
The Heroes of Flammaheim

Nabu and Kingu became the heroes of the Flammaheim Kingdom, the realm to which they had pledged their loyalty. The celebration was magnificent.

As they rode through the capital on their war horses, clad in their battle-worn armor, the crowd's cheers echoed through the streets, and the air was thick with the scent of flowers as petals rained down from above.

Kingu, with a bright smile, waved enthusiastically at the adoring crowd. His spirit seemed light, free of the burdens that weighed so heavily on others.

Nabu, however, couldn't help but glance over at his comrade perpelexed. How could Kingu appear so content, so guilt-free, after the horrors they had endured, after leading so many of their own soldiers to their deaths?

For Nabu, the celebration felt hollow. The war might have ended for Flammingheim, but the world was still far from peace. Other kingdoms lay in ruins, and countless lives remained in the balance.