What... What's going? I was watching a video while crossing the street... Did someone hit me? I feel so light... What's that sound? Follow my adventures as I live my new life in a beloved game that has aged perfectly due to a wonderful and dedicated modding community.
"My King, our scouts have lost track of Silvantus after he entered Riften... But they reported he appeared to have improved his constitution quite considerably between the scout's last observation in his small homestead and the sighting in Riften." Yrsarald says as he kneels before me as he always does when giving his reports.
"That is enough, Yrsarald... Tell the scouts to continue keeping an eye on him and to not lose him a second time. He's a key piece in my plan. You're dismissed." I order Yrsarald away with a wave of my hand as I'm left contemplating on my crumbling throne, seemingly alone when my steward, Jorlief calls out from the shadows.
"I'm sorry my King, but I still do not understand what makes this man so important? Especially his lack of results despite the gold you gave him." Jorlief asks, bringing with him a cup of ale as he patiently awaits my response as I enjoy the drink.
I savor the crisp drink as I stare into a nearby brazier mulling over what can and can't be shared with those around me before finally sighing and drawing the wanted paper I had kept with me since my imprisonment by the Thalmor.
"Read this Jorlief, then tell me if he is important or not." I say, handing over the document with a face similar to that of a younger Silvantus Malborne on it.
"What is... Oh... By Talos?! What is a man like that doing here in Skyrim?" Jorlief exclaims in shock, nearly dropping the paper after seeing the litany of crimes and the generous bounty the Thalmor had attributed to the orc named Udan Gora.
"I don't know... But a man like that? He could be very useful to the future of Skyrim... Especially one with his supposed abilities..." I say as I stand and head to the war room before mumbling under my breath, "If he can be controlled..."
I make my way to the war room, dismissing Jorlief for the night with a wave of my hands after I take the wanted notice from him and approach Galmar and Yrsarald who are working late into the night discussing strategies for the civil war.
"High King!" Yrsarald exclaims with a salute as my old comrade Galmar simply nods in my direction before returning to the map.
"At ease, Yrsarald... I'm here to discuss about how best to handle the matter of Silvantus Malborne..." I say as I look to Galmar as Yrsarald seems somewhat confused as to my intent.
"Handle, sir?..." Yrsarald asks looking between me and Galmar with confusion before Galmar clarifies.
"He means to know the best way to bend that savage to our cause." Galmar says bluntly making me rub the bridge of my nose in exasperation.
"While more crass than I intended, Galmar is right. Any suggestions, Yrsarald?" I ask, hoping for anything I can use to reign in the rising influence of that orc.
"Well... Our scouts have reported his fondness for several women in his entourage, along with a deep care shown towards his adoptive children, and he's battle brothers." Yrsarald recalls the highlights of the reports he'd been receiving over the last couple weeks.
"Huh, didn't think one of those savages would be able to care for children outside their kin. I say we target them or his women, they always make a good weakness to drive your blade into." Galmar exclaims with a snort.
"Are we... Killing kids, sir?" Yrsarald asks in disbelief.
I can already sense the mocking beration Galmar is going to give Yrsarald before I silence him with a glare as I turn towards Yrsarald.
"Of course we aren't, but sometimes, for the greater good, we must do things that we regret. Such as threatening a man with the safety of his family, or convincing his battle brothers to turn their blades on him for the good of the realm. Understand?" I carefully explain to him as I see him start to nod in understanding.
"Of course my King." Yrsarald replies after some thought.
"Good, now tell me more about his people." I instruct Yrsarald.
"Yes, first, he has three battle brothers. Faendal, a wood elf who settled in Riften and is to marry the sister of a trader with ties to the Empire. Faendal seems to be heading the patrol duties of Riverwood for the Dragon's Maw. Then we have Lokir of Rorikstead, a Nord and the son of a veteran of the Great War and former thief turned right hand. He's taken on an administrative role in the company, handling a surprising number of tasks and coming into his own as a leader. Lastly is a rather weird, blue Khajiit named Inigo who's been traveling with Malborne for quite some time, rarely leaving his side despite his excentric nature, talking with bugs and the like." Yrsarald explains as I weigh the choices in my mind.
"Hmmm, Lokir could be a promising lad, if he's a true Nord at heart like his father. So long as we remind him where his true loyalties should lie." Galmar muses aloud as he speaks to my own thoughts.
"Tell us of his women, how many does he have?" I ask.
"That one's a little harder to place as Malborne seems to sleep around with most of the single women in his camp, but it seems that he has two to three women. A deformed Khajiit, a blonde Norse maid, and a rather feisty Imperial woman who is prone to drunken antics." Yrsarald explains with Galmar speaking up once more.
"Khajiit are bad enough, but a deformed one at that? Only another beast would lay with another like that." Galmar scoffes in disgust.
"Hmmm... We may be able to convince the Imperial if we offer enough coin, what of the children?" I ask dismissing Galmar's comment.
"That's the weirdest report of all, on almost every outing he's returned from, he's returned with a new adopted child, last count was at three children, but he's apparently relocated the orphanage from Riften to his new base between Riverwood and Falkreath. No telling how many children could be there now." Yrsarald reports as me and Galmar look to each other before I dismiss Yrsarald.
(Author's Note: Hey everyone hope you enjoy this episode. Thought I'd start implementing little side stories into the world to fill out the other characters and some unintended consequences of the MCs actions. As well as breaking up the really long arcs.)