
Bonus Chapter: The Two Who Lurks in the Shadows

In the middle of the world stands a city with a tall tower at the center,

The city is called the Labyrinth city Orario. It is the only city in the world that has a dungeon. What lies within the dungeon were monsters of all race and sizes

However, the city itself is not the main focus today because in a certain area of city is what we are tackling today.

On a certain district on one side of Orario is the Red-Light District. Within that district is a certain warehouse, in which inside it is a group of bandits and a blond haired renard one side and two shadowy figures on the other side.

The two sides are currently making a transaction of slaves and the blond renard is one of them.

One of the bandits, the leader with long arms, steps forward while dragging the blond renard with him. He then threw the renard towards the two figures.

"You could at least be gentle with the merchandise. Women are quite fragile you know" one of the figures spoke in a sassy tone.

"Tsk, let us just get this over with and pay up, would ya?!" The long-armed leader scowled at the shadowy figure.

"You, show some respect" the other figure scowled back

"Huh?! What did you say you wo-" the leader said while approaching the figure. However, he was stopped when a sword was pointed at his face.

"Know your place, weakling" The leader raised his hands and surrendered. Then the figure threw a bag of money at the bandit and caught it. The bandit then checks the bag confirms the sum of money in the bag. He then stored the money and he bowed as he says farewell. The group of bandits exited the warehouse, leaving the three people behind.

"You!" The figure yelled, making the blond renard to be startled in surprise. The renard then looks at the shadowy figure who called for her.

"You, what is your name" The shadow asked the blond renard for her name.

"S-sanjouno H-haruhime"

"Umu, you don't have to be afraid Haruhime-chan. Ishtar-sama said she will take care of you"

"W-who are you two?" Haruhime asked the two figures.

"Who are we? Well, Haruhime-chan, because we are..."

The two figures step out the shadow, revealing their true appearance.

The first figure is a blond-haired elf with blue eyes. She has a very voluptuous body and wears a sharp black business suit. She has a bright and bubbly expression on her face. She wields a huge scythe that is currently resting on her back.

The other figure is a tall and muscular woman. She has chocolate brown skin and silver long hair. She has many prominent scars all over her body, especially on her belly area. She wears a furry leather jacket, a fabric strap that covers her huge breast, tight leather pants and an eyepatch on her right eye. She has a longsword strap on her waist. And lastly, a feature that is out of place at the woman. Most people would say that this woman is an Amazoness and you'd be right but not completely. Because this woman has cat features, which are pairs of cat ears and a cat tail.

The two people looked at the shocked and confused Haruhime.

"We are your friend"


Hello everyone, Author-san here

Thank you everyone for reading this far, the Fox's Prologue has ended and I will be working on the second volume.

However, the volume will not start at the first episode of the anime but rather two years before the main story. I found out in the internet that Mikoto and the others arrived in Orario two years before meeting with Bell.

So, the first half of the volume tackles the beginning of Miko's arrival in Orario and second half, tackles the first season of the Danmachi anime.

That is all, see you later on the second volume.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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