
Chapter 8

"Do you have an idea where you want to work?" I asked Suzuha when were on the road walking towards the center of Akihabara. "I have a suggestion, part-time warrior!"

The latter shook her head. "I don't even know where my strength lies, so maybe i should just try something..." she said with a thoughtful expression. It had got to be stressful for her to have lost context due to amnesia, which is why i wanted to help her.

It was now 3 pm and when we got out of the main station there are a lot people going at the electronics district. Since i was still planning to apply in the cafe where we had been to two days ago, i first have to make an application letter. Computers were not yet available to the common citizens of society at the moment, which is why i would have to fall back on the good old typewriter.

"Suzu, this is embarrassing for the great mad scientist Hououin Kyouma to ask of you but do you have any idea of where i can use public typewriter's?"

The brown haired girl scratched the back of her head and have a thoughtful look on her face "hmmm." until she finally said, "I have no idea. I'm from 2036 after all, besides i still have amnesia."

After 30 minutes of searching, i found what i was looking for in a small post office and began to type awkwardly on the old school keyboard. The model was already electrically operated and hummed monotonously during my writing attempts, which mostly have errors after one or two lines due to my incompetence. Every now and then i tore a sheet from the machine and started again until i finally got an error free, reasonably credible application letter in my hands. I also added a short resume following Kaito's example. In which i referred to my experience as a waiter, the truth was i only have about a week's worth of experience and only as an assistant in May Queen Nyan-Nyan. Then i made two copies for assurance and promptly left the building.

Suzuha was already waiting for me outside with a grin on her face, she also have two ice creams on her hands. "Did the great mad scientist Hououin Kyouma finally managed to make his application letter?" she teased.

I took one of the ice cream the she handed me and sagged my shoulder's. "The mission is more difficult than expected."

We continued our tour of the city and looked at the various shops and businesses that could be potential employers. However, i was looking for something more specific. When we turned the next corner of the street, I found what i was looking for.

"Part time soldier, the time has come to fulfill your purpose." I said while making an eccentric pose.

Suzuha seemed confused. "What destiny?... I thought the IBN 5100 would only become available in September."

"I am not talking about the mission, but about the passion that holds your soul together, follow me!" After these eloquent words i walked through the crowd as the girl skeptically followed me.

When we got to the store, Stopped dead on her tracks. She stared at the colorfully painted bicycles draped in front of the shop window and it seemed as if hundreds of memories were running through her mind at the same time. There was even a bike that looked similar to the light blue model that she had from 2010, the bike that she loved to ride. Suddenly Suzuha turned around and with a cry of joy threw her arms around my neck!

"Okabe Rintarou! My memories.. it's back! Thank you so much! I..."

"You shouldn't make a scene in public..."

"How can I thank you? You sacrificed your life to come with me." Suzuha clung to me and i had to hold her firmly to keep ourselves from falling over. A small tear of joy rolled from Suzuha's face and managed to wet my cheeks. "Thank you, without you it would have taken me 24 years to remember. But now we can do it!"

Of course i was also surprised about the sudden recovery of Suzuha's memories but i was more surprised by her sudden outburst of emotion. I held the excited girl away from me and said with a smile. "Nice to have you back, Suzu... I would also like to thank you again for helping me come out of the time loop and for opening up new possibilities for me." I pressed warmly.

"Oh Rintarou," Suzuha whispered and gently stroked my back, just like the time when she noticed my bad condition in the loop. "Don't worry I won't leave you alone anymore."

I felt my face flush and i quickly distanced myself from Daru's daughter, i cleared my throat and continue in the usual Hououin Kyouma manner, "So part time warrior! take action and fulfill your purpose!"

The brown haired woman nodded resolutely and strode towards the bike shop.


"Hashida Suzu!"



"Why do you want to work here?"

"Because i love bicycles!"

"You're hired!"

I almost wanted to ask if this interview was rehearsed because it's giving me deja vu, but i was distracted by the exuberant Suzuha before i can ask, she grabbed my hands and cheered joyfully around me. The shopkeeper a fit man in his late 30s, watched us stunned, but later smiled briefly and disappeared into a small room.

"Help are always wanted here," the shopkeeper said.

I saw hundreds of screws and individual parts lying in the open window of the workshop. "You just hired the best part time help that you can find." I remarked.

"I hope so." said the man with a laugh. "We'll see how she does. So tommorow is your first day of work, Hashida san!"

Suzuha nodded and saluted. "Aye, sir!"

We wished the shopkeeper a good evening and left the shop. My companion was still excited and looked around in astonishment, as if she had just arrived in 1975.

"I remember everything. I can't believe we made it this far! You have done so much for us, now all you need is a job, How about submitting your application in the cafe?"

"I was going to, unfortunately i don't have the ability to walk in and be hired with just basic questions." I replied with sarcastic undertone.

After a fifteen minute walk, we were standing in front of said restaurant, the Yoshino Izakaya, I could see a large sign above the entrance. I spoke to one of the waitresses who introduced me to their boss, an older man in a waiters uniform. I behaved respectfully and handed him my newly typed application, which he scanned and invited me for a one day trial. I should be there tomorrow morning by 7:30 am. I would get waiter uniform on site and everything else i will just wing it. I got nervous when i thought about my upcoming day of work, I was afraid that i might screw up, but at the same time i was very excited. The cafe didn't look crowded, which encouraged me to just sort it out when the time came.

"Rin...um, Kyouma! I hope i didn't give you too much trouble with my amnesia." said the girl embarrassedly. "From now on i will be at your side so that we can fulfill our mission."

"Don't mention it, it's no trouble at all." i replied "It was just inevitable that you would lose your memory in this world line because of the established fact that you lost your memories in the past, so i kind of expected the world line to enforce this established fact, also you got your memories faster than i expected."

On the way back we couldn't talk too much about the latest event's, because other people might overhear our conversations about time travel, so we waited until we arrived at our apartment while chatting about trivial things.

Suzuha excitedly reflected on the events of the past few days with her regained memories. So Okabe Rintarou followed John Titor on her mission to save the world from a dystopian future, This is our last resort. We are in mutual debt because we saved the lives of each other and from now on would spend it together in a strange time. It sounded kind of romantic, but our journey won't be easy. Every action we do now to change the past is permanent and we could not undo it anymore, without the time machine and the time leap machine every changes we make we will have to bear the consequences and take full responsibility. Only now did i realize that i would likely never see my friends again Daru, Mayuri, Rukako, Faris, Kurisu... When the last name went through my head i felt a bitter feeling in my heart. What did she mean to me? I would have to forget them. Suzuha is the only one that remains from my circle of friends and i greatly appreciate her company. Maybe we could find new friends here as well.

After eating a cup of instant noodles for dinner we lay down and tried to sleep, because tomorrow would be an exciting day for the both of us. I stared at the white ceiling of the apartment and was slowly dozing off to a peaceful sleep when i felt something soft by my side. I lazily opened my eyelids and saw Suzuha's hand that was around my waist. Had she walked over from her futon? I wanted to push her away, but she nestled her head against me and mumbled my name.


"Suzuha.. you can't... you're Daru's ..." I whispered.

She was already asleep before i can finish my words so i just left her in that position and closed my eyes.