
Five Years of Insignificance (Part 12)


This exclamation of delight was the first sign of life that I had witnessed from my opponent since this 'match' had kicked off a few minutes ago.

Before this, he stood stationary in what I believed to be a stance of that turtle martial art, as if his life was dependent on it.

Has he finally caught on to the fact that I've got no will to fight?

After understanding that the inevitable beating was finally approaching, I let out a weary sigh and focused my attention on this opponent of mine for the first time.

As I scanned him with my eyes from head to toe, a word popped into my head that perfectly described this guy.


A plain face with no redeeming features that currently had a large smile adorned on it, a standard height and build, alongside dull black hair, eyebrows and eyes.

Overall, he was someone who could be forgotten about- even if he were in front of you- and someone that you wouldn't be able to notice inside a crowd- even if you tried.

If I remember correctly... his name was something along the lines of Zhang... Pei.

No, that doesn't sound right.

Maybe it was Zhang... Hei?

Ah, Fuck it! Who cares?!

Seems like even a mundane guy like this finds my pitiful-looking ass amusing!

I mean look at that guy's smile. It's as if he'd just found a box full of gold that only had a clown protecting it!

I gritted my teeth due to the frustration of being on the receiving end of a mocking smile like that.

And with this oncoming torrent of anger, came an impulse to fight back.

Of course, not physically.

Rather. Verbally.

Out of rashness, I couldn't seem to hold back this sudden urge, and shouted at the annoying bastard,

"Stop smiling at me like a stupid freak and come fight me, you prick!"

After saying that, my opponent's eyebrows raised a bit showing his surprise at my sudden action.

Seeing that smile stiffen slightly, a tinge of satisfaction come about me.

It made me feel like provoking him more.

After all, I was getting my ass beat soon anyways!

Why not net some fun out of it?

With this self-destructive thought in mind, I leaned over a bit and brought my face forward closer to the opponent without stepping forward.

I then tilted my head away from my opponent, as if I was looking past his shoulder, then pointed at my cheek with my index finger and said in a mocking tone,

"See where I'm pointing to right now?!

"That's where I'll let you hit me since I'm a generous person who likes giving charity to rats like you!

"Now come quickly, and accept this young master's kindness!"

The exact moment the last word flowed out of my mouth, a huge grin appeared on my face!

I was a hundred per cent aware that this would infuriate him, but I didn't care!

I had bottled up all my sorrow and rage towards that damned 'book' for far too long and needed to let it all out.

After my rush of exhilaration dwindled to the point where I was thinking rationally again, I shut my eyes and prepared myself mentally for what was to come.

I clenched my jaw tightly, tensed as many muscles as I could at once, and braced for impact.

At this point, I was only hoping for this pounding to be over quickly.

As enough seconds passed by for even a spirit snail to reach me and give me an ass-whooping, I squinted my eyes open a bit to review the situation.

What I saw was my opponent, in all his simplicity, looking at me from a few inches away.

My eyes widened upon seeing his face.

This time his expression was one that was very different from what it was a few moments ago.

Pity. Respect. Empathy. Excitement.

And various other emotions all seemed to congeal into the expression he was making.

It was as if he had found a long-lost brother that had endured the same pain and agony that he had once before.

A barrage of questions flooded my mind as to why this was happening, which caused a blockage in my throat as I couldn't string up a singular coherent question.

Without waiting for my mind to calm, his lips parted slightly and he whispered to me in what sounded to me like a rueful tone,

"So... I see you've also read a scripture and fallen victim to its side effects."

As I heard those words, my pupils constricted and my head went blank as I looked at my seemingly average opponent.

I couldn't help but blurt in response,

"S-Scripture? D-Does this mean you also-!"

Before I could even finish, the boy said solemnly,

"We will talk later, now isn't the time or place to do so."

My unceasing curiosity wanted me to refute, however, I didn't have the chance to speak a single syllable before a rock-hard impact struck my chin squarely.

My world started to spin, and I uncontrollably fell to the ground.

What accompanied my fall into the realm of unconsciousness was the boy's voice saying a sentence that was incomprehensible to me.

"...The Demonic Dao of Wish-Fullfilment is indeed a devious one."


Walking off stage, Zhang Wei took one last glance at his opponent, that was being taken away by a few assistants, and couldn't help but feel rather satisfied with his actions.

Hehe, I knew it was the right move to use the shock factor of exposing his life-changing cheat to make him careless and exploit it!

Not only does it ensure any of the schemes and tricks he might have had up his sleeves were unusable, but I've even been able to attract his interest towards me by giving myself an air of mystery!

If this isn't the definition of killing two birds with one stone, then I don't know what is!

After gloating about his flawless plan and perfect victory for a bit, Zhang Wei's expression hardened as he recalled that guy's providence.

The way to use providence analysis was to focus on the label that appeared above everyone's heads indicating their relevance, and then a drop-down section would appear.

After a moment, the name and description of the providence would appear- If they had any.


[Background Character]


{Providence Analysis}

{One Plot Providence discovered for this target}

<Hahaha, I Have Your Fate Within My Palms!... Literally. (Exotic Type)>

Description: Allows the individual to view the flow of fate through a novel representation. The target of this 'fate analysis' is determined by which lifeform holds the most concentrated amounts of fate and causes the largest waves within the river of time to occur.

Limitation(s) include:

-An analysis of one target at a time, until said target either perishes, loses its said fate concentration, or is outwith of the random radius of the providence.

-Random radius of providence fluctuates after each target and is not fixed.

-Interference with the fate of a target will cause a backlash of immense proportions.


Reading this ridiculous assortment of words back on stage, it was no wonder that Zhang Wei felt like he'd won the lottery!

Wasn't this the single most perfect match to his damned Ultimate Background Character System?!

Zhang Wei knew that in order to utilise his system to its maximum, he'd need to predict the protagonist's moves to make sure he performed his role as a background character immaculately!

And this guy just so happened to know the protagonist's future and every move he'd make!

He was the partner in crime sent from the heavens!

Zhang Wei decided he had to rope him in as an ally or a friend, no matter what.

By the time he snapped out of his train of thought, he'd already unconsciously walked back to his seating location where the other four were looking at him strangely.

Seeing their faces, Zhang Wei knew he must have had a strange expression on his face, and quickly said to preserve his image,

"What you bastards looking at with such dumb looks on your faces?

"Can't a man be happy after showing off his own mighty strength?"

Hearing such shameless words, the rest just looked at Zhang Wei with straight faces.

After a few moments of silence, Tan Lin spoke up and said in an unusually solemn tone,

"...It's almost time boys."

Everyone raised an eyebrow at his words, wondering what the ever-carefree and sarcastic Tan Lin was getting all nervous about.

Seeing that all his friends were in the dark, Tan Lin gulped and then said with some hesitance.

"This next match determines the top 10.

"If we fail here, at best some of us will be left behind to rot in this place.

"And at worst...

"We could die."


A deathly silence hung in the air as his final words left his lips.

As if it was rehearsed, the rest, except one, all said in unison.


Zhang Wei, seeing his friends' exceptionally grim expressions, couldn't help but snicker inwardly as he thought to himself,

Although it's natural for them to be nervous in this situation, it's still funny seeing it actually happen!

To think that the guys, whose most stressful situation in the past few years was whether they could get their hands on a chicken feast meal ticket or if they could touch a real women's hands in future, were now facing such a trial!

Heh, if only people could be as calm and collected as me in dire situations, then I'm sure the world would be a much better place!

However, not long after thinking this... two unsavoury system notifications popped up.

[Item- Temporary Luck Booster has expired.]

[Item- Temporary Luck Booster has expired.]



Within a secluded sheltered area, not very far from the battle area, a handsome young man was inspecting a small spherical orb that was laying inside a bowl.

It looked quite similar to a marble and had an almost imperceptible gleam of blue radiating off it.

Seeing the thing, the boy's eyes were as wide as saucers and his hands seemed to be shaking as he held the bowl close to his face, aiming to get an even better glimpse of this 'marble'

"T-This is insane!

"Every single alchemist in this world would surely kill themselves from shame after seeing this war crime of a pill refinement!"

The boy's voice rang out in the area a pitch higher than usual, indicating how astounded he was.

But in contrast to the boy's excitement and disbelief, the voice that only the boy could hear said in a dispirited tone,

"Tch, merely a high-grade grade pill.

"If any of my old brothers back home saw that I personally made this atrocity, they'd definitely mock me for all eternity!

"But, I guess it's to be expected seeing the quality of materials and conditions of refinement."

After a while of the two being overwhelmed by their own thoughts, the old voice spoke out sternly,

"Lin Fan, you brat!

"How can you get so emotional over a mere pill like this?!

"Snap out of it!

"I thought you'd matured a little after coming up with a solid plan like this earlier, but at this rate, you'll be too late to even carry out that plan!"

Hearing the voice of Old Man Yi, Lin Fan instantly got out of his revere and started sprinting towards the battle area with the newly made pill in his hand.


Back in the training area, Zhang Wei was currently on stage having the biggest panic attack of his life!

As much as he'd tried his best to stall the start of the match for as long as possible, he still couldn't avoid the inevitable.

Looking in front of him, he saw his opponent.

Honestly, 'opponent' was the wrong word to use here.

Because that would somewhat imply that there would be some form of opposition from his side to be had.

Which there was not.

Zhang Wei knew crystal clear about the fact that he was about to get pummeled- Badly at that.

His 'pummeler' was an older man that looked to be in his late forties with a severely recessed hairline, and bulging muscles that the fanciful robes he wore could not cover.

The man seemed to be born to wear a malicious grin and the glaring red letters that spelt 'Antagonist' floating above his head seemed to answer why.

So with such a nasty combination of features combined into one person, the cowardly Zhang Wei was infinitely close to pissing his pants.

As the judge blew the whistle that officially marked Zhang Wei as a dead man, he sprinted off the stage faster than light itself.

Now, all that remained was the slaughter to commence.

Zhang Wei's mind was in complete disarray.

Shit, shit, shit and shit!

This old bastard is definitely the final boss in this place!

Why god, why?!!!

Couldn't you have let that damn luck booster last me one more round!?

Before Zhang Wei could even think of giving up or begging for mercy, the man did as would any other shitty third-rate xianxia antagonist and...

...chatted mass amounts of bullshit.

"Do not think of preserving your life, boy.

"Even if you give up. I will kill you.

"Even if you beg like a dog. I will kill you.

"Even if you try to threaten me. I will kill you.

"No one can save you.

"So embrace the wonder of death, and feel honoured to be sliced in half by my mighty blade!"


Oh yeah... he also had a humongous black sword on his back.



Author's notes:

Thanks for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated.