
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · 漫画同人
31 Chs

Chapter 22


Finn Deimne, his expression firm and composed, stood in ambush alongside Gareth, Tiona, and Tione, their intent clear - to confront Shalltear Bloodfallen and extract the truth regarding her actions involving Ais. The street in Rivira, flanked by wooden shacks masquerading as shops, provided an apt backdrop for their inquiry.

His eyes fell upon her, assessing her with a keen, analytical gaze. Her adult demeanor and height hinted at her lineage - perhaps a Half Pallum or a Half Dwarf, depending on her precise age. Determining her race was a crucial step in approximating her abilities, as members of specific races possessed similar skill sets. Elves, for instance, often boasted skills that amplified magic, while dwarves specialized in physical strength enhancements. What he knew for certain was that she was identified as a tamer by Riveria and Ais.

He initiated the conversation with measured authority, his tone demanding answers. "Miss Shalltear Bloodfallen, it seems we have the pleasure of meeting for the first time. I believe you owe us an explanation."

Finn's gaze drifted to the small demi-human girl accompanying Shalltear, her distinctive dog ears and tail betraying her non-human heritage giving her away as a Chienthrope. His experience as an adventurer allowed him to gauge an individual's capabilities, and he couldn't sense the faintest trace of a Level Two adventurer from the girl. It was an anomaly, for one needed to reach at least Level Two to access Rivira. This raised suspicions regarding the girl's presence - had Shalltear brought her here, and if so, for what ulterior motive?

Shalltear's response, though delayed, carried an undertone of recognition. "Finn Deimne, Braver..." Her voice hinted at an air of defiance, yet her choice of words suggested she was not entirely unaware of the gravity of the situation. Finn and his companions remained vigilant, awaiting her explanation.


Inwardly, she lamented her miscalculation.

I thought I had two days more until they reached the surface, but I forgot that they needed to pass by Rivira to get there. Dammit!

Despite the confrontation, Shalltear harbored no grudge against Loki Familia. In fact, she saw them as potential allies in their shared goal of defeating Evilus. She contemplated the futility of engaging in combat with them here.

I could kick their butts here, but that would only make it more problematic because Braver is Braver and he needs to be a hero in people's vision, and also the reputation of the Loki familia and Loki being very revengeful.

Shalltear weighed her options and came to a decision. Escaping or pretending to be defeated seemed like the most sensible course of action. However, she was aware that this wouldn't resolve the underlying issues with Loki Familia.

Deep in thought, she realized the mistake in her preparations for this situation.

I should have prepared better to deal with this. We should have gone to Melen or somewhere else instead...haa...

"Huh?! Braver?! What is happening?! Why is Loki familia...", just as Lili began to express her confusion and concern, Shalltear interrupted her, firmly stating, "Let me handle this."

Shalltear suddenly became acutely aware of the potential danger to Lili, and pulled her close in a protective embrace, crossing her arms around Lili's stomach. She had no intention of letting Lili get caught in the crossfire of a battle between high-level adventurers, especially when her own level was so low. In such a confrontation, Lili would be exceedingly vulnerable.

As Finn took a threatening step closer to Shalltear and Lili, Shalltear's expression hardened. She was not pleased with his aggressive stance, and her thoughts betrayed her determination. She now had no qualms about taking drastic action to safeguard Lili's well-being.

If they try to do anything to Lili, I will exfil her and crush Loki Familia into the ground.

The tension hung in the air, and the outcome hinged on Finn's next decision. If he took one more step forward, it could very well lead to a catastrophic confrontation where Shalltear would retaliate with overwhelming force.


As Shalltear's crimson eyes flashed and her pupils stirred in response to Finn's forward step, a sharp, throbbing ache surged through his right thumb. It was a clear warning sign of imminent danger, a testament to her significant superiority in strength.

My thumb! It won't stop throbbing!

Finn's thoughts raced as he assessed the situation. The realization hit him hard. Based on her crimson eyes and his throbbing thumb, he drew an early conclusion. Shalltear possessed an ability akin to his own Hell Finegas, one that harnessed rage. And her crimson eyes suggested she was prepared to unleash this power.

