
An Unexpected Discovery III

After pushing open the door, Kasia is immediately interrogated by Marcus.

"Kasia! Where have you been?" Marcus demands.

"I went to get the food from Ma'Dato like you asked!" Kasia shouts back.

"Which took you hours?" Marcus questions, before saying, "Listen… Kasia… You can't keep doing this. Now more than ever, I need to know you're safe. The civil war and the return of the dragons… This is the perfect chance for them to strike."

"Nothing is going to happen, dad! Almost twenty years of us running away from whatever it is you fear, even longer for you alone. Not once have we ever been in danger!" Kasia argues.

"Soon you'll understand, I'm so close to finishing this battle. When it is finally over, I'll tell you everything. Trust me." Marcus pleads reaching toward Kasia who pulls away.

"Trust? How can you say that? You trusted this stranger to bring me back here, when you couldn't trust me to do something so mundane as to bring you food? You haven't left this house since we got news of the attack on Helgen! Keep hiding all you want, but I'm visiting Riften with Commander Malborne tomorrow! With or without your permission!" Kasia angrily declares, catching me off guard, when did I agree to take her with me?

"Walsh has already been informed to keep an eye on who comes and leaves Jonestesd," Marcus says, which explained why Walsh was standing on that bridge as if he was waiting for me.

"I made sure to let him know you are not allowed to leave unless I say so. Atulg and Bugdul will be outside the gate if you manage to slip out." Marcus continues.

"Are you insane!? Okay. Have them do that. I'll find some other way out of here!" Kasia shouts while storming off to her room I think while Marcus sits down at his kitchen table while sighing before motioning me to join him.

"That went better than I expected. Not good, but not as bad as how she reacted when we moved out of solitude when she was a kid. I hope it wasn't a hassle taking her down. As promised, here's 200 gold." Marcus says tossing me a coin pouch which makes my eyes glitter, man who knew walking across a village could get this much gold?

"It's not much, but I have some more to spare if you're willing to run one more errand for me?" Marcus asks.

I'm interested, but Kasia implied you're worried about something?" I ask back.

"Indeed she did. To her, I'm just an overprotective father, but in reality… I hold a truth that would devastate her emotionally. Look around you, friend. There is turmoil wherever you go, not just Skyrim, but all of Tamriel. War… Dragons… But none of that is what worries me." Marcus says pouring himself a drink.

"Really? If Dragons don't worry you, what does?" I ask, my interest piqued.

"There exists an enemy that has plagued my family for generations. The Binder family has known nothing but their torment ever since the end of the Third Era. I cannot discuss it with anybody except my closest confidants. Not even Walsh knows the real reason why I am so afraid. The fact that I am even talking to you about this is because I trust you not to say a word to my daughter." Marcus says while giving me a look.

"Maybe when it is all over, you'll learn about what I was fightingly reading the history books… Or you'll quietly go on with your life as my bloodline comes to a tragic end," Marcus says while taking another drink of his wine.

"Well, here's to the history books we aim to inspire!" I say taking a sip of the wine he poured in a glass for me, "And what of Kasia?" I ask.

"Hm, I'm sure she wouldn't be too happy if all I said was, 'She's the best daughter in Tamriel.' Anything specific?" Marcus answers.

"Where is her mother?" I ask, beginning to nurse the wine.

"Her mother passed away during childbirth. I'm sure she would have loved Kasia. She was… Stoic… For a lack of a better term, but compassionate. She would have been an excellent mother and a far better parent than I have been." Marcus explains.

"I'm sorry for your loss… What is Kasia's race if you don't mind me asking? She looks different from most nordic women." I ask next.

"Beautiful, isn't she? Her looks obviously come from her mother, who was Ashen. They're quite a rare sight in Tamriel. Kasia is actually of mixed race. Ashen, Nord, Imperial, and even Bosmer. Our family has quite a history." Marcus laughs.

"Quite an interesting history, I bet. Does Kasia get out much?" I ask.

"No, she doesn't. It's the curse of being a Pinder. Whenever we got on a rare trip outside of Jonestead, we have to disguise ourselves. She abhors having to wear a masked helmet, but it is for our protection. One day she will understand why we do this… But until then, I'm afraid she will not have the opportunity to make any friends. It pains me to put her through this, but I have no other choice." Marcus sighs remorsefully.

"I see, but what about work around the town, does she have a job?" I ask finishing off my wine.

"As a matter of fact, yes, she does, and I'm not talking about her errands or chores. To help out with our personal finances, she goes around town providing maid services for a small charge. The Dandas schedule her to work every weekday, Zun-Za every weekend, and the others hire her at random. Kasia loves her job. Keeps her entertained in what she would consider a 'boring, old town.' She always has fun with Zun-Za's boy John." Marcus explains as a slight flush from his drink begins to spread to his cheeks, man he his a light drinker for a Nord.

"What's the story with Bosska?" I ask changing the subject.

"That stubborn Argonian has been insisting on the sale of weapons here in Jonestead to help improve our economy. I understand the need for weapons in Skyrim these days, but I will not allow him to compromise the virtues this town stands for!" Marcus says slamming his fist down.

"Besides, we rarely receive any visitors, much less soldiers and adventurers. We'd end up losing more due to shipping costs. Walsh and I have discussed the situation in private. All that needs to be said is that if he tries to sneak in weapons again, we're kicking him out." Marcus continues, reaching to refill his glass.

"Honestly, I think you're an idiot for not allowing weapons in your town, I mean, how are you supposed to protect yourselves? But… Despite your stupidity, at least you stick to your morals so there's something to be said for that." I say filling my glass too.

"Well, thanks for your honesty, and respect of our differing opinions," Marcus says taking another sip.


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