
Is it bad to be a villain?

Reading a novel? Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/AD2YCQCw2D Since ancient times there has been a difference between hero and villain, good and evil, salvageable and hopeless. But what if that difference depends on who is telling the story! Thanks to an unfortunate fate, I found myself in the world of cultivation. Instead of becoming a hero, as is usually the case in novels, I found myself in the body of a villain. My end was a foregone conclusion from the beginning, until the Gluttony system emerged. Humiliate, frame, steal the heroine, I would do anything to, the protagonist lost his temper and fell into despair. ********** I do not own the cover, all credits go to their rightful owner. English is not my native language. Hope you enjoy reading my work.

45 Chs

Shitian Auction

For a few seconds, Yang Ming felt dumbfounded, he asked Shui Wai Tian several times, and the answer he received was the same. He was going out of his way to find treasures and his servant stumbled upon one just like that.

The treasure for which the original owner of the body had come was not hard to find at all. He was very curious as to what was so special about it.

Of course, Yang Ming didn't want to repeat past mistakes so this time he wanted to check whether the treasure was genuine and if so, then what abilities it offered. Unlike last time, when he was unable to check out the treasure, this time he could ask the system to analyze the treasure. Naturally there was a price to pay but it was certainly worth it, besides how many points could scanning a treasure that he owned cost?

Yang Ming decided to simply take a risk and go for the gamble if the situation demands it, even if he can't figure out if it's a fake or not, he at least felt obligated to check it out.

Currently at Shitian Auction, the place where his loyal servant found the treasure. Yang Ming was certain that if it was his past self, he would break into the auction, intimidate everyone gathered and then steal the treasure, but actions like these led to unpredictable consequences.

The news of this would spread everywhere and if cultivators from the Higher Realm were here, in the Lower Realm, they would be among the first to know. Drawing attention was not at all desirable because they might start wondering about what aroused the young master from a prestigious family to come personally and rampage like that.

'What was the reason he did that?' - they would ask themselves.

And if they even know a little bit regarding the treasure's origin or use, Yang Ming could get into trouble unnecessarily, so the best option Yang Ming could go for was to just buy it. Even if cultivators from the Higher Realm truly show up, it might not arouse their suspicions.

Basing his actions upon his thought, Yang Ming bought some silly trinket that would come in handy, of course he could have disguised his identity by wearing a mask or something like that, but as and avid novel reader, Yang Ming knew that if he decided to do that he would end up getting in trouble again or they would try to humiliate him, which was not the right time right now.

So Yang Ming decided not to hide his identity and even Shui Wai Tian, who was always in the shadows, made his appearance known in order to pressure everyone who would dare to try to play any tricks. He wanted them to think that Yang Ming was an unknown young master of some local clan of considerable status.

The location in which the Shitian Auction was to be held wasn't far away. Yang Ming was lucky that he didn't have time to leave the Eastern Region yet, as it was just on the border between the Eastern and Northern Regions. Yang Ming was a bit surprised by the name "Shitian", because he knew for sure that with that there were quite a few auction houses with the same names in the Middle Realm and the Higher Realm.

Yang Ming began to suspect that perhaps all the auctions were related to one another since the name is the same. Perhaps it is all under one owner and his surname may be Shitian. His suspicions were not only because of the name, even the currency in all the realms was completely identical.

Copper, Silver, and Gold. The exchange rate was also completely the same in all three realms, e.g., 100 copper coins = 1 silver coin, and 100 silver coins = 1 gold coin. Of course, wealth in the world of cultivation meant little to weak people.

Even if the clans in the Lower Realm or Middle Realm could be considered rich, once they get to the Higher Realm or receive a guest from there, their wealth would almost immediately be drained, leaving only poverty behind.

This is the world where there is no place for the weak, only by becoming strong you can hope to carve a place for yourself and own something, but Yang Ming was lucky he was reborn in the body of a young master from a very strong clan of the Higher Realm. It turned out wonderfully for him.

"How many gold coins do we have with us?" - Asked Yang Ming, it would be very unpleasant if my pockets were empty, I would have to sell some of my belongings at the auction.

"We have 10,000 gold pieces left young master"

"Whew." - Slightly stunned, Yang Min sighed. He had expected it to be a lot, but not that much, it was a huge amount for him, someone who in a past life was busy trying not to starve to death. With such a sum even a small clan could operate for several years.

"Let's go."

The auction was scheduled to begin the next day, so Yang Ming didn't want to delay, even if he came beforehand, it would be even better if he did. Yang Ming wanted to scout out the location beforehand and find out whether there were people from higher realms and if so, how many and who they were.

Three hours later.

Eastern Region.

Yang Ming was surprised by what he saw, even though he remembered all the memories of the body's past owner, he still could not believe how beautiful this world was. From the city landscape to the common nature, this world was too striking and beautiful at first sight, despite the fact that under that surface this world overflowed with blood.

Shui Wai Tian silently followed Yang Ming without saying anything, although Yang Ming was stunned by the beauty of the world in his sight, he had long been able to manipulate his facial expressions to show a plethora of different emotions that could mislead people.

The city where the auction was held finally appeared in front of him, even from a great distance, you could see a huge number of people that most likely came to participate. There were people of various races, each had features and different outfits.

This was the first time Yang Ming had seen the likes of elves, dragonewts, and demons in person. The similarities with the novels in which they are described were striking, the elves were beautiful, regardless of gender their features were alluring, the dragons looked intimidating and each had bulging muscles visible behind their clothes and instead of normal skin they had scales.

And the demons, almost no different from humans given the fact that their eyes were completely black and the dark wings behind their backs, Yang Ming felt like he was in a fairy tale, it was too striking.

From what he remembered and the stories of Shui Wai Tian he expected a tense relationship between the races, but they seemed quite friendly at a first glance, even the demons, who are mentioned in the stories as enemies of humanity and essentially evil beings.

Even though Yang Ming might consider them good, that didn't mean that he would easily put his back to them, on the contrary, he thought it would be better if they showed their true emotions than hiding them in the shadows. Therefore, he treated everyone regardless of race with great caution, for this was his first experience in meeting them.

The auction site appeared to be overly luxurious, from up close, Yang Ming wondered how they hadn't been robbed so far. It seemed like they were intentionally trying to boast by displaying their wealth.

The building where the auction was to take place was made of a very rare material, even in the Higher Realm the weaker clans could not afford it, and here the insects considered in the Lower Realm could have it and even dared to put it on display.

Yang Ming thought that if the weaker clans found out about this, they would probably become enraged out of jealousy.

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