
Island of Lost Gamers

Island of Lost Gamers follows David Green, an ordinary man thrust into a deadly game on a mysterious island where RPG mechanics rule survival. Alongside a group of strangers, David must navigate treacherous landscapes, battle monstrous creatures, and uncover ancient secrets—all while dark forces manipulate them from within. As they struggle to stay alive, David evolves from a regular man into a leader, but the cost is high. Betrayals, deadly encounters, and the lure of powerful relics test their resolve. In a world where trust is scarce and the stakes are life or death, David and his group must decide who to trust and how far they’re willing to go to survive. Island of Lost Gamers is a thrilling blend of survival and dark fantasy, perfect for fans of The Hunger Games and Sword Art Online.

Orkhan · 游戏
43 Chs

Warrior's Heart

David stood on the edge of a rocky outcrop, overlooking the dense jungle that stretched out before him. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows that made the landscape appear even more treacherous. His mind was racing, filled with thoughts of the island, his team, and the challenges that lay ahead. The island had been relentless, a crucible that tested not just physical strength but mental fortitude as well.

He glanced at his status panel, a habit he had developed since arriving on the island. It was a reminder of how far he had come, yet also of how much further he had to go. Despite the camaraderie he shared with his team, David knew that survival was an individual battle. Everyone on the island had secrets, hidden strengths they kept close to their chest. He was no different.

The memories of his past came flooding back—days spent training under his father's strict supervision. His father was a hard man, demanding excellence in everything. A black belt in Aikido was not just an achievement; it was a symbol of discipline, of the hours spent mastering every move, every technique. His father's voice echoed in his mind, "A true warrior is not the one who fights, but the one who protects."

David had taken those words to heart, and they shaped who he was today. Protecting those he cared about was his primary motivation. His younger sister, always so full of life, had been the first person he swore to protect. Even now, on this unforgiving island, thoughts of her pushed him forward. He would do whatever it took to ensure that he returned to her, no matter the cost.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. He turned to see Sarah making her way toward him, her face a mix of determination and weariness. They had grown closer over the past weeks, both on the battlefield and off. She was strong, resourceful, and shared his commitment to the team's survival. But more than that, there was a connection between them that he couldn't ignore.

"David," Sarah began, her voice soft yet firm, "we need to talk."

He nodded, gesturing for her to join him at the edge of the outcrop. They sat in silence for a moment, the sounds of the jungle filling the space between them. Finally, Sarah spoke again.

"I've been thinking about everything we've been through, how far we've come," she said, her eyes searching his. "But I can't shake this feeling that there's more going on. The way you fight, the decisions you make... I feel like there's a part of you that you're not sharing with the rest of us."

David's gaze remained fixed on the horizon. He had always known this conversation would come, but that didn't make it any easier.

"I'm not hiding anything from you, Sarah," he replied, his tone even. "But there are some things... some parts of my past that are hard to talk about."

Sarah studied him, her expression softening. "We're a team, David. We need to trust each other completely if we're going to survive. But I understand. We all have our secrets."

David appreciated her understanding, but he also knew that trust was a double-edged sword on this island. "I trust you, Sarah. More than anyone else here. But....it is not the right time. I don't know. May be it is my instincts or something else but feel that something going on. Strange whisper! I'm going crazy. Just forget."

She nodded, accepting his words, though he could see the lingering doubt in her eyes. "Just promise me one thing, David. Whatever happens, don't ….

She wanted to say something and stopped. In his eyes she already saw it. Word's was meaningless.

He turned to face her fully, his hand resting on her shoulder. "I promise, Sarah. You're important to me... more than you know."

For a brief moment, their eyes locked, and David felt the weight of unspoken words between them. He wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, how she was the one thing on this island that gave him hope. But the time wasn't right. There were too many uncertainties, too many dangers lurking in the shadows.

"We should get back to the others," David said, breaking the moment. "We need to be ready for whatever comes next."

Sarah stood, her expression unreadable. 

As they made their way back to the camp, David's thoughts drifted to his sister again, and the promise he had made to protect her. The island had changed him, forced him to confront parts of himself he had kept buried for years. But it had also made him realize what was truly important. He couldn't afford to lose anyone else he cared about, not here, not now.


Before receiving Beherit's order, Namaah, known as the "Black Rose," was training her favored student, Dog, in the dimly lit chambers of the Black Temple. The air was thick with the scent of burning incense, and the only sounds were the sharp cracks of whips and the low growls of the beasts they kept in the lower dungeons. Namaah moved with the grace of a serpent, her eyes fixed on Dog as he practiced his combat techniques. Her semitransparent veil fluttered as she circled him, her voice like silk laced with venom.

"Dog, your form is improving," she said, her tone both encouraging and menacing. "But you must be faster, more ruthless. The Black Temple demands nothing less than perfection."

Dog, panting from the exertion, nodded and adjusted his stance. He respected Namaah more than anyone in the temple, and her approval meant everything to him.


Few days later the order from Beherit have been received.

Before leaving the temple to pursue David and the amulet, Namaah sought out Dog. She found him in the training grounds, his body glistening with sweat as he practiced his techniques.

"Dog," she called, her voice soft but firm.

He stopped immediately, turning to face her with a mixture of respect and curiosity. "Yes, Mistress?"

"I am leaving the temple on a mission for Lord Beherit," she said, her eyes narrowing slightly. "While I am gone, continue your training. The tournament is approaching, and I intend to send you to represent the Black Temple."

Dog's eyes lit up with excitement, though he quickly masked it. "I won't disappoint you, Mistress."

Namaah's lips curled into a faint, almost imperceptible smile. "See that you don't. Remember, Dog, strength alone is not enough. Cunning and ruthlessness will win the day."

With that, she turned and left, the weight of her mission pressing on her mind. As she prepared to depart the Black Temple, her thoughts were a tangled web of ambition, fear, and curiosity. The amulet, the tournament, and her hidden aspirations all swirled together, each step taking her closer to her ultimate goal—and the dangerous path she had chosen to walk.