
Invincible Grand Magus : a wmw fanfic

At some point, there was a soul, lurking in the endless astral plane, but then it got a chance at reincarnation after devouring an unknown entity's soul. This story follows a man who got reincanated in the magus world as an aristocrat along with Leylin Farlier's A.I. chip 3,000 years prior to the time when the events of the canon took place. ...... This is a warlock of the magus world fanfic, this will be my second fanfic and I will try to write better. You guys may give constructive critisism. I'll update almost everyday.

Blood_Dao_ · 漫画同人
100 Chs

Chapter 83. About that world

Magus world, Twilight Zone,

In the interplanar research facility of the Dark Dawn guild, the founder, Tirus, sat cross-legged with closed eyes infornt of the interplanar formation.

Soon, he opened his eyes and mouth, soon, a misty white light entered his body through his seven orificies.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a woman in red who looked to be in her mid-thirties.

"Tirus, are you okay?" She asked in a worried tone while leaning towards him. During all this time, she hadn't moved an inch.

"Yes..." He let out a sigh, closing his mouth and eyes and heard the A.I. chip's mechanichal voice.

[Beep! Host's soul fragament has returned tp the main body, retrive stored data? Y/N]

'Yes...' A second later, a torrent of information flooded his mind.

'Ouch.' He saud mentally as he felt a slight headache from accepting all that information at once.

'Those men from that world were indeed human. I see.' He said internally as he got up from his position and walked towards his chamber along with Beth to discuss his future plans.

He turned around for a moment and looked at the alchemic puppets which stood there motionlessly, 'As expected, puppets are much better for this kind researches.'

If these alchemic puppets were to be replaced by actualy living beings with intelligence, then they'd have to be given a reason for the work they were doing and also be givem rewards so as not to make them dissatisfied, which was quite the tedious thing to do.


Inside his chamber, Tirus looked from outside the window and Beth was standing behind him.

"So, what world were you in? What took you so long, master?" She asked, although she had also become master in the field of interplanar studies, she was still quite curious as to what caused Tirus's soul fragment to stay in another world for a total of 8 days.

Usually, it'd only take around 1 or 2 days before his soul fragment returned to him after interplanar travels, of course, such ventures mostly meant failure.

But since it took him a long while this time, so it most probably meant good news.

"Time dialation..." Tirus murmured. It was only natural that time flowed differently in different worlds.

"So what now." Beth inquired, to which Tirus said, "First I'll tell you that world's structure and the basics. That world has a name and the inhabitants have named it the Dark world."

Beth quirely nodded as she started listening to Tirus's explanation attentively.

"From what information I got from the inhabitants

of that world, it seems as if they were also once a part of the ancient magus civilization. But due to the ancient war between the magus world and the world of gods, the civilization was almost completely destroyed.

There is a huge continent along with two smaller Islands on both sides. Although I refer to them as the 'smaller' Islands, they're really quite massive.

The people there mostly live together by forming villages, speak the Byron language. They refer to the knight cultivation methods as "warrior tactics".

The ones at quasi-grandknight realm are the leaders of such villages, although I'm referreing to them as villages, it dosen't mean that they're primitive. They look almost the same as us, wear similar clothes as well, and some were even like the small kingdoms of ordinary humans of the magus world

The spiritual cultivation system is mostly non-existent in the two smaller Islands, and even if spiritual cultivation was there it'd be in the main continent. However, I doubt they'd know the method to cultivate after the point of rank 3. But I don't know much about the social structure there.

There is also the possiblity that there may be some ancient inheritances, however, since there was no one who obstructed me while entering that world, there is a high chance that even the strongest being in that world is either in seclusion, has died or hasn't broken through past rank 4."

Tirus explaiend further, "Nothing can be said about the dominant species, however, humans are present, some of them have a dusky complexion and some have a complexion only slightly different than ours and the fact that they have a little lesser than average human body tempreture, everything else is normal.

I'm sure there must be more layers to that world, however, I don't know much about that."

Beth thought for a while and said, "Like you said before, spiritual cultivation is almost non-existent, this means its not completely non-existent, correct?"

"Yes, there was a mention of some shaman in one of the inhabitant's memories whom I soul searched, but trust me, I was mostly from the stories he recited to the kids. And judging from those 'legends' that shaman was at most equivalent to a grade 2 or 3 acolyte." Tirus said non-chalantly and turned around, "And also, Warrior cultivation is the mainstream in the Island that I went in, and its not purely like knight's cultivation of vital force, but actually, starting from a certain point in their warrior cultivation, it becomes a mix of both physical and spiritual. "

"..." Although Beth didn't say anything in response, her head was filled with a myriad of thoughts.

'How will he conquer an entire world?' She thought in puzzlement as she looked at him, and in his eyes, which were filled with a believe that he will certainly conquer the world.


After a few days, Tirus and Beth were both standing infornt of a womb-like structure.

"Now, stop." Tirus said as the alchemic puppet cut off the power supply and a man who had the same appearance as that of Tirus's emerged from the womb like structure. This was Tirus's clone.

"What is happening? Who am I?" This clone was quite for a few seconds at first, but was soon given all the required information through a special means.

"Oh, so you want me to manage this place, huh." The clone said after comprehending all the information.

"Yes." Tirus replied. He could've made an ordinary clone with the cultivation of rank 5 realm easily with the help of a clone seed, but such a clone could be found out and couldn't cultivate further, and so, Tirus found another way to make a clone. Although this clone didn't have anything special about him, he could still cultivate, and that was enough.

"Then, let me cultivate till peak rank 3, at least." The clone said, to which Tirus and Beth both naturally agreed.

After researching for a long time, they found out that living organisms which had vitality as high as normal magi couldn't be carried or transported to another world unless one was a being of law, they obviously didn't have access to such power currently, so they decided to make a clone to manage the dark dawn guild in the magus world and go to the Dark World by themselves.

For this, Beth had taken out the souls of all the magi they were able to get in the past few centuries and had refiend them into wraiths.


Time passed by in a blink of an eye and 60 years passed by,

Tirus's clone had reached the mid stage of rank 3 already with the help of the massive amount resources that he got. In addition to the fact that all the clone had to do was cultivate, so it was quite easy for him to cultivate this fast, although with a little shaky foundation.

But that wasn't a matter of concern for Tirus as he wasn't really thinking of ever returning to magus world unless absolutely required.

However, he left a few flesh golems to aid the clone in times of need.

But before he set out for the Dark world, he still had something to do and that was to make a breakthrough.

To be continued...