
Is it possible that the end will be happy?

I came to live in the palace, meaning that a new life for me will begin. How, I wonder, will I face this life, will I fall in love ?? Oh I always dreamed of a love story, will I get it ?? is it possible that the end will be happy ??

nargas_abbas2005 · 历史言情
46 Chs

A New Experience

Chapter Three: A New Experience

Kai was driving his horse in the palace

Emma: Uh it's Kai, Hello Kai

Kay: Emma, ​​how are you

Emma: Fine. How about you

Kai: I became fine when I saw you

Emma was ashamed and smiled

Emma: Your horse is very beautiful

Kai: You like it

Emma: Yes a lot. I hope to ride a horse one day

Kai: Well now I will fulfill your dream

Emma: Really. ?? You're the best

Kai: Come with me

Kai: Take this horse

Emma: Oh, it is my first horse, how beautiful

Catch Emma Kai and help her climb up

Emma: Uh, I'm over the horse

Kai: Be calm

Emma: Alright

Without noticing either the horse kicked it, so it ran with it at high speed

Kai fell to the ground

Because he was holding a horse, and when he set off, he fell

Emma screamed hard and was afraid

But suddenly, Emma felt that someone had grabbed her from behind, and she was among his arms, and he took control of the horse and stopped it

Emma opened her eyes in fear and turned around and saw those eyes that were lost with them as if they had been lost in the forest of his eyes

Yun: Be careful next time

Emma: Ha ??

Yeon: Calm down, we stopped, you can stop holding onto me

Emma: Uh, right

Yun turned the horse back

Emma proves

Yeon: Don't worry, you are in safe hands

Emma: What's wrong with me, I feel my heart will go out of place

Then he stopped the horse and got off

And he extended his hand to it and lowered it from the horse

Emma: Thank you Yoon

Yun: You're welcome

Kai ran towards her and attached her to his fortune

Kay: Thank God you are fine

Emma: I'm fine

Kai: I scared a lot

Emma: Don't be afraid Yeon has saved me

Kai: Yeon Ha?

Emma: Yes, it is true that it is annoying, but it is good sometimes

Then Emma entered the palace

Emma: I'll go see that girl and spend some time with her

* The daughter of a nobleman

Emma kept knocking on the door, but no one opened

Emma opened the door

Emma: Excuse me

Emma saw blood stains on the ground, she walked in the path of the spots, then whatever she saw that girl was lying on the ground covered in blood

Emma fell to the ground and screamed at the top of her voice

What happened to a girl, I wonder, and who will find out what happened ...