
Chapter 2

Pamela's POV

I sat in the dark alley patiently waiting for Bobby, my tall, dark haired, skinny street friend to come back. He went to the farmer's market to steal food for us because we had bearly eaten anything in two weeks.

I warned him not to go, that we'll find another means but he didn't listen to me.

Suddenly, I heard hastened footsteps from a distance, then it kept creeping closer till I saw Bobby running and shouting.

I couldn't make out what he was saying until I saw two cops chasing him. I didn't need anybody to tell me that I had to-

“Run" shouted Bobby as he grabbed my hand and we started running down the dark alley with the cops on our tail.

As we were running, I noticed a parcel in his hand, I wanted to ask him about it, but then the tiny voice in my head spoke to me

“Is this really the time to be asking questions?"

So I reserved my questions for later.

When we reached a fork in the road, Bobby said “we should split up and meet at the hideout", so I took the left and the chubby cop followed me (thank God).

I was met by a road and as I was about to cross, a crazy driver on a motorcycle almost ran me over

“Watch were you're going freak " the stupid driver shouted at me, her face was really familiar by I couldn't place it, though I wasn't surprised that it was a girl.

“Bitches be crazy" my inner voice said, even though I was part of the said bitches.

I was about to give her the middle finger she so richly deserved, but the cop started shouting

“Stop there"

That's when I came back to my senses and ran for my dear life.

I finally lost the cop and was waiting for Bobby at the hideout.

“I hope something bad didn't happen to that dope" I said out loud

“Ouch, I'm both hurt and flattered" said a voice behind me.

I turned around soo glad to see Bobby.

“Why did you take so long" I said as I hit him on the shoulder

“Hey, its not my fault, you got the chubby cop" he answered.

“I thought you said you were only going to steal a little, what I'm seeing in your hand is more than a little".

“I decided to TAKE a three course meal for us" he answered.

“You crazy boy"

“Come on, you know you love me" he said as we sat to eat our “FREE” three course meal.