
Isekai’d as a Dungeon Core, Really?

[LOADING…0%] (hour later) [LOADING…1%] “Hurry up! If I have to wait this long I would rather not reincarnate in the first place!” [LOADING…0%] “Wait! I’m sorry just please don’t let me wait this long. *sob* ” Join his epic, extraordinary, and fantastical adventure in another world.

NonHuman_Lover1464 · 奇幻
3 Chs


*Ring ring, ring ring ri…* "Curse you time." I mumbled sleepily as a rose up from my bed. "Honestly you clocks need to learn some manners." I said until I realized talking to a clock is stupid. Besides if I didn't set my clock to 7:00am I would be late to school which starts at 8:00am.

I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes as I put my reading contacts in to keep my reputation as a all around fun guy and not a nerd. I then reached for my phone on the night stand, unplugged it, and checked my notifications to see if anything from one of my MMORPGs happened while I was asleep.

As I was looking I noticed that the time on my phone didn't say 7:00 but instead 8:00. At first I thought my phone had the time wrong but then I saw that it was April the 3rd. My sister must have made my clock fast as a April fools prank as she didn't do one that day.

At first I chuckled as it was a pretty good prank but then my face went from happy to panicked as I realized that I was now late for school when I have a math test first period. I quickly jumped out of bed put my clothes on and ran out of my room and into my sister's.

As I thought she was already gone and on her bed was a note that simply had a smiley face with its tongue sticking out. 'I'll get her!' I though while angrily shaking my fist. I then hurried out of her room and ran down the stairs grinning demonically while thinking of ways to get payback, most of involving public humiliation.

I then went in the kitchen and got two apples, one to give the teacher as an apology for being late and the other to have as breakfast. I quickly put on my socks and shoes on and bolted out of the door intentionally not locked the door as to not waist time.

I quickly went to the side of the house to where my bike was so I could get to school fast but my bike was nowhere to be found and all that was there was another cards that said 'good luck!'. She's really going to regret this next time I see her.

At first I was contemplating just looking for where she hid it but that would probably take more time than just running to school. So I dashed down the street toward the school hoping I wouldn't be super late. Luckily i do lots of outdoor activities so I'm not worried about d dying from exhaustion on the long trip there.

Half way through the trip there was a river that separated me from the school there are two bridges one for civilians and bikers and another was for vehicles. I usually use the civilian one but it's farther that the vehicle one and I'm running short on time right now so I have no choice.

I get to the vehicle bridge and due to me not wanting to get ran over I get on the barrier of the bridge and balance across it. 'I'm almost at the other side.' I thought. *HOONK* I heard from some idiot in their car I looked back in surprise but then tilted backwards and fell off the bridge.

As I'm falling I'm not worried at all as I am a good swimmer and was more worried how I would explain coming to my high school math class very late while being wet. I then prepared to hit the water while thinking how it could feel refreshing. With that my fingers hit the water…


"Huh?" I said to my as I found myself on the ground and not in the cold river water like I was supposed to. After the shock of being not in the water subsided I stood back up and began looking around at my surroundings.

The first thing I saw was a lot of green that had random designs and sparkles, which made everything look like a green Milky Way. There was also no floor which made it look like I was inside of it. As I was looking I caught a glimpse of my hand and realized it was transparent.

I fact my entire body was transparent with a green hue which made me look like a green ghost. I had a thought while looking at myself and used my hand to touch my chest. Instead of feeling my chest instead my hand went right through it which made me curious and creeped out at the same time. I wonder why everything is green along with what is this place and why I'm here. I can say for sure that this isn't on earth.

When I tried to walk or more correctly, floating away I hit a invisible wall. I flew around and noted that it made about a 3 meter sphere around me. I looked around and couldn't find anything else so I waited and gathered my thoughts.

Mid way through me having a early life crisis I heard a ding and in front of me was a flat transparent green screen with nothing on it. I got up and went to investigate the new object that was in this place.

I looked behind it to find nothing and tried to touch it just to have my hand go straight through the screen just like my chest. It's more of a projection than a screen now that I think about it. Wait, does that mean I'm also a project, am I even real?!

As I was about to go into my second early life crisis the screen suddenly made another ding sound which shortly was followed by white text appearing on it that said [LOADING…0%]

Once I saw what it said it suddenly occurred to me what was currently happening to me, I was being reincarnated! 'This is so exciting' I thought thinking of my exiting adventure that is sure to come. It'll definitely be a world of monsters with swords and magic.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the thought that not only me dying from that dive but also that I wouldn't be able to see my sister, mom, or dad again. At first I was sad but I cant let those sad facts drag me down as now I have a whole new chapter of my life to have.

I looked back at the panel which still said the same and was filled with glee just imagining all the things that could happen. I then laid down on the nonexistent floor thinking about my life on earth compared to the one I'm about to have while waiting for it to load, maybe even taking a nap.

I have been laying back with my eyes closed which doesn't help much as they are also transparent for about a hour now waiting for it to load. I haven't looked at it yet because I know that if I stare at it it will make it feel like it was loading slower than it actually was.

I have also learned that no matter how much I attempted to I simply could not go to sleep. I have also yet to feel hungry or thirsty yet. I guess I am not exactly a human now considering that i also look like a ghost.

Now that it has been a hour I think I can look at the the loading time now. I think it will be around 96% done by now. Even my worst case scenario which would be 1% per minute it would still at least be 60% done.

With that in mind I lifted up and looked at the screen excited to see how close I was to being reincarnated. I then focused my vision on it to see what it said. However what I saw made my heart stop and left me in disbelief.


"1% How! Even a computer from the 1980s can load faster than that!"

"Hurry up! If I have to wait this long I would rather not reincarnate in the first place!"

I may have lost my cool as I have no entertainment to pass the time with such as TV, games, or even a book. Can't even sleep, I'll go insane by the time it loads.I looked back at it to confirm what I saw which I was realizing did technically change.


"WHY! How is that even possible?!"

"Wait! I'm sorry just please don't let me wait this long!" I said while on the brink of tears as I can't stand waiting here anymore this place isn't some magical place, it's just a waiting room I realize. I then looked up again to see something really surprising.


"It went up again?" It was then I realized something. It went down when I insulted it, and up when I begged. Is it sentient if so then if I beg and praise it won't it go faster? With no other thoughts I went down on the ground and praised it like it was god.

I don't remember much except hoping what I was doing would work.

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