
Is this the life of an undead;it turned out way better than i expected

Elias was an average high schooler who suffered the terrible fate of getting crushed by an ice cream truck just because he was startled. He opened his eyes and found himself in a mansion that little or no light could penetrate into despite the sunny afternoon. He was startled again after hearing this sweet soothing voice at the side of the room and introduce herself as Valentine blood falled the one who carries the will and blood of the queen of all vampires. Elias was quite astonished and at the same time confused at what she had said but everything soon became clear........as he finds out he himself had now been turned into a vampire, the carrier of the king of all vampire non the less. His fate has now been sealed with that of valentine as they now walked the same part, his life as forever been changed as he was now living the life of an undead just right after he was giving that role in a cosplay drama, is destiny at work in the life of Elias.....who knows?

prynex · 奇幻
26 Chs

Serath district

"I still don't know why I'll be playing the role of a freaking vampire in this damn trash drama or whatever, I mean I could have been giving a better role like a prince or a noble or even a knight, a guard would be fine, but they had to give me the role of an undead, troublesome people, I'll have to buy the so called vampire robe tomorrow after my work." Elias said as he walked into his house.

Elias was an orphan who strives to survive I'm this world he was born with several amazing attribute like good looks, high IQ, great voice and all that but if there was one thing he lacked was physical strength, beeing an orphan he was lucky to have gained scholarship to one of the best scoools in his country, but most of his classmates don't like the idea of a poor orphan beeing in the same class with them.

Elias earned a living with a part-time job in an antique store, well it wasn't really a grand store but at least they paid him little, with that he was able to provide for his basic needs and still have few savings on his account despite the fact that he sometimes get cheated.

They(his classmates) do everything possible to taunt him they also bully him to the extent the teachers felt pity on him and asked him to drop out, but he told them that he could handle it and it wasn't a big deal.

[news: It's become a recent occurrence in areas close and within the Serath districts, blood of humans and sometimes human corpse are found on the floor with no trace of gun shot or cut marks on the body of the corpse, all the victims seems to have a particular trait of fear in their eyes before they die and they also posseses pale skin, after several diagnosis on the patient, the doctors found out that their blood had been completely sucked dry. police have began to investigate the area, in the meantime we advice you to stay in doors from 7pm to 7am.]

"this type of news report has become more frequent this days, it must be the work of a group of serial killer, the news are so stupid, don't they understand that the killer is taking the blood of the victims and selling it for money, I'm a genius. If that's the case the government should just track the traffic's of blood sales and sort out the illegal ones, it's possible right" Elias asked himself as he went to bed, it was the second to last day of the month and was also a Friday so there wasn't going to be school for a while.

Just before he slept he saw an alert on his phone telling him that his account had been credited with two hundred dollars, "Ah finally my last month salary."Elias screamed ontop of his voice with a smile on his face, for the first time in a while even with the hundreds of mosquitoes in his room he slept well.

Elias woke up as early as he could as he quickly checked the news which also reported the same incident of dead victims with their blood dried up. "It's really bad for the innocent people living in the Serath district, thank God that the landlord of the house I lived in back at the Serath district had chased me away, if not who knows what might had happened to me." Elias said to himself walking to this workplace where he doesn't even know the real owner.

"Good day boss!" Elias said with a warm smile. "don't call me your boss, I'm not the owner of this place." The man while Elias had greeted said with a grumpy voice. Elias then asked him who the boss was but the man replied that the boss left few years ago and left the place under his care.


"Hey El(the name the shop keeper calls Elias), go to the store and get me an umbrella, it's been raining since and it isn't stopping, I hate getting wet" The shopkeeper said to Elias who then hurried to the storeroom, he also planned on taking one for himself since his house was quite far.

When Elias got there he searched for any signs of another umbrella but he only found one, his eyes soon came in contact with a cloak hanging on a rack, he instantly got the Idea to use it as a raincoat, then also as a vampire cape, he attempted to pick it up, but the rusted rack had injured his hand dropping a few of his blood on the cloak as he heard screeching sounds of bat, and the rain also seemed to had increased, there was something Elias had failed to notice, when his blood touched the robe the orb like thing in the collar of the cloak had lit up with an insignia.

Elias grabbed the cloak like cape wearing it as he quickly put his finger in his mouth attempting to stop the blood, he licked his blood as he felt a splitting headache that made him stagger, but the impatient voice of the shop keeper woke him up as he ran towards him giving him the umbrella he had asked for.

"You can leave kid, I'll close up by myself." The shopkeeper said as Elias left the shop, "At least this cloak has spared me the trouble of buying a vampire cape, come to think of it this robe really looks like a vampire cape" Elias said touching the emblem on the orb that was in the clasp of the Cape.

This is my first time writing, I'll try my best to make it perfect Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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