
Iron Cross mlt translation

not_vakurun · 历史
46 Chs


August 21, 2012, the picturesque Alps.

Mr. Friedrich-von-Hoffmann, wearing the Knight's Iron Cross, was standing on the platform looking into the distance. This day is of special significance to him. His grandfather, Hoffmann Sr., was once a lieutenant colonel staff officer in the headquarters of the Third Reich. Unfortunately, he was killed in a car accident on August 21, 1942. The place where he served was exactly It is the former site of the Eagle's Nest - the headquarters of the Empire. approximately Apart from being a lieutenant colonel in the Reichswehr, there is no other history to show off. This Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross is the only thing worth being proud of. Even during the most difficult time for the family after the war, my father kept it instead of exchanging it for money like many families do.

Every August 21st, my father would polish the medal that he had treasured for a long time and wear it again, and take the whole family to the old site of the Eagle's Nest to pay their respects. After his father passed away, it was Hoffman who brought the whole family here. Unfortunately, before the trip, their son suddenly contracted pneumonia, so his wife had to stay back home in Hamburg to take care of him.

Because of the influence of the old Hoffman, Hoffman joined the German Wehrmacht after graduating from his doctorate and devoted himself to studying the history and military strategy of World War II. He has made great achievements in this field at the age of 40. In the military He is well-known in the world of World War II and World War II historians. At the same time, he has also served as a historical consultant for many World War II games and war films. In the famous "Hearts-of-Iron" series of games, he has been the chief member of the expert team.

After the war, the Eagle's Nest has been transformed into Germany's No. 1 mountain resort. Except for all the weapons and equipment, all other facilities and furnishings are the same as they were 70 years ago. Every year, people from all over the world come to visit. As the sun sets, Hofmann, who is concerned about his son's condition, decides to end his condolences and return to Hamburg overnight.

The elevator is still the same one that was erected 70 years ago. This is a big thing that can accommodate 53 people at the same time. Although it has been weathered, it benefits from the good quality of the German manufacturing and the careful maintenance of the engineering office. It can still be used normally. There were not many people in the elevator. Standing next to Hoffman was a young man wearing an Iron Cross medal, but at a glance he could tell it was a replica made in the 21st century. Seeing the man staring at the real one on his chest, Hoffman laughed. He smiled and didn't take it seriously. The elevator is descending at a constant speed, UU reading www.uukanshu. ccom will reach the ground in a few dozen seconds. But suddenly, Hoffman felt the elevator descending rapidly. Before he could react, the elevator turned pitch black.

"Ah..." Amidst the desperate screams, there was a loud noise, and Hoffman felt himself being shaken, and then lost consciousness...

The next day, major newspapers across Germany reported The front page headline introduced the accident that occurred at the Eagle's Nest ruins. A total of 7 people died and 1 person was missing. The local police station has promised to find the whereabouts of the missing persons as soon as possible, and to find the missing persons alive and the corpses dead.

I don't know how long it took, but the unconscious Hoffman seemed to feel a glimmer of light. He tried his best to open his eyes to see, but his eyelids were as heavy as lead. In the confusion, a man wearing a field gray Wehrmacht uniform came towards him.

"Child..." The kind voice, the kind face, the appearance looks a bit like his father, but Hoffman knows that it is definitely not - his father has never served in the military, let alone wearing the uniform of the Third Reich. look like.

However, this looks a bit like my grandfather.

Could it be that I have reached heaven?

"Child, you are a lucky man. God bless you. Without this Iron Cross, you would have gone to heaven, but you are the most unfortunate one, because what you are about to face is a Such a tricky and difficult empire..."




There are countless questions in Hoffman's mind. What does this mean?

Before he could figure it out, the holy light surrounding his grandfather had disappeared, and old Hoffman seemed to turn into a faint wisp of smoke in the air and gradually recede. Hoffman was startled and seemed to have a different kind of power all over his body. He suddenly opened his eyes and tried his best to reach out and grab the other person...

//this is a mlt novel so there may be miss translation//

not_vakuruncreators' thoughts