
It's ME, Hi!

Elly was known as Smiley Girl because she was always smiling when she was with her friends, chatting with them and being nice to them. Unfortunately, the more she thinks positively, the more she feels distance from her friend. What makes she felt like this? Did she will lose her friendship? or Maybe along with her journey, she will finds someone who can be both of friends and love?

Shinxdaisy · 青春言情
17 Chs

Part 1 : Sport Day

Every night before I go to bed, my mind keeps replying to the memories I've encountered. It's been a month since I spent time at the book café which the event was occurred. We weren't in touch now. Perhaps he has become busy with his college life. I hold the view that we are just strangers forced to meet in order to fill the empty spaces in our hearts. It doesn't bother me. But I will remember the dimple when he smiles.

Sweet little coffee.

I try not to spend time thinking about our conversation and instead focusing on the present. Let fate bring us together soon. I continue to recite those words in my head until it fails to remember and leads me to the present-day.

The sound of the rooster echoed throughout the neighborhood, waking everyone up. The start of the day begins when the sunrise comes.

For a better life, I struggle to get myself out of bed early in the morning to go to school. For life, I need to come to terms with how important it is to be able to have a friend. For life, I need to constantly remind myself that going to school is for studying and not playing.

The fresh air and blue sky is what I look forward to viewing with my eyes open. They're beautiful to look at. The cloud is hardly visible due to the azure sky. Totally my type. All I want right now is a morning breeze, not an announcement that will make my face even more tanned.

All of the students are being divided into the sports house colors which are sapphire, ruby, emerald, and topaz. I am one of the emeralds. So I need to line up towards this group sport.

After being divided into 'diamond-colored groups', the leader of the teacher from each group began handing us a piece of paper with a list of the activities sports that will be available for the sports day. The leader briefs to the point about the sports day without miss the important part. Not everyone will be able to participate in every sport listed, those who lack the ability to do, will be eliminated.

The attention of my gaze wandered in the direction of two of my favorite sports, high jump and running. I wrote my name on each one of my favorite sports without paying attention to the other, and I submitted the form to the teachers' leader.

The sports day will take place on the first day of summer. Although it will be sunny and we will be drenched in sweat production, it will feel as though we are playing in the fire, burning in the flames. This sports day is going to be all the students' favorite courses. It will make our skin more tanned than ever.

But, of course, my best friend wasn't interested in taking part. I know her too well, she can't do sports that will make her skin burn from the hottest sun of the desert.

To be honest, I really enjoy collecting medals from the sports in which I compete. It's exactly like my typical routine on sports days. I have to win in order to be awarded the medal. So I'll have to push myself fiercely to get it.

After all of the students submitted the form, we began to separate into our own class. Some students are chatting while walking to the stairs, some are buying drinks at the vending machine before going up to class for the reason they are thirsty, and some of them are taking advantage of skipping class which they will hang out at the bottom level of the stairs near the toilet.

While genuine students will step their feet into the classroom and engraved themselves into studying. We started sitting on the first flight and learned more about how to fly high like a bird. With the big exam near for the senior year, we need to focus on it, even though we have an appointment on the sports day. But it doesn't mean we didn't need to study. We need to hit the books to be a successful person.

I am overwhelmed with excitement for the sports day that I can barely have to wait. I tell myself in my heart.

I used to participate in competition in the high jump every year when I was in middle school. I'll be competing against classmates from other classes. She always wins the gold medal, while I get the bronze medal or, if I'm lucky and succeed, the silver medal I can get. Considering the fact that we are opponents, our friendship is like a young twin butterfly traveling towards the spring breeze, spreading its wings gorgeously to fly high and get the honey that we crave.

When I was in middle school, I remember a group of my acquaintance's mutual friends from other classrooms cheering for me and yelling my nickname, "alien." I get that it is a one-of-a-kind support, but hearing the nickname "alien" makes me feel nervous. However, I did pass the high jump. Nice job to me. I could hear applause and whistles from them.

Memories of my middle school sports day. I craved it in the back of my mind to constantly reminisce about just how beautiful yet childish my middle schooler castle was, before it ended up swept away by the waves of life.


The sound of school bells interrupted my sailing ship of memories. The more I continue this adventure, the more I will sink into this waterspout. I stuffed all of my belongings into my bag, grabbed it, and walked side by side together with my best friend. We chatted a bit before we parted our ways.

My school day finished at 1:10 p.m. On my way home, the sun is warming up beautifully. I went home with my next-door neighbor today. We didn't engage in conversation during our walking session since I find it difficult to maintain a conversation with my neighbor, even though we've known each other since kindergarten. To be honest, I'm struggling to decide what topic I would talk about with my neighbor. We do not share a common interest or a common idea. We are basically different kinds of people.

The sound of a busy vehicle soon faded, signaling that we had finally arrived safely at our home. I smiled as I bid my goodbyes to my neighbor and walked in my house. I'm feeling worn out but excited inside for the sports day.

Poetic feels:

When the sea,

Give you the slap,

With its wave,

It will keep you,



Poems by: shinxdaisy