
New Beginning

Hearing Lucien's question, the two women exchanged thoughtful glances, considering the best way to explain.

"They are chosen individuals tasked by their God or Goddess to fulfill divine agendas," Lithira began.

"Most Heralds are blessed with power directly from their deity and can hear Their voice to follow Their will. Most importantly, they wield significant power as they act with their God's borrowed strength."

Brigantiea crossed her arms confidently. "Don't worry. While most Heralds are unpredictable and a pain in the ass, I can handle them in a fight."

"But," Lithira interjected, her tone more cautious, "I hope you avoid direct confrontation with them. If you must engage, try to stay neutral and balanced in your discussions."

Lucien's brow furrowed as he tried to reconcile this with human norms. "They're not inherently bad, are they? I mean, except for Moros, most Gods and Goddesses aren't evil, right?"