
Chapter 6: Four Years Later.....AGAIN?

Cid didn't have any problems with me and Rikku going out.

Hell, I have been going where ever the hell I wanted to the moment I was able to walk.

My first time outside almost caused everyone to have a heart attack.

By the time I was 1 and a half, I had already learned how to program some of the Machina.

It actually wasn't difficult at all to be honest.

No programming language was needed.

It was more along the lines of inputting instructions and the AI would do the rest of the work.

I also modified the chassis of a Panzer Machina and made a sort of Dune Buggy by the age of 3 and with it, I got further out in to the dessert.

I got a lot of loot hehe. 

That being said, this would be the furthest I would have been too.

Cid didn't mind at all as both him and his wife felt I was too mature for my age already.

In fact, they even had me babysit Rikku often just to get work done and keep me tied to one place and not wander around everywhere.

Spoiler alert, that only lasted a month.

After a month, they caught both me and Rikku coming back from a Dune Buggy excursion with a trailer full of brand new Machina parts (I used transmutation to repair them). 

Since then, my new job was Scavenging.

Yep, it was considered completely normal to have a 3 year old out in the desert by himself scavenging Machine part while said desert was filled with monsters.

"Hey Hey!! Adrian!! Watcha doin!?" 

I look down from the crows nest of the boat I am on to see Rikku in Lisa's arms.

Apparently, Cid was already planning on sending Lisa out to Bevelle to greet her.

He wanted to make sure they can safely arrive in Bikanel Island together.

In some manners, this made good sense as to why Rikku's mother was never mentioned in the game to begin with. Lisa must have passed away in the same attack.

Rikku just kicked and screamed Bloody Mary that she wanted to come with because I was leaving without her.

I just smiled at them.

'This time, I will save both Ellie and Lisa.'

"HEY!! DONT IGNORE ME!!" I think I hear Bloody Mary again. 

I could have sworn I exorcized her already but I guess not well enough.

I pull out a bar of soap.

"Rikku, did you say something?" I said with a devilish grin.

Rikku cringed back into her mother while Lisa was giggling to herself.

"no, no. it wasn't me" Rikku said sounding like a mouse." 

I just release a deep sigh as I jumped down while Lisa put Rikku down as well.

I just walked up to her and patted her head.

"Be a good girl Rikku and I will play with you later, okay?" I said with a gentle smile.

"promise?" oh god, there it is. Those darn puppy eyes.

"urgh...y.yeah, I promise." I feel like those eyes alone are unfair.

Lisa watching all this had her back to us and I can see her shaking with laughter.




As the gangplank dropped onto the docks, a bunch of us got off and headed toward the rendezvous point which was supposed to be the center square of Bevelle temple.

Braska used to be a clergy of that temple until he married Ellie.

Because of said marriage, he was cast out of the clergy and when Aunt Elie tried to get Cid to help out, Cid and Ellie had a fight about "That Darn Yevonite Scum" staying there.

Ultimately, Ellie, Braska, and Little Yuna decided to stay on Besaid Island.

Just to make it clear, me, Rikku, and Lisa never had any problems with them.

We still receive letters from little Yuna every now and then.

As we approached the center square we saw Braska and Ellie smiling while waving at us with little Yuna Jumping up and down in excitement.

Rikku with the same excitement ran over to Rikku.

"Hey Yunnie!!!!" Said the bundle of energy named Rikku.

just then, I started hearing a bit of white noise.

'I know the waves make sound but why was it getting louder.'

Then I noticed the look on Brasa's Face.


I turned to look towards the docks to notice a really huge Tsunami on its way with spikes flying towards us at a much faster pace.


"Fuck, EVERYONE GET TOGETHER!!!" I yelled as I pulled aunt Lisa with me to get closer to Braska and the rest.

Just as the waves threatened to consume us all I slammed both palms on the ground.

As the ground glowed, everyone passed through it until we were well under floor level.

The glow disappeared as a hood for the hole up top appeared and the hole we were in became pitch back darkness.

I quickly cracked a couple glowsticks and threw them into the corners of the makeshift shelter.

"The wave should be crashing down soon, everyone brace for impact!!" I yelled out as I slammed both my hands down on the ground again.

The ground glowed again but this time pillars appeared and created supports for the hood above us.

Just as soon as I finished.


There's the crashing of the waves.


I look up to notice water trickling through a crack.

"FUCK! I'm NOT taking any risks!!" 

I raised both arms to the side and released my magic outwards as a light blue dome of magic covered everyone and the bunker itself.

I took the time to look around at those around me.

They looked bewildered and afraid.

All four were huddled in the corner with Braska having casted a dome of protect around them.

"Aunt Lisa, I don't know if I can hold on for long." I said to them softly.

She looked at me in sadness and worry.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Braska asked.

I turned to Braska. 

"Yeah there is. Braska I need you to promise me something."


Braska didn't know me very well but he didn't hesitate.

Got to respect the man.

I looked towards Braska and simply faded the spell on him, Yuna, Rikku, and Lisa.

This should be less taxing now.


The glow around the bunker started to grow stronger but I didn't feel it would hold for long enough.

I looked around and remembered my plan for Ellie.

"Aunt Ellie, In order to keep Yuna safe, I need your help. Please help me." 

Ellie looked up at me. She looked as if she was praying but looked up and ran next to me without hesitation.

"Place your hand on my shoulder" and she did so.

I looked towards Braska.

"Braska, Ellie and I will find you. Become a summoner and end this cycle of Pain and Death!!"

Braska seemed confused for a second before realizing my meaning.

"How!? Sin always returns!!" Braska yelled.

I just calmly smiled as I responded.

"Seek out a man named Jecht and the fallen Monk Auron."

I'm starting to feel like a seer giving prophesies but at least they aren't ridiculous riddles.

"Fast Forward" I said in a low mumble.

Both Ellie and I started to disappear and turn into motes of light.

I couldn't hear anything anymore but both me and Ellie could see Rikku and Yuna trying to grab the lights desperately while crying.

Braska looked like a broken man and Lisa was trying desperately to hold onto both Rikku and Yuna with tears constantly streaming from her tightly clenched eyes.


Everything went dark.

I still felt Ellie's hand on my shoulder.

I grabbed a glowstick and cracked it. 

We were supposed to be in the bunker but now it looked a sewage system now.

"Where are we?" asked Aunt Ellie.

*Sigh* "Welcome to the future Auntie"