
Is it bad to be a villain?

Reading a novel? Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/AD2YCQCw2D Since ancient times there has been a difference between hero and villain, good and evil, salvageable and hopeless. But what if that difference depends on who is telling the story! Thanks to an unfortunate fate, I found myself in the world of cultivation. Instead of becoming a hero, as is usually the case in novels, I found myself in the body of a villain. My end was a foregone conclusion from the beginning, until the Gluttony system emerged. Humiliate, frame, steal the heroine, I would do anything to, the protagonist lost his temper and fell into despair. ********** I do not own the cover, all credits go to their rightful owner. English is not my native language. Hope you enjoy reading my work.

45 Chs

I can't afford to have a weakness!

The fact that Yang Ming accepted the assignment almost immediately did not mean that he succumbed to the beauty of the woman and in no way had she captivated his mind, just like the past him, he cared little about relationships, as he mainly concentrated on cultivation.

Perhaps for ordinary people it was the opposite, but for him it was a mistake, which could be followed by serious consequences, for example, if he was exposed and declared an enemy of the entire Higher Realm, the possibility of his close ones betraying him was by no means small.

That in turn would shake his mind and he might act recklessly by taking a risk that could cost him his life, so Yang Ming wasn't going to act in lust just because he wanted her body.

He agreed to the assignment for several reasons: the first and the main one was to get Xue Yan on his side, as her clan was the probably the most wealthy in the Higher Realm, so they had a huge influence, and if he could get it, it could be considered as an additional wing behind his back.

Secondly, the task itself was quite easy, he had no time limits or anything similar, his only goal was just to seduce the heroine, and as he judged from the memories it was possible that she was already almost in love with him, with the memories of their past it was quite easy to perform.

It was a win-win situation. He would get easy points and this time around their acquisition was much simpler than from the previously devoured hero. Not only was he the first hero he ever absorbed but so far the only, and so the points that he would get through this assignment were quite an easy catch, almost unfair compared to the previous quest.

Yang Ming himself did not look like a hero at all, as he was a very selfish and cruel man, despite the fact that he had just entered the new world and had already killed two people, he did not seem to remember it at all, taking this act for granted.

But the main reason why he was slightly depressed by this assignment is that he didn't know what were the conditions he had to meet in order to absorb the heroines. Shui Han Yin, the first heroine he met, was like a double-edged sword, which he thought sooner or later would cut off his head.

If he knew how to absorb her he would have done so long ago, and now arrived a great chance to earn points and try to learn from the system a way to absorb heroines.

Of course, Yang Ming wasn't going to act in haste, first he had to closely observe Xue Yan because she might have some dangerous plans in store for him, which in turn would be fatal for him, he thought that if he sensed even a little bit of lies or danger from Xue Yan he would immediately abandon the mission.

He had only one life, but considering that he has several battle oriented skills, both offensive and defensive, it was worth the risk. Having come to this conclusion, Yang Ming looked at Xue Yan meaningfully with a bright glint in his eyes, which made her feel a little cold.

At first he wanted to try to get close to her, but he soon remembered what he had done wrong, there was no hurry, the system imposed no time limit and he could attempt to clear the task at any time, so he quickly switched his attention from Xue Yan to the treasure, which was to fall into his hands today.

"I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now, we'll talk later." - And with those words, completely ignoring Xue Yan, Yang Ming approached the stele, slowly reached out his hand and touched it.

Of course he had no plans to fully reveal his true strength, as he didn't see that as an advantage, he could only draw unwanted attention, not only from the Lower Realm but if word spread, people from the Higher Realm might also find out his true strength, which would be a disaster.

The stele glowed a bright green color, after which an inscription appeared on it.


Name: -.

Age: 20 years old.

Cultivation: Late Stage Earth Ascension (2).

Status: Approved


"Who is he?"

"Genius... God, at that age he already has such a high level of cultivation, he must be from a major clan."

"No, I don't think it's a man, I think it's a dragon in disguise!"

No sooner had Yang Ming turned around than he heard the startled cries and exclamations of the people around him, and then he realized what he did wrong.

It was not really his fault, but because of the level of cultivation among the young practitioners of the lower realm, he forgot that now he was not in the Higher Realm but in the Lower Realm. With this level of cultivation there he would have been an ant, but here he was considered a genius, who was born once in a thousand years.

As he looked around he noticed how the men's gazes had completely changed, whereas before they had looks that expressed jealousy and rage over appearances, now they screamed reverence and submission, for they did not at all want to offend such a man from a major clan as they believed.

"Such a sluts..." Yang Ming silently commented on the looks of the women. Many of them slightly exposed parts of their skin as if to put it on display, eager for Yang Ming to notice it. If he had a rather calm expression on his face, deep down he felt only an aversion, as if he was looking not at beautiful young girls but at whores from a cheap brothel.

It annoyed him that they were looking at him like beggars at a piece of delicious meat. For a split second the thought of slaughtering them all passed through his mind, but he held back just because of the treasure. He decided that if it happened again, next time for sure he would just kill them all not even sparing their souls.

As Yang Ming glanced around the crowd, he got a peculiar expression on his face.

'Where is Xue Yan? Did she really listen to me and left to get out of my way?' Yang Ming thought doubtfully, he first assumed that it would go very differently as it often does in novels.

Instead of leaving, she would have been constantly by his side, interfering with his plans or chasing away women who tried to get close to him, but things went very differently than he anticipated, which completely baffled Yang Ming.

But he didn't have time to think through all the possible options before someone responded to him.

"Young master, are you here to participate in our auction?" - He was greeted by a woman who, even though you could tell by her mature appearance that she was already in her middle-ages, still looked great.

Not only did Yang Ming hear her but also the man who was controlling the stele with some reverence he bowed slightly to her, then continued the selection for the auction.

Yang Ming was not the only one who noticed her due to her greeting, but the attention of the man who was controlling the stele was also pulled and he slightly bowed, probably out of respect or reverence and then continued the selection.

"Yes, please escort me." - Yang Ming thought that she must be someone who should escort the bidders to their seats, but seeing how the man looked at her with some reverence he noted that her standing must be above the man.

Under the noisy gossip of the crowd, Yang Ming left the plaza with the stele and entered the huge auction building, accompanied by the mature woman.

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