
Rise of the Dragonborn IV

Once out of the town, I wash myself off in the nearby creek before heading on to the tower.

Finally back to the tower, I walk into the open doorway of the tower and plop myself down on one of the few remaining intact chairs as the rest of the team gather around…

Before Lokir finally speaks up, "So, want to tell us what the fuck happened to the plan?"

"Yes, my friend, why did you charge so recklessly into that fight?" Faendal asks with concern.

Shit, I knew this was coming, what am I going to tell them… I sigh, "I… Truthfully, I don't know what happened. One moment I was by your alls side, the next… I was sinking my tusks into that beast's neck."

"I'm glad you did! You fought like a true warrior! Diving head first into battle!" Uthgerd cheers.

"Damn straight! That was the craziest thing I've ever seen." Sofia adds.

"It was quite an impressive display of fighting spirit." Janessa chimes in.

"I'm not saying it wasn't impressive, the Boss was a complete fuckin' badass, but I thought we had a plan and I didn't know what ta think when you disappeared into that monster!" Lokir exclaims fervently.

"Yeah, sorry brother. I don't know what came over me. I can't promise it won't happen again, but I can try my best to get to the bottom of this… But before that, we've got some work to do. If you're all still with me that is?" I ask slowly standing from my rickety chair to look them in the eyes.

"Duh, of course, I'm with you Silvy. How else am I going to see even crazier things unless I'm with you?" Sofia jokes.

"You've got my sword arm." Uthgerd nods.

"You are my patron, and I look forward to making my art with you," Jenassa says before returning to a dark corner of the tower.

"I've always got your back my friend," Faendal says with a smile.

"You are my Thane and I am sworn to carry your burdens," Lydia says while beginning to inspect the tower.

I turn to Lokir, "And you? Are you still with me?" I look at him expectantly.

Lokir snorts, "With you? That's never in question ya crazy bastard! I just want a little heads up next time you plan to jump into the mouth of a dragon, alright?" Laughing while clasping me on the shoulder.

"I'll try, now to get our next job taken care of… Ya'll ready for your assignments? Not that you have a choice." I say looking to my company, causing them to chuckle before I continue.

"Faendal and Uthgerd, you two will accompany me, Janessa, and Sofia to Riverwood where you will stick around for a while to keep the peace in the Jarl's name, but don't worry, you won't be there forever but we got a contract to uphold and I'm sure you're already missing your girl." I say patting him on the back with a knowing smile causing him to blush.

"Lokir, I'm going to trust you and Lydia with laying the foundations here at our new base of operations. I leave some blueprints and a good chunk of my savings for this. I'll get some cheap lumber from Gerdur to help you with construction but I'll be leaving the rest to your judgment. I'd advise speaking with Proventus, nearby farmers and laborers, and even the Companions if you get the chance for them to pass on their expertise in combat in your free time." I instruct Lokir.

"I'm no mason, but I could try my hand at bein' a foreman. I won't promise it'll be perfect, but I can promise to try my damnedest to make it livable. How long do I have?" Lokir asks with confidence.

"Don't worry, I know I can count on ya brother! And as for time… Hmmm… I think, maybe two or three weeks? I've got some business to attend to at Riften and might take a detour here or there if the opportunity arises, but I should definitely be back within five weeks? Anything more than that, send a courier to me…" I say, still wondering how in the hell the courier can find me, I swear he's a fuckin' Daedric lord with how he can find me wherever I go… Maybe I should try recruiting him?

"Sure thing, Boss. Anything else you need me to do while I'm up here?" Lokir asks.

"Yeah, if you and Lydia get bored, feel free to take on odd jobs for coin and to build our rep in the area. And for Talos' sake, don't side with the Battle-borns or Greymanes, we're neutral, independents and we need to act like it. Got it?" I ask.

"Got it, Boss." Lokir nods.

"Good, I'm going to crash at the top of the tower tonight. If you find the Khajit Caravan, be sure to tell them their welcome to set up camp here for safety. G'night lads and lassies." I wave to the company before making my way to the top of the tower to lay beneath the stars, where I slowly drift off to the universe of lights that is my upgrade menu.

