordered.

"Oh-okay, ma'am," said Mr. Dirman.

Mother gave the car keys to the driver as well as security at our house. Pak Dirman swiftly opened the car door for Mother. If I don't have to open it, I can do it myself. It was done as a form of respect for the employer or Boss's wife who had hired him in this house.

After closing the gate again, Mbok Nah immediately locked it again. Oh-yeah, almost forgot, earlier after coming home from campus there was a new resident living in front of our house. It seems yesterday that the occupants of the house were one family. After that they moved, and the house was sold. Well, earlier I saw a car enter his yard.

"Bund ... the house in front of us, there is someone inhabiting it, huh?" I asked.

"Hmm... what do you look like?" Mother even asked again just out of curiosity.

"Isssh, all you have to do is answer it, or not, how come it sucks!" my murmur.

"Hii... hii, that's it! Your papa pointed it out

the house to his business friend!"

"Oh-no wonder, so the residents know Papa, right, Bund?"

"Yes, but still single, at least he is almost your age or a little more," said Mother.

I was silent, then digested Mother's words, I saw only briefly, there was a guy getting out of the car and opening the fence and then getting back into his car. Seems like only a few days, he inhabited the front house. If you are single, that's okay, just to wash your eyes, hey ... hii.

Sangkin asiknya daydreaming, the car has just entered the supermarket parking lot. Mother grabbed my arm and asked me to come down.

"Wait Bund, Za's shoelaces are untied!" I said getting out of the car and crouched down to tie the loose rope back.

"That's why just use the special committee, like this mother! No complicated," he said.

"Ihhh, Mother! That Za likes that style.

casual, just go to campus using the special committee!" I scolded.

"Well, that's getting complicated! After the shoe laces, you can flip over," teased Mother.

while chuckling.

"Yup, it's ready!" I stood up and followed Mother into the supermarket.

This afternoon it looks crowded, you know, the name is the beginning of the month. The mother term is "young moon." I think it's just the young age, but the moon can be young, yes, guys. I looked around to find a trolley for shopping.

I took Mother's hand, how did her hand feel warm. Duhh... My dear mother, I've often lived out of town, but I still miss the moon, eh, Papa

"Let Za push the trolley, Mother just choose the things!" I said as I grabbed the trolley from his hand.

Half an hour walking around choosing kitchen necessities. Mother stopped in front of the drink stand, it seems that Mother still looks dizzy.

"You're thirsty, let's just open this mineral water right away?" I asked.

"Ma'am, you can open it right away, okay?" I asked the stand guard while taking a bottle of mineral water on the drink rack.

"Oh-okay, but don't throw the bottle away!" the stand guard commanded.

I unsealed the bottle cap, then told Mother to drink. Fortunately in front of the cashier there are several iron chairs, to sit waiting in line. Mother sat on the chair.

"Bund, wait here, okay! Za wants to choose shampoo and handbody!" I asked.

"Yes," she said.

I walked to the far end of the stand, where I saw the cosmetic stand there. I lyrics

and the son of his father!" said the middle-aged woman, pointing at Mother's face.

"Oh-Omaa!" say hello.

"Well, I happened to meet you whore! Tell your mother, don't poison my granddaughter's mind to hate her mother!" That's right!" shouted Grandma.

"Oma, don't talk nonsense, it's embarrassing, Mother! Brother Rey and Sis Mona are adults, there's no need to provoke them, they can judge for themselves what is good and bad!"

"And one more thing, my mother is not a whore!!! They got married after Papa was long widowed!" I said aloud, so that everyone here would know and he was all embarrassed.

"Huhh ... just my mother's child," said Grandma with a red face in shame. He left with the package out of the cash register.

"Mum is not papa, how are you feeling, are you feeling better now?" I asked worriedly. Mother finished the rest of the mineral water in the bottle and then put it back into the cart.

"Oh, no, honey! Don't worry, Mother is used to being scolded, with that fussy Grandma!" said Mother.

"This time, no one will be able to speak harshly to Mother! Even if it's Papa Za himself," I said while hugging Mother. I went straight to the cashier to pay for the groceries in the trolley.

To be continued....