
Chapter 1

It wasn't till the wee hours that my eyes began to drop I was very tired,every part of my body hurts, but still,I couldn't cry because I was with young man who offered to pay me if I sleep with him cause I had an emergency.My mum is sick.She was diagnosed with cancer a very rear one.The young guy was a businessman a friend of mine who finished from a private school in Jianshu.

"Why are you qiuet" he asked


" So here is the money you asked for"

"Thank you" wen he gave me the money I hurried up and dressed. And when I finished I wen out of the office and hailed a taxi and went straight to the hospital were my mom was. But when I reached there I started trembling, I stretched my hands to check if she was breathing but no because she is already death sob sob I cried because she was my only family. 

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