Character Info

Name: Silvantus Malborne

Level: 22

Race: Orsimer

Gold: 4,932

Reputation: Unknown

>Riverwood: Trusted- The citizens have noticed your good deeds and have a good impression of you.

Standing Stone: Thief's Stone- Those with the mark of the Thief's Stone receive a 20% increase to related skill experience.

Health: 175

Magicka: 150 -> 160

Stamina: 165

Health regen: 1.77% -> 1.79%

Magicka regen: 3.52% -> 3.54%

Stamina regen: 6.27% -> 6.29%

Carry weight: 475

Racial Abilities

Mind of the Gamer: This allows you to rationalize all your actions from a detached perspective. Suffering little to no mental degradation from poor morality.

Body of the Gamer: Your body suffers no ill effects from damage, instead health, mana, exposure, wetness, hunger, thirst, and stamina bars represent your durability, available mana pool, degree of exposure to the elements, degree of wetness in your clothes, your level of hunger, your level of thirst, and your remaining stamina respectively.

Bonus Experience: Through selecting a random race at the start of the adventure, the individual will receive a 15% to experience gain when performing related tasks.

Bloodlust: When entering combat, gain 25% movement speed and 300% Magicka and Stamina regeneration. Bonuses gradually decay to zero over 20 seconds.

Shockwave: Once per battle, jump to cause a tremor that staggers opponents and may knock them off their feet.

Strength of Steel: Weapons and armor are 20% stronger, but enchantments on them are 20% weaker.

Quest reward - Stagger 150 enemies with Shockwave to unlock... 28/150

Berserk: 1/day - Doubles attack damage and critical strike damage and halves spell costs for 15 seconds. While off cooldown, may activate randomly in combat.

Perk List: 20/22 Skill Levels

Alchemy- 0 16

Alteration- 0 15

Archery- 2 28

>Archery Mastery (2): Ranged weapons do 40% more damage, and critical strikes with ranged weapons do 2% more critical damage per level of Archery.

Block- 0 19

Conjuration- 0 15

Destruction- 0 33

>Destruction Mastery (1): Destruction spells cost 35% less Magika, and Destruction spells are 0.25% more powerful per level of Destruction.

Enchanting- 0 15

Heavy Armor- 0 24

>Heavy Armor Mastery (1): Armor rating of heavy armor increased by 20%. You gain a small amount of Heavy Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of heavy armor in combat.

Illusion- 0 15

Light Armor- 0 22

>Light Armor Mastery (1): Armor rating of light armor increased by 20%. You gain a small amount of Light Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of light armor in combat.

Lock Picking - 2 43

>Lock Picking Mastery (2): Weaker and weak locks are easier to pick.

One Handed- 0 25

Pickpocket- 3 36

>Pickpocket Mastery (2): Increase pickpocket chance by 40% and carry weight by 100.

>Thief's Eye: When you enter a major city, illuminates a random citizen for 300 seconds. If you interact with the target during this time, they will carry valuable items based on your pickpocket skill once every 12-60 hours.

Restoration- 0 19

>Restoration Mastery (1): Restoration spells cost 35% less Magika, and Restoration spells are 0.25% more powerful per level of Restoration.

Smithing- 2 39

>Smithing Mastery (2): You can create steel and bonemold items at an anvil or forge and improve them twice as much.

Sneak- 4 53

> Sneak Mastery (2): Sneaking is 40% more effective.

>Spot Detection: Once a day, outlines all humanoids within 150 feet that are detecting you with a green glow for 180 seconds.

>Light Foot: You won't trigger pressure plates.

Speechcraft- 2 41

>Speech Mastery (2): Sell items for 20% more. Your intimidation attempts are four times as likely to succeed.

>Performer: Grants the "Perform" power. Once a day, play a song to entertain up to 5 people within 50ft and collect a donation from each, based upon your speech craft skill and the amount of gold they have on them.

Two Handed- 0 19

I figured I'd try and learn more into my magic, especially if I'm wanting to go down the path of a spell sword, not that I won't be picking more perks once I get that Dragon Horde perk, but it is hell trying to save up that much money, honestly might be easier to hunt a dragon than earn that much coin. Also, I should really train up my restoration, it'll get expensive downing health potions and I didn't realize how low my HP dropped shoving my hand in a dragon's mouth. Well, time to wake up then.


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