This is not good...Proceeding with an interrogation in this state would yield nothing.

His instincts kicked in, guiding him to understand that Shalltear's current demeanor was not a result of a berserker-like ability.

With calculated precision, Finn shifted his strategy. Planting his spear firmly into the ground, he executed a swift lateral sidestep, increasing the distance between himself and Shalltear. His grip on the spear transitioned from his right hand to his left, and to his relief, the throbbing in his thumb ceased.

Finn raised his right hand to his mouth as though deep in thought, but in truth, he discreetly licked his thumb. It was an act intended to maintain the activation of his intuition ability, which had proven invaluable in assessing threats. The continued absence of throbbing in his thumb served as a reassuring signal.

His sharp gaze remained fixed on her as he weighed his next move.

Hmm...Most likely an overly aggressive approach will backfire...

Shalltear, her suspicion evident, responded to Finn's inquiry with a hint of defiance. "What 'explanation' do I owe you, Braver?" she retorted, her stance unwavering.

In response, he took a deliberate step back, creating more distance between himself and Shalltear. With a subtle agreed signal, he rested his right hand on his hip, and Gareth and the Amazons followed suit, moving slightly away from their target. Their actions were intended to appear less threatening, fostering an environment conducive to dialogue.

I wonder...is there a distance threshold?...perhaps related to an ability?

With a measured tone, Finn addressed her once more, opting for a less confrontational approach. "Well, then, I think we can skip the formalities," he began, "Do you concede that you had contact with Ais Wallenstein?"

Shalltear's response carried a note of confusion, seemingly perplexed by the overly formal language. "'Concede'?" she repeated, then continued, "Yes, we were training together..."

Finn's expression remained assertive as he delved deeper into the heart of the matter. "In that case, I can get right to the point. You and your god, Cainabel, had tried to open Ais' Status lock," he declared, his words leaving no room for ambiguity.


She acknowledged the incident with a casual "Ah...that," clearly not considering it a significant matter. In her thoughts, she dismissed the incident.

Is that what this is about? It was more than a week ago...

The environment was tense and Finn was still waiting for Shalltear's explanation, he didn't look happy with how she dismissed the offense committed against his familia.

Looking for a way to divert his line of questioning, she quickly stated, "It wasn't Cainabel.", as she continued to think of a way to misdirect his interrogation.

Finn, not entirely satisfied, requested more information, "I see...It would be appreciated if you could provide further details".

After a pause, Shalltear dropped a cryptic hint, "I'm a Valkyrie...Loki will understand what that means...".


Then, without warning, Shalltear swiftly crouched, causing the small dog-eared girl with her to tumble backward. In an astonishing display of strength and agility, She leaped into the air carrying the girl, generating a shockwave and a deafening popping sound. The ground beneath her gave way, leaving a sizable crater in the street.

As She ascended, her qipao fluttered in the wind, and for a fraction of a second, when she was near the ceiling, she sprouted brilliant white wings. With this newfound means of propulsion, she altered her trajectory, disappearing into the artificial crystal sky, and heading eastward toward the forest. She quickly concealed her wings once more, carrying the girl with her in the distance.

Tiona was the first to express her disbelief, exclaiming, "D-Did you see that?". Meanwhile, Tione, her annoyance clear, muttered, "...I also noticed" followed by murmuring "That shameless whore".

Simultaneously, Tiona exclaimed excitedly, "She sprouted wings!" while Tione pointed out angrily, "She didn't wear any panties!".

Their perplexed confusion mirrored each other's as they both said "Huh?!" in unison to the comment of their respective sister.

Gareth, showing concern in his eyes, approached his captain and spoke solemnly. "Finn...".

Finn, his brow furrowing as he gazed in the direction Shalltear had vanished, sighed deeply and massaged his temple. "I've got a strong hunch...that this problem just got more complex," he admitted, realizing that they would need to go back to the surface and report this unforeseen development to Loki to get further answers.