
Is it bad to be a villain?

Reading a novel? Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/AD2YCQCw2D Since ancient times there has been a difference between hero and villain, good and evil, salvageable and hopeless. But what if that difference depends on who is telling the story! Thanks to an unfortunate fate, I found myself in the world of cultivation. Instead of becoming a hero, as is usually the case in novels, I found myself in the body of a villain. My end was a foregone conclusion from the beginning, until the Gluttony system emerged. Humiliate, frame, steal the heroine, I would do anything to, the protagonist lost his temper and fell into despair. ********** I do not own the cover, all credits go to their rightful owner. English is not my native language. Hope you enjoy reading my work.

45 Chs

The Green Hats of the Elders

Watching Bai Lin's face turn ugly, Yang Ming felt elated. He began to make some progress towards his plan, the hero had 600 life points remaining, which was quite a lot, but Yang Ming didn't care because he had a hidden card up his sleeve.

Even before coming to the Shui Clan, the past Yang Ming had sent Shui Wai Tian to his clan. He wanted the old man to meet with his relatives, but he refused, he only wanted to observe from the shadows. And at the same time, he was collecting information about the location of the treasure.

And although the old servant sooner or later was going to be reunited with his family, when Yang Ming gained a new self, the old servant was assigned a new task, the purpose of which was to explore the secrets that Bai Lin was hiding.

Yang Ming clearly understands that everyone keeps at least one skeleton in his closet, and so the hero had to have some dirt piled up that could easily be used against him.

And Shui Wai Tian lived up to his name as the number one slave. In just a few hours, he dug up a lot of information about Bai Lin, though he didn't understand for what purpose. Why does his master need the information about this insect, he wondered to himself, but like a good servant that he was, he still followed orders without asking questions.

As Yang Ming expected, the hero was a complete hypocrite; he learned detailed information about the hero's childhood and it turned out that the hero, who should always talk about righteousness or repay evil with kindness, slept with his mother. He put the green hat on his father.

Yes, this was indeed a trump card in Yang Ming's hands, but after thinking about it, he realised that it truly didn't amount to much. Even if he spread the information about it to all members of the Shui Clan - so what?

Perhaps he would be beaten like a dog by the sixth elder for sleeping with his wife, his own mother - and that would be the end of the punishment. It was not enough to make the hero feel despair.

But Shui Wai Tian did not stop there: it turned out that the hero slept not only with his mother.

There were only six elders in the Shui Clan, above which stands only the patriarch as the head of the clan and an individual with the most power. And Bai Lin fully lived up to the name of a hero: a man who should do the impossible. Not only was he an impulsive man, but it also seems that he thinks not with his head, but with his dick.

Bai Lin was dual cultivating with the wives of all the clan elders, which puzzled even Yang Ming. It was too shocking. A man who was normally considered a waste had somehow managed to get six women into his bed of relatively high standing. It was a miracle.

But Yang Ming wasn't jealous of him at all; on the contrary, a little bit of pity for the hero started to form in his heart, but as soon as it started to form, it disappeared. Just imagining what the elders would do to him once they found out that their wives had cheated on them, with a waste no less, made Yang Ming smile slightly.

While Yang Ming was going over what he was going to do, the hero who also did not take his eyes off of Yang Ming, felt like his cardboard house that he had erected began to gradually collapse.

"Yang Ming! You bastard, you are taking advantage of your power. Did you even ask what Shui Han Yin really wants? You are ruining her life! I challenge you! Suppress your level of cultivation and fight me! If I win, you will let her go!"

Bai Lin's eyes turned completely red, hatred and envy completely clouding his mind.

"Got a bite!" - he couldn't help but praise Bai Lin.

Which is to be expected from the hero: a dumb fool not even properly thinking of the consequences that his actions may bring down on him and all those around him.

Sensing that it wasn't enough yet, Yang Ming's eyes sparkled slyly and he shifted his attention to Shui Han Yin, it was time to take advantage of her.

"What do you think of what he said? You really don't want it?" - As if not listening to Bai Lin's cries, he asked.

"No... that's no... I want to," Shui Han Yin hissed like a mosquito, blushing like a shrimp.

"What about the engagement? Do you love him?"

"He's a hypocrite, he seems kind on the surface, but in reality he's a rotten man!"

Shui Han Yin still remembered the day that she accidentally caught Bai Lin and his mother in action.

After her words, everyone shifted their gaze to Shui Han Yin; she seemed to know something about him that the others didn't.

"Oh, would you mind telling me why you think that?"

Yang Ming's curiosity got piqued. It turned out that he wasn't the only one who thought the heroes were hypocritical. She had to have a reason to call him one afterall. Now all he needs to do is to get it out of her.

Shui Han Yin looked intently at Yang Ming. Other than interest, she couldn't see anything else, so she hesitated for a while. She really wanted to go to the higher realm. Although she didn't know why, she felt as if something was calling her there.

Even if she could not become a concubine, or at least arouse Yang Ming's interest, she could lead a much better life than here. She, too, guessed that the eastern region would soon come to an end, and so perhaps this was her last chance to get out of her, a ticket towards freedom she thought. Discarding all prejudice, she spoke up:

"It happened when I was a child, I was thirteen years old at the time, just like Bai Lin. At that time, I knew that as soon as I grew up, I would have to marry Bai Lin. And so I wondered what my future husband looked like or what kind of character he had. Nothing much, just pure curiosity"

Listening to Shui Han Yin, many clan members could remember that she had actually followed Bai Lin around before, but at some point for whatever reason she started to ignore him, keeping away from him in every way possible.

"The first time we met, I didn't get to speak with him, but I saw how different he was from everyone else. But it didn't last long, he stopped standing out, instead of his bright eyes that were constantly shining, I saw how they became dull and lifeless, as if they had lost all light. It wasn't until later that I found out that Bai Lin lost his ability to cultivate. I wanted to somehow support him, so one night, I headed towards his courtyard."

Then she suddenly turned her gaze to the sixth elder and mentally apologised for her next words.

"It was really dark out that night, and I was hiding in the shadows, trying not to be seen. It took me a while to get there because of the bad visibility. And when I finally got to his door, I heard some moaning from his room."

As she spoke, no one noticed Bai Lin's gaze change from hatred to shock. He guessed what Shui Han Yin wanted to say. And he wasn't the only one, the sixth elder's wife's face wasn't also pale as she guessed what Shui Han Yin was referring to. She had long foreseen that someday she might have been found out, but she couldn't imagine that not only her husband, but all the members of the Shui Clan would find out.

"Only after I got close to the door did I notice a small crack in it. And what I saw turned my entire opinion of Bai Lin upside down. There was a man and a woman intertwined in the room, the man was Bai Lin, but the woman I couldn't make out at first, but she looked about 30 years old. At first I thought it must be the maid, but after I got a peak at her face, I was truly shocked. It was the wife of the sixth elder.


Cultivation levels: Lower realm.

Initial Ascension(1) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Earth Ascension (2) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Heavenly ascension (3) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

Mortal ascension(4) — Initial stage — Middle stage — Late stage.